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Created January 13, 2012 21:47
Show Gist options
  • Save bennadel/1608879 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bennadel/1608879 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Test Blog Post
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Loading GitHub Gists After Page Content Has Loaded -- UPDATED</title>
<style type="text/css">
pre {
font-size: 12px ;
<!-- Load the jQuery library a and the Gist plugin. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery-1.7.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./jquery.gist.js"></script>
<!-- Load the Gist after DOM ready. -->
<script type="text/javascript">
// Get the placeholder.
var placeholder = $( "#placeholder" );
// Get the gist with the given ID. This will come back
// as both a hash of file names and an ordered array.
var gistResult = $.getGist( "1600811" );
// When the gist has loaded, append the contents to the
// rendered DOM.
function( gist ){
// Empty the placeholder.
// Get the ordered files.
var ordered = gist.ordered;
// Add each gist to the content.
for (var i = 0 ; i < ordered.length; i++){
// Add a title for the gist.
"<h3>" + ordered[ i ].fileName + "</h3>"
// Add the gist content.
placeholder.append( ordered[ i ].content );
Loading GitHub Gists After Page Content Has Loaded
Gists From GitHub:
<div id="placeholder">
This page has finised loading.
// Define a sandbox in which to create the Gist loader jQuery plugin.
// This Gist loader only works with public gists. It will load all of
// the files (in a single request) and then return an array of loaded
// files (with the ability to access by file name).
(function( $, nativeWrite ){
// When the Gist comes back, the first call to the write() method
// writes out the stylesheet.
var writeStyleSheetLink = function( value ){
// If the stylesheet has not been written before, then append
// it to the head. Since all the Gists use the same
// stylesheet, we only have to do this once per page.
if (!stylesheetIsEmbedded){
// Append the stylesheet Link tag.
$( "head:first" ).append( value );
// Flag the embed so we don't write the Link tag twice.
stylesheetIsEmbedded = true;
// Change the write() method for gist content production.
document.write = writeGistContent;
// The second write to the document will be for the complete gist
// content. At this point, we have to parse it out and organize
// it in a structure.
var writeGistContent = function( value ){
// Reset the files (container) we are about to compile.
files = {};
// We'll also want to list the files by Index, if the user
// wants that information.
files.ordered = [];
// Parse the Gist HTML in a local DOM tree.
var gistContent = $( value );
// Get all of the files in the gist.
gistContent.find( "div.gist-file" ).each(
// Get a jQuery reference to the current gist node.
var gistFile = $( this );
// Get the name of the file. For this, we will return
// the content of the first Meta anchor that doesn't
// contain a syntactic link.
var metaTags = gistFile.find( "div.gist-meta a" )
// Only keep this value if it doesn't
// contain a useless value.
return( $( this ).text().search( new RegExp( "^\\s*(view raw|this gist|github)", "i" ) ) === -1 );
// Get the file name from the first filtered Meta
// anchor tag.
var fileName = $.trim( metaTags.first().text() );
// Get the content of the file. Each file will need
// to be re-wrapped in its own Gist div.
var content = $( "<div class='gist'></div>" )
.append( gistFile )
// Add the file the collection, indexed by name.
files[ fileName ] = {
fileName: fileName,
content: content
// Add this file to the "ordered" list as well.
files.ordered.push( files[ fileName ] );
// NOTE: At this point, the [files] value has been populated
// and will be used in the success() callback of the AJAX
// request.
// I flag whether or not a stylesheet has been appending to the
// current document. Since all Gist requests share the same
// style, we can disregard all subsequent Link tags.
var stylesheetIsEmbedded = false;
// I am the active result for the gist content request.
var files = null;
// Define the actual script loader.
$.getGist = function( gistID ){
// Before the Script is requested, override the native
// write() method so that we can intercept the calls
// for the Gist stylesheet and content output.
document.write = writeStyleSheetLink;
// Create a deferred value for our Gist content.
var result = $.Deferred();
// Request the remote Script (that will write out the
// Gist content).
url: ("" + gistID +".js"),
dataType: "script",
success: function(){
// Resolve the promise with the compiled Gist files.
result.resolve( files );
error: function( jqXHR, status, error ){
// Reject the promise.
result.reject( status, error );
complete: function(){
// Change the write() method back to the native
// write(). If we do it in the complete callback,
// then we won't have to worry about HTTP issues.
document.write = nativeWrite;
// Return the promise of the gist.
return( result.promise() );
})( jQuery, document.write );
<script src=""></script>
document.write( " .... LINK TAG FOR GIST CSS .... " );
document.write( " .... GIST HTML CONTENT .... " );
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