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Created February 24, 2017 17:38
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  • Save benlovell/b3ea97d6566edfda0c17a0270d44dea3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* Form interactions: Forms must have submit buttons
- Form has no submit button: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[91]/form
- Form has no submit button: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[103]/form
- Form has no submit button: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[108]/form
* Form labels: Fields must have labels or titles
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[91]/form/label[1]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[91]/form/label[2]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[91]/form/label[3]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[93]/label/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[96]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[103]/form/label[1]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[103]/form/label[2]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[103]/form/label[3]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[108]/form/label[1]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[108]/form/label[2]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[108]/form/label[3]/input
- Field has no label or title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[112]/label/input
- Button has no text: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[88]/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[3]/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[3]/div[2]/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[6]/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[17]/div[1]/div[1]/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='ytp-share-panel']/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[19]/div[1]/div/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[1]/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[1]/span/button
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[2]/button[1]
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[2]/button[2]
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[2]/button[3]
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[2]/button[4]
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[2]/button[5]
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Button has no text: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[22]/div[2]/div[2]/button[6]
* Headings: Content must follow headings
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-image-has-alt-and-title-that-are-different']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-image-with-presentation-role-has-non-empty-alt']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-image-with-no-alt-attribute']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-image-has-empty-alt-and-non-empty-title']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-a-distraction-is-present-an-animated-gif']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-image-that-conveys-information-has-an-empty-alt-attribute']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-image-that-conveys-information-has-inappropriate-alt-text']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='images-image-alt-attribute-contains-image-file-name']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='multimedia-embedded-video-file-is-missing-text-alternative']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='multimedia-flashing-content-doesnt-have-warning']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='links-image-link-with-no-alternative-text']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='links-blank-link-text']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='buttons-image-button-has-no-alt-attribute']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='buttons-empty-button']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='buttons-uninformative-alt-attribute-value-on-image-button']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='forms-form-element-has-no-label']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='forms-empty-legend']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='forms-empty-label-found']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='forms-placeholder-no-label']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='frames-iframe-is-missing-a-title-attribute']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='html-empty-paragraph']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='html-object-not-embedded-accessibly-wmode-parameter-not-set-to-window']
- No content follows: //h3[@id='html-spacer-image-found']
* Headings: Exactly one main heading
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Found 0 h1 elements.
* Headings: Headings must be in ascending order
- Headings are not in order: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[38]/h3 //main[@id='wrapper']/div[38]/h5
* Image alternatives: Images must have alt attributes
- Image has no alt attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[56]/img
* Indicating language: Html must have lang attribute
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[128]/iframe : html tag has no lang attribute: /html
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[129]/iframe : html tag has no lang attribute: /html
* Main landmark: Exactly one Main landmark
- Found 0 elements with role="main".
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Found 0 elements with role="main".
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[128]/iframe : Found 0 elements with role="main".
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[129]/iframe : Found 0 elements with role="main".
* Minimum text size: Text cannot be too small
- Text size too small (8px): //main[@id='wrapper']/div[21]/p
* Tab index: Zero Tab index must only be set on elements which are focusable by default
- Non-focusable element with tabindex=0: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[117]/p
* Tables: Use tables for data
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[65]/iframe : Table used for layout: //div[@id='player_uid_717848105_1']/div[20]/div/div
* Title attributes: Title attributes must not duplicate content
- Title attribute duplicates content: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[72]/a
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[128]/iframe : Title attribute duplicates content: /html/body/div/a[2]/img
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[129]/iframe : Title attribute duplicates content: /html/body/div/a[2]/img
* Title attributes: Title attributes only on inputs
- Non-input element has title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[54]/img
- Non-input element has title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[58]/img
- Non-input element has title attribute: //main[@id='wrapper']/div[72]/a
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[128]/iframe : Non-input element has title attribute: /html/body/div/a[2]/img
- In frame //main[@id='wrapper']/div[129]/iframe : Non-input element has title attribute: /html/body/div/a[2]/img
For details on how to fix these errors, please see the following pages:
1 page checked, 74 errors found, 0 standards skipped
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