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Last active March 22, 2016 12:14
amqp = require('amqplib')
whence = require('when')
class MessageBus
constructor: (@amqp) ->
if config.rabbit?.url?.
connect: ->
createChannel: (@connection) ->
createExchange: (@channel) ->
@channel.assertExchange "ex", "topic",
autoDelete: true
createFakeChannel: ->
@channel = publish: -> null
handleUnrouteableMessages: ->
@channel.on 'return', (msg) ->
log.error "Message returned to sender",
content: JSON.parse(msg.content)
attributes: msg.fields
handleDisconnections: ->
@connection.on 'error', (e) =>
reconnect: (e) ->
log.error "MessageBus disconnected, attempting to reconnect",
error: e.toString()
setTimeout(@connect.bind(@), 3000)
publish: (routingKey, content) ->
@channel.publish "ex", routingKey, new Buffer(JSON.stringify(content)),
mandatory: true
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