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Created November 3, 2021 10:36
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Verify - ScrubMatches - regex replacement with incrementing id
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace VerifyTests
public static class VerifySettingsExtensions
public static VerifySettings ScrubMatches(
this VerifySettings verifySettings,
Regex regex,
string replacementPrefix = "Val_")
var groupNames = regex.GetGroupNames();
const string beforeGroupName = "before";
var hasBeforeGroup = groupNames.Contains(beforeGroupName);
const string afterGroupName = "after";
var hasAfterGroup = groupNames.Contains(afterGroupName);
const string valGroupName = "val";
if (!groupNames.Contains(valGroupName))
throw new ArgumentException($"Regex must contain a capturing group named {valGroupName}", nameof(regex));
var foundValues = new List<string>();
Func<string, string> replacementFunc = val =>
var index = foundValues.IndexOf(val);
if (index < 0)
index = foundValues.Count;
return replacementPrefix + (index + 1).ToString();
bool TryReplaceMatches(string value, [NotNullWhen(true)] out string? result)
result = value;
var matches = regex.Matches(result);
var groupedMatches = matches
.GroupBy(m =>
(hasBeforeGroup ? m.Groups[beforeGroupName].Value : string.Empty) +
m.Groups[valGroupName].Value +
(hasAfterGroup ? m.Groups[afterGroupName].Value : string.Empty));
foreach (var uniqueValueMatch in groupedMatches)
var match = uniqueValueMatch.First();
result = result.Replace(
match.Groups[beforeGroupName].Value +
replacementFunc(match.Groups[valGroupName].Value) +
return groupedMatches.Any();
verifySettings.AddScrubber(builder =>
if (!TryReplaceMatches(builder.ToString(), out var result))
return verifySettings;
public static SettingsTask ScrubMatches(
this SettingsTask settingsTasks,
Regex regex,
string replacementPrefix = "Val_")
settingsTasks.CurrentSettings.ScrubMatches(regex, replacementPrefix);
return settingsTasks;
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