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Ben McCallum benmccallum

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benmccallum / ..Instructions
Last active February 28, 2020 09:00 — forked from benosman/.deployment
Hosting Nuxt on Azure App Service (iisnode) with custom Git based deployment (kudu)
Previously this gist had a series of files showing a working setup, but,
@burkeholland found a much easier way and demonstrates it here:
Essentially, you'll:
1. add a .deployment file to instruct kudu to run `npm install` for you,
2. leverage npm tasks' `postinstall` hook in package.json to trigger the full nuxt build,
3. add a server.js file in the root that `require`s the default server\index.js file that a nuxt app will already have
Step 3 will be noticed by kudu, which will:
benmccallum / ChangeSearchProvider.ps1
Last active February 15, 2016 12:43 — forked from patrickperrone/ChangeSearchProvider.ps1
This PowerShell script will change your Sitecore instance search provider from Lucene to Solr or vice versa. It can be called from a build process to do so.
Function Set-SCSearchProvider
param([string]$choice, [string]$rootPath)
$validInput = $true;
#test that path is valid
If (!(Test-Path -Path $rootPath))
Write-Host "The supplied path was invalid or inaccessible." -ForegroundColor Red;
$validInput = $false;