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Last active August 26, 2023 14:36
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git pre-commit hook preventing large files


You can use in two ways.

  1. Directly as the pre-commit hook in your .git/hooks folder.

  2. With Husky by updating your package.json with:

"husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "sh ./some-path/"


@guysmoilov wrote an awesome installer script over here that means this hook will be added to all future repos you clone; how cool!


Based on @kiwidamien's original gist here


pre-commit is "a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks" and has a hook you can plug-in called: check-added-large-files. pre-commit is built with Python though, so you'll need Python installed.

Use a GitHub Aaction (see .yml file)

# This is a pre-commit hook that ensures attempts to commit files that are
# larger than $limit to your _local_ repo fail, with a helpful error message.
# Maximum file size limit in bytes
limit=$(( 5 * 2**20 )) # 5MB
limitInMB=$(( $limit / 2**20 ))
# Move to the repo root so git files paths make sense
repo_root=$( git rev-parse --show-toplevel )
cd $repo_root
empty_tree=$( git hash-object -t tree /dev/null )
if git rev-parse --verify HEAD > /dev/null 2>&1
# Set split so that for loop below can handle spaces in file names by splitting on line breaks
echo "Checking staged file sizes"
# `--diff-filter=d` -> skip deletions
for file in $( git diff-index --cached --diff-filter=d --name-only "$against" ); do
# Skip for directories (git submodules)
if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then
file_size=$( ls -lan $file | awk '{ print $5 }' )
if [ "$file_size" -gt "$limit" ]; then
echo File $file is $(( $file_size / 2**20 )) MB, which is larger than our configured limit of $limitInMB MB
if $shouldFail
echo If you really need to commit this file, you can push with the --no-verify switch, but the file should definitely, definitely be under $limitInMB MB!!!
echo Commit aborted
exit 1;
# This workflow will check for large files being added in PRs
# and label the PR if one is found that exceeds the configured limit.
# For more information, see:
name: Large file size warning
# Ignore some files to avoid consuming Actions minutes unnecessarily
# for file types we're fairly confident we'll never need to worry about
- '**.config'
- '**.cs'
- '**.cshtml'
- '**.cs'
- '**.csproj'
- '**.cmd'
- '**.dockerignore'
- '**.gitignore'
- '**.graphql'
- '**.jsx?'
- '**.md'
- '**.props'
- '**.ps1'
- '**.scss'
- '**.sh'
- '**.sln'
- '**.tsx?'
- '**.yml'
- '**/appsettings.*.json'
- '**/Dockerfile'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actionsdesk/lfs-warning@v2.0
#token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # Optional
filesizelimit: '5242880' # 5MB
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Hi, small fix, it should be:


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Also, I wrote a small installer script for this, since I anticipate it could have wide usage:
Thanks for you work!

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Thanks @guysmoilov, awesome work and thanks for sharing!

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file_size=$( ls -la $file | awk '{ print $5 }')
This doesn't work for groups with a space in them.
stat -f "%z" "$file" works on macOS but on Linux, it's stat -c "%s" "$file"
so the best is probably ls -lan $file | awk '{ print $5 }' which uses numerical value instead of user/group name

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The echo on line 39 doesn't use $limitInMB
Line 7 should be limit=$(( 5*2**20 ))
Line 8: limitInMB=$(( $limit / 2**20 ))
Line 32 should also use 2**20

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Also I think it would be better to use /bin/bash shebang:

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Line 3 ends with are and line 4 starts with are

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Cyberbeni commented Jan 25, 2021

The current version will also print errors for deletions and will get messed up for submodules, this fixes that:

# `--diff-filter=d` -> skip deletions
for file in $( git diff-index --cached --diff-filter=d --name-only "$against" ); do
	# Skip for directories (git submodules)
	if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then

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Hey @Cyberbeni, thanks for the feedback. We don't actually use this at work anymore, I put a GitHub action in place instead, but your feedback seems valuable and in the interest of helping others I think we should apply your feedback here for sure.

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benmccallum commented Jan 26, 2021

I've updated the gist with all your feedback everything except one I'm not sure about (see below). Do you mind checking it looks OK now to you?

Also I think it would be better to use /bin/bash shebang:

Do you mean in the example usage? e.g. it should be this?
"pre-commit": "!/bin/sh ./some-path/"

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cc: @guysmoilov, you might want to make these updates to your gist too

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I've updated the gist with all your feedback everything except one I'm not sure about (see below). Do you mind checking it looks OK now to you?

Also I think it would be better to use /bin/bash shebang:

Do you mean in the example usage? e.g. it should be this?
"pre-commit": "!/bin/sh ./some-path/"

No, I mean the first line in the file should be #!/bin/bash instead of #!/bin/sh because the latter can be different based on OS

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Thanks @Cyberbeni, updated

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I put a GitHub action in place instead

@benmccallum is that available at all? :D

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Hey @george-angel , just added a yml file that details how we still do it in a GH Action.

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