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Created October 22, 2009 05:38
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class Question:
def __init__(self, q, a):
self.question = q
self.answer = a
# 34 Quetsions
questions = [
Question("Zapatisa Army of National Liberation", "Group who declared war against the Mexican state in 1994. They are mostly supported by native South Americans, there view point is anti-gloablizm"),
Question("PRI", "Main political party that was in power for most of the 20th century after its creation in 1929 formed by Calles. Its ideas are historically nationalism, and social democracy"),
Question("Plan de Ayala", "Created by the revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata. Denounced Madero for betraying the revolutionary ideals. Reform, Freedom, Justice and Law!"),
Question("Plan de San Luis Potosi", "Created by Madero calling out Diaz as a dictator and calling for a revolution Sunday Nov 20 1910."),
Question("Toussaint L'Ouverture", "Leader of the Hatian revolution. Was able to win and named himself leader of the collony for life in the consitution he wrote."),
Question("Battle of Ayacucho", "The battle that ensured Peru's independence as well as the rest of south america. The battle was between the royalists and independentists"),
Question("Alvaro Obregon", "President of mexico in the early 1920s. He also was a great revolutionary general"),
Question("Lazaro Cardenas", "President of mexico in second half of the 1930's. Known for his progressive programs around building roads and schools and promoting education."),
Question("Miguel Hidalgo", "A Mexican priest and one of the main leaders of the Mexican war of Independence. Was eventually caught and executed"),
Question("Cuauhtemoc Cardenas", "A prominent mexican politician. Founder of the Party of the Democratic Revolution"),
Question("Victoriano Huerta", "A general for Diaz but joined the revolutionaries after Diaz left Mexico. Was later president of Mexico with the help of a US ambasador"),
Question("Joes de San Martin", "A prime general in the South American war for independance vs Spain."),
Question("La Reforma", "A peroid half way through the 19th century with many liberal reforms. It also makrs the transfomration of Mexico into a ntional state."),
Question("Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna", "Fought both for and against Mexican independence. He rose to the rank of president and general."),
Question("Miguel de la Madrid", "A member of the PRI who was president in the 1980s. Very focused on ecomnic reforms"),
Question("Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui Tuac Amaru", "Leader of a native uprising against Spain in Peru. He became very famous but he failed and was excuted"),
Question("Jefe Maximo", "A peroid of time where Mexican persident Calles ruled the country. The Cristero war happened also."),
Question("Cientificos", "Scientists in spanish. The group of advistors to Diaz that supported social darwinism"),
Question("Cristeros", "The group of rebels fighting against the mexican govt because of the govts religous oppression."),
Question("NAFTA", "North American Free Trade Agreement a agreement that created a trading block for all Mexico, US, and Canada. It has both positive and negative effects in the long term."),
Question("Frida Kahlo", "A mexican painter who used vibrant colors and was influenced by the natives. Also had Euro influcenes in Realism and Symbolism"),
Question("Ferdinand VII", "King of Spain in the early 1800s. When Napolen wanted someone else to be king, riots broke out that lead to Ferdinan becoming King"),
Question("Ejido", "A system where the govt promotes the use of communal land. This was used mainly for the natives."),
Question("Bourbon Reforms", "A set of economic and poltical legislation by the Spanish Crown throughout the 18th century. The idea was to stimulate manufactring and technology to modernize Spain."),
Question("Pan O Palo", "'Bread or Stick'. The system that Diaz used during elections to get people to vote for him."),
Question("Cinco de Mayo", "The 'Independance day' of Mexico. It is the day that Mexico won an unlikely victory over the French."),
Question("Maquiladora", "A factory that imports materials and equipment on a duty-free basis."),
Question("Caudillo", "Spanish word to descirbe a politica-miltary leader. It could also be translated as Warlord or Strongman"),
Question("Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo", "Dictated by the US that ended the Mexican-American war. US got more of Mexico's land in return for US dollors."),
Question("Vicente Fox", "Mexican President for early 2000's and currently serves as the co-President of the Centrist Democrat Internaltional. Was the first non-PRI president in 71 years"),
Question("Criollos", "A social class that was pure Spanish blood but born in the new world."),
Question("PEMEX", "Mexico's state-owned petro company. 10th largest oil company in the world."),
Question("Article 27", "An article of the Mexican Constitution. It states that all land and water are owned by the govt, but can be granted to private owners. Private property is basically a privilage granted by the govt."),
for q in questions:
print "- - - - - - - - - - - - -"
print q.question + "?"
your_answer = raw_input()
print " "
print "Ans:" + q.answer
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