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Last active February 8, 2024 21:17
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GitHub doesn't show rich diffs for Rmd files. That can make collaborative writing tough. Here's how to see rich diffs of two commits of a single R Markdown document on a GitHub repo or local Git repo
# another method
# remotes::install_github("ropenscilabs/reviewer")
# this gets the sha of the previous commit
# How to see rich diffs of two commits of a single R Markdown document in a local Git repo
# To browse the commits locally, open an RStudio
# project that is using Git version control, then ...
# Set the path within the project to the Rmd file
# in the project that we want to compare versions of
file_path <- "analysis/paper/paper.Rmd"
# Make a data frame that stores the git commit history,
# one row per commit
tbl_out <- parse_log_detailed() %>%
select(date, author_name, message, hash)
# View this dataframe to pick the specific commits to compare
# choose two commits to compare, here I've got the most recent
# one (the last row of the table), and the one immediately before that
i <- nrow(tbl_out)
j <- nrow(tbl_out) - 2
# consrtruct the terminal commants using the SHA of the commits we want to
# compare, and the file path
git_show_str_1 <- str_glue('git show ', tbl_out[i, ]$hash, ":", file_path)
git_show_str_2 <- str_glue('git show ', tbl_out[j, ]$hash, ":", file_path)
# get the contents of the file at each commit and
# store in a vector
earlier_commit <- system(git_show_str_2, intern = TRUE)
later_commit <- system(git_show_str_1, intern = TRUE)
# compute differences and visualise
mode = "sidebyside")
# another option:
# How to see rich diffs of two commits of a single R Markdown document on a GitHub repo (on the master branch only)
# Edit this to use the repo that has the file you want to inspect
gh_account_and_repo <- "LiYingWang/kwl.pottery"
# Edit this to use the single file that you want to inspect
# start the path here from the top level of the github repo
gh_file_path <- "analysis/paper/paper.Rmd"
# Run this next line to open a web page to see the commit history
# of this file so we can copy the SHA ids to use in the next step.
# Look for the little clipboard icon to click on to copy the full SHA,
# and past the SHAs in the next step below
# Edit these to get the full SHA for the commits you want to compare, get
# the full SHA from the GitHub webpage that was opened in the previous step
commit_1_sha <- "8249ffc832acfb4839dfb9e5f838d45b82ca0063" # a recent commit
commit_2_sha <- "a05cad1b678a31c9def1860cbceeba4cbfb98577" # an earlier commit
# Don't change this
gh_raw <- ""
# run these lines...
later_commit <- file.path(gh_raw, gh_account_and_repo, commit_1_sha, gh_file_path)
earlier_commit <- file.path(gh_raw, gh_account_and_repo, commit_2_sha, gh_file_path)
# run these lines to view the rich diff:
mode = "sidebyside")
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Here's an example of the output from this process, it pops up in the RStudio viewer, and can be popped out into a browser tab:


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