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Created July 10, 2015 12:18
Sometimes I'm Tempted To Use Try / Finally In The Worst Way
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Sometimes I'm Tempted To Use Try / Finally In The Worst Way
<script type="text/javascript">
var cache = {
foo: "bar",
hello: "world",
fizz: "buzz"
// The extracItem() will pull the item out of the cache (ie, delete it), and
// then return it.
console.log( "Extracted:", extractItem( "foo" ) );
console.log( "Extracted:", extractItem( "fizz" ) );
console.log( cache );
// I remove the given key from the cache and return the value.
function extractItem( key ) {
// WARNING: Never do this (for a variety of reasons). This is just something
// that I am occasionally ** TEMPTED ** to do when I get super frustrated at
// the fact that I have to create an intermediary variable to hold the value
// before I delete the key from the hash. More than anything, this is just to
// demonstrate that the concept works... NOT that it is good.
try {
return( cache[ key ] );
// After we've returned the value, delete the key.
} finally {
delete( cache[ key ] );
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