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Created December 15, 2013 01:44
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Using Multiple Dropzones And File Inputs With A Single Plupload Instance
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
Using Multiple Dropzones With A Single Plupload Instance
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./assets/css/styles.css"></link>
<!-- BEGIN: Main Demo Area. -->
<div id="uploader" class="uploader">
Using Multiple Dropzones With A Single Plupload Instance
NOTE: I didn't really want a "select files" item; however,
the "drop" aspect of the main Plupload / Uploader does not
seem to work properly without it. I guess because not all
of the runtimes support drag/drop... but they ALL support
a "select files" feature.
<p id="buttonContainer">
<a id="button" href="#">Select Files</a>
<ul class="uploads">
<!-- Will be populated dynamically with LI/IMG tags. -->
<!-- END: Main Demo Area. -->
These are the auxilary dropzones which will tie into the
primary dropzone / uploader above.
<ul class="dropzones">
<li class="dropzone nw">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<li class="dropzone n">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<li class="dropzone ne">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<li class="dropzone e">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<li class="dropzone se">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<li class="dropzone s">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<li class="dropzone sw">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<li class="dropzone w">
<a href="#">Drop / Select</a>
<!-- Load and initialize scripts. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="./assets/jquery/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="./assets/plupload/js/plupload.full.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function( $, plupload ) {
// Find and cache the DOM elements we'll be using.
var dom = {
uploader: $( "#uploader" ),
uploads: $( "ul.uploads" ),
dropzones: $( "ul.dropzones li.dropzone" )
// Instantiate the Plupload uploader.
var uploader = new plupload.Uploader({
// Try to load the HTML5 engine and then, if that's
// not supported, the Flash fallback engine.
runtimes: "html5,flash",
// The upload URL - for our demo, we'll just use a
// fake end-point (we're not actually uploading).
url: "./post.json",
// The ID of the drop-zone element.
drop_element: "uploader",
// To enable click-to-select-files, you can provide
// a browse button. We can use the same one as the
// drop zone.
browse_button: "button",
// For the Flash engine, we have to define the ID
// of the node into which Pluploader will inject the
// <OBJECT> tag for the flash movie.
container: "buttonContainer",
// The URL for the SWF file for the Flash upload
// engine for browsers that don't support HTML5.
flash_swf_url: "./assets/plupload/js/Moxie.swf",
// Needed for the Flash environment to work.
urlstream_upload: true
// Set up the event handlers for the uploader.
// --
// NOTE: I have excluded a good number of events that are
// not relevant to the current demo.
uploader.bind( "PostInit", handlePluploadInit );
uploader.bind( "FilesAdded", handlePluploadFilesAdded );
// Initialize the uploader (it is only after the
// initialization is complete that we will know which
// runtime load: html5 vs. Flash).
// Now that we've initialized the pluploader, let's wire
// in the rest of the peripheral dropzones. Each dropzone
// will act as both a "drop" area as well as a "file
// select" input.
function() {
// -- Configure DROPZONE. -- //
// Wiki:
var dropzone = new mOxie.FileDrop({
drop_zone: this
// When the event is fired, the context (ie, this)
// is the actual dropzone. As such, you can access
// the files using any of the following:
// --
// * this.files
// * dropzone.files
// *
dropzone.ondrop = function( event ) {
// The addFile() method can accept an individual
// file or an array of file sources.
uploader.addFile( dropzone.files );
// -- Configure FILEINPUT -- //
// Wiki:
var input = new mOxie.FileInput({
browse_button: $( "a", this )[ 0 ],
container: this,
multiple: true
// When the event is fired, the context (ie, this)
// is the actual input. As such, you can access
// the files using any of the following:
// --
// * this.files
// * input.files
// *
input.onchange = function( event ) {
// The addFile() method can accept an individual
// file or an array of file sources.
uploader.addFile( input.files );
// ------------------------------------------ //
// ------------------------------------------ //
// I handle the init event. At this point, we will know
// which runtime has loaded, and whether or not drag-
// drop functionality is supported.
// --
// NOTE: For this build of Plupload, I had to switch from
// using the "Init" event to the "PostInit" in order for
// the "dragdrop" feature to be correct defined.
function handlePluploadInit( uploader, params ) {
console.log( "Initialization complete." );
console.log( "Drag-drop supported:", !! uploader.features.dragdrop );
// I handle the files-added event. This is different
// that the queue-changed event. At this point, we
// have an opportunity to reject files from the queue.
function handlePluploadFilesAdded( uploader, files ) {
// Show the client-side preview using the loaded File.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < files.length ; i++ ) {
console.log( "File added:", files[ i ].name );
showImagePreview( files[ i ] );
// I take the given File object (as presented by
// Plupoload), and show the client-side-only preview of
// the selected image object.
function showImagePreview( file ) {
var item = $( "<li></li>" ).prependTo( dom.uploads );
var image = $( new Image() ).appendTo( item );
// Create an instance of the mOxie Image object. This
// utility object provides several means of reading in
// and loading image data from various sources.
// --
// Wiki:
var preloader = new mOxie.Image();
// Define the onload BEFORE you execute the load()
// command as load() does not execute async.
preloader.onload = function() {
// This will scale the image (in memory) before it
// tries to render it. This just reduces the amount
// of Base64 data that needs to be rendered.
preloader.downsize( 100, 100 );
// Now that the image is preloaded, grab the Base64
// encoded data URL. This will show the image
// without making an Network request using the
// client-side file binary.
image.prop( "src", preloader.getAsDataURL() );
// NOTE: These previews "work" in the FLASH runtime.
// But, they look seriously junky-to-the-monkey.
// Looks like they are only using like 256 colors.
// Calling the .getSource() on the file will return an
// instance of mOxie.File, which is a unified file
// wrapper that can be used across the various runtimes.
// --
// Wiki:
preloader.load( file.getSource() );
})( jQuery, plupload );
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