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Created March 25, 2014 00:58
Ask Ben: Parsing Very Large XML Documents In ColdFusion
<!--- Create a very large XML file. --->
<cfsavecontent variable="strXML">
<!--- Order properties. --->
date="September 8, 2008"
vendor="Kinky Solutions"
<!--- Properties in order. --->
Loop over a large number of "products" to
create a long XML file.
<name>Product #intI#</name>
<price>#RandRange( 1, 99 )#.99</price>
<quantity>#RandRange( 1, 5 )#</quantity>
<!--- Write the XML data to the file. --->
file="#ExpandPath( './products.xml' )#"
Create the Sub XML node parser. We are going to have this
parser look for both the PROPERTIES and the PRODUCT nodes
(by passing in a comma delimited list of node names).
<cfset objParser = CreateObject(
"properties, product",
ExpandPath( "./products.xml" )
Output the names of all the nodes found. We need to use a
conditional loop since we don't know how many nodes there
will be.
<cfloop condition="true">
<!--- Get the next node. --->
<cfset VARIABLES.Node = objParser.GetNextNode() />
Check to see if the node was found. If not, then the
variable, Node, will have been destroyed and will no
longer exist in its parent scope.
<cfif StructKeyExistS( VARIABLES, "Node" )>
<!--- Output name of node. --->
#VARIABLES.Node.XmlName#<br />
<!--- We are done finding nodes so break out. --->
<cfbreak />
hint="I help to parse large XML files by matching patterns and then only parsing sub-nodes of the document.">
hint="I return an intialized object.">
<!--- Define arguments. --->
hint="I am the list of node names that will be parsed using regular expressions."
hint="I am the file path for the large XML file to be parsed."
default="#(1024 * 1024 * 5)#"
hint="I am the size of the buffer which will be used to make reads to the input stream."
<!--- Define the local scope. --->
<cfset var LOCAL = {} />
Create the regular expression pattern based on the
node list. We have to match both standard nodes and
self-closing nodes. The first thing we have to do is
clean up the node list.
<cfset LOCAL.Nodes = ListChangeDelims(
", "
) />
<!--- Define the pattern. --->
<cfset LOCAL.Pattern = (
"(?i)" &
"<(#LOCAL.Nodes#)\b[^>]*(?<=/)>|" &
) />
<!--- Set up the instance variables. --->
<cfset VARIABLES.Instance = {
This the compiled version of our regular
expression pattern. By compiling the pattern,
it allows us to access the Matcher functionality
later on.
Pattern = CreateObject(
JavaCast( "string", LOCAL.Pattern )
This is the data buffer that will hold our
partial XML file data.
DataBuffer = "",
The transfer buffer is what we will use to
transfer data from the input file stream into
our data buffer. It is this buffer that will
determine the size of each file read.
TransferBuffer = RepeatString( " ", ARGUMENTS.BufferSize ).GetBytes(),
This will be our buffered file input stream
which let us read in the large XML file a
chunk at a time.
InputStream = ""
} />
Setup the file intput stream. This buffere input
stream will all us to read in the XML file in
chunks rather than as a whole.
<cfset VARIABLES.Instance.InputStream = CreateObject(
<!--- Return an intialized object. --->
<cfreturn THIS />
hint="This closes the input file stream. It is recommended that you call this if you finish before all nodes have been matched.">
<!--- Close the file input stream. --->
<cfset VARIABLES.Instance.InputStream.Close() />
<!--- Return out. --->
<cfreturn />
hint="I return the next node in the XML document. If no node can be found, I return VOID.">
<!--- Define the local scope. --->
<cfset var LOCAL = {} />
<!--- Create a matcher for our current buffer. --->
<cfset LOCAL.Matcher = VARIABLES.Instance.Pattern.Matcher(
JavaCast( "string", VARIABLES.Instance.DataBuffer )
) />
<!--- Try to find the next node. --->
<cfif LOCAL.Matcher.Find()>
The matcher found a pattern match. Let's pull out
the matching XML.
<cfset LOCAL.XMLData = LOCAL.Matcher.Group() />
Now that we have the pattern matched, we need to
figure out how many characters to leave in our
<cfset LOCAL.CharsToLeave = (
Len( VARIABLES.Instance.DataBuffer ) -
(LOCAL.Matcher.Start() + Len( LOCAL.XMLData ))
) />
Check to see if we have any characters to leave
in the buffer after this match.
<cfif LOCAL.CharsToLeave>
<!--- Trim the buffer. --->
<cfset VARIABLES.Instance.DataBuffer = Right(
) />
No character data should be left in the
buffer. Just set it to empyt string.
<cfset VARIABLES.Instance.DataBuffer = "" />
Now that we have the buffer updated, parse the
XML data and return the root element.
XmlParse( Trim( LOCAL.XMLData ) )
The pattern matcher could not find the next node.
This might be because our buffer does contain
enough information. Let's try to read more of our
XML file into the buffer.
<!--- Read input stream into local buffer. --->
<cfset LOCAL.BytesRead = VARIABLES.Instance.InputStream.Read(
JavaCast( "int", 0 ),
JavaCast( "int", ArrayLen( VARIABLES.Instance.TransferBuffer ) )
) />
Check to see if we read any bytes. If we didn't
then we have run out of data to read and cannot
possibly match any more node patterns; just
return void.
<cfif (LOCAL.BytesRead EQ -1)>
<!--- Release the file input stream. --->
<cfset THIS.Close() />
<!--- No more data to be matched. --->
<cfreturn />
We have read data in from the buffered file
input stream. Now, let's append that to our
internal buffer. Be sure to only move over
the bytes that were read - this might not
include the whole buffer contents.
<cfset VARIABLES.Instance.DataBuffer &= Left(
ToString( VARIABLES.Instance.TransferBuffer ),
) />
Now that we have updated our buffer, we want to
give the pattern matcher another change to find
the node pattern.
<cfreturn GetNextNode() />
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