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Created April 29, 2023 20:52
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Handling 401 Unauthorized Responses In Turbo Drive And ColdFusion
// For the sake of simplicity, all the "logged-in" pages will be rendered as this
// page, using the "v" value to differentiate.
param name="url.v" type="string" default="home";
<cfmodule template="./tags/page.cfm">
Page For #encodeForHtml( url.v.ucfirst() )#
<a href="authenticated.htm?v=home">Home</a> &mdash;
<a href="authenticated.htm?v=activity">Activity</a> &mdash;
<a href="authenticated.htm?v=profile">Profile</a> &mdash;
<a href="oops.htm">Oops Page</a>
This is the <strong>page content</strong> for
<mark>[ #encodeForHtml( url.v )# ]</mark>.
FRAME LEVEL page navigation options. These are all the same links; however,
since they are defined inside a Turbo Frame, the are automatically scoped to
the Turbo Frame instead of using a top-level navigation.
<turbo-frame id="my-frame">
Inside A Turbo Frame
<a href="authenticated.htm?v=home">Home</a> &mdash;
<a href="authenticated.htm?v=activity">Activity</a> &mdash;
<a href="authenticated.htm?v=profile">Profile</a> &mdash;
<a href="oops.htm">Oops Page</a>
( <a href="oops.htm?useStream=true">with Stream</a> )
This is the <strong>frame content</strong> for
<mark>[ #encodeForHtml( url.v )# ]</mark>.
// If the UNAUTHORIZED request is being made OUTSIDE OF ANY TURBO FRAME, then we can
// simply redirect the user back to the login page, the same way that we might for any
// other ColdFusion application using an authentication / authorization wall.
if ( ! request.turbo.isFrame ) {
location( url = "./index.htm", addToken = false );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// If the UNAUTHORIZED request is being made INSIDE A TURBO FRAME context, then
// returning a redirect gets a bit tricky. The redirect will apply to the Turbo Frame
// itself, not to the entire page. I'm not sure that there is a "right way" to do
// this. For this demo, I'm going to return a static value (indicating the logged-out
// state) with the option to also render a custom Turbo Stream element that performs
// an automatic redirect.
param name="url.useStream" type="boolean" default=false;
statusCode = 401
statusText = "Unauthorized"
<!--- Make sure to echo the correct frame ID. --->
<turbo-frame id="#encodeForHtmlAttribute( request.turbo.frame )#">
You've been logged-out.
<a href="./index.htm" data-turbo="false">Please login</a>
to continue using the app.
If the stream flag is enabled, this custom action will perform an automatic
redirect of the top-level page.
<cfif url.useStream>
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