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Created April 19, 2011 14:38
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Configuring a remote sphinx server with Thinking Sphinx
# deploy.rb
namespace :ts_remote do
task :conf do
run <<-CMD
cd #{current_release}
RAILS_ENV=#{rails_env} rake ts:conf
rsync --progress #{current_release}/config/#{rails_env}.sphinx.conf sphinxsearch@db-server:/home/sphinxsearch/
ssh sphinxsearch@db-server "searchd -c /home/sphinxsearch/#{rails_env}.sphinx.conf --stop
; searchd -c /home/sphinxsearch/#{rails_env}.sphinx.conf"
# sphinx.rake
namespace :ts_remote do
desc 'Update indexes on the remote sphinx server'
task :reindex do
system "ssh sphinxsearch@db-server indexer --config ./#{ENV['RAILS_ENV']}.sphinx.conf --all --rotate"
# sphinx.yml
port: 9312
port: 9312
port: 9312
address: db-server
sql_host: localhost
pid_file: /home/sphinxsearch/
searchd_file_path: /home/sphinxsearch/searchd-staging
sql_sock: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
searchd_log_file: "/home/sphinxsearch/log/staging.searchd.log"
query_log_file: "/home/sphinxsearch/log/staging.query.log"
port: 9313
address: db-server
pid_file: /home/sphinxsearch/
searchd_file_path: /home/sphinxsearch/searchd-production
sql_sock: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
searchd_log_file: "/home/sphinxsearch/log/production.searchd.log"
query_log_file: "/home/sphinxsearch/log/production.query.log"
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jhephs commented Jul 8, 2011

Hey. I'm actually trying to do this but I'm having some difficulty on implementing and I hope you can help me.

How do I send out the password for the rsync? What's happening right now to me is that I'm having 'Permission denied, please try again.' so I guess this must be because I'm not handing out the password. So how do I bypass this? Thanks!

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benmoss commented Jul 8, 2011

I think you need to use an RSA key that will allow your Rails server to connect to the Sphinx server without needing a password

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See my fork for making the default RAILS_ENV=development

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@benmoss @roganartu is this still relevant with ThinkingSphinx > v3.0 as far as you know?

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