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Created March 23, 2019 08:32
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work stealing queue
#include <atomic>
class Job;
struct WorkStealingQueue
// only called by owner work thread
void Push(Job* job) noexcept
// m_bottom -> stealing thread read, owner thread read, write.
auto bottom = m_bottom.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
m_jobs[bottom & MASK] = job;
// need let stealing thread see the new job. + 1, std::memory_order_release);
// only called by owner worker thread
Job* Pop(void) noexcept
auto bottom = m_bottom.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
auto top = m_top.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (bottom >= top)
auto job = m_jobs[bottom & MASK];
if(top != bottom)
return job;
auto top1 = top + 1;
if (!m_top.compare_exchange_weak(
top, top1,
job = nullptr;
return job;
}, std::memory_order_release);
return nullptr;
// called by stealing thread, not owner thread
Job* Steal(void) noexcept
auto top = m_top.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
// Release-Acquire ordering, so the stealing thread see new job
auto bottom = m_bottom.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (bottom > top)
auto job = m_jobs[top & MASK];
// check if other stealing thread stealing this work
// or owner thread pop this job.
// no data should do sync, so use relaxed oreder
if (m_top.compare_exchange_weak(
top, top + 1,
return job;
return nullptr;
static constexpr auto MAX_COUNT = 4096u;
static constexpr auto MASK = MAX_COUNT - 1u;
static_assert((MAX_COUNT & MASK) == 0, "the max number of job must be power of two.");
Job* m_jobs[MAX_COUNT];
std::atomic<unsigned int> m_bottom{ 0 }, m_top{ 0 };
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