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Created August 26, 2015 12:30
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Experimenting With "Query String Zones" In AngularJS
<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="Demo">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
Experimenting With "Query String Zones" In AngularJS
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./demo.css"></link>
<body ng-controller="AppController">
Experimenting With "Query String Zones" In AngularJS
Hard-Coded Routes
<a href="#/foo">Foo</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;
<a href="#/bar?id=3">Bar</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;
<a href="#/meep?id=17&confirm=true#anchor">Meep</a>
Query-String Only
This zone manages "A", "B", and "C".
The ngQueryStringZone and ngQueryString directives work together to merge query
string values into an HREF attribute as the location of the page changes. Then,
the bnDemoZone can work with the ngQueryStringZone directive to manage a subset
of query string parameters for a given area of the page.
In this case, this "zone" will work with the params A, B, and C, leaving the rest
of the existing query string values in-place.
<div ng-query-string-zone="[ 'A', 'B', 'C' ]" bn-demo-zone-DISABLED>
<a ng-query-string="A=1">Goto Thing A</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;
<a ng-query-string="A=2&B=101">Goto Thing B</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp;
<a ng-query-string="A=3&B=201&C=301">Goto Thing C</a>
<!-- Load scripts. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs/angular-1.4.3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Create an application module for our demo.
angular.module( "Demo", [] );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I control the root of the demo.
angular.module( "Demo" ).controller(
function AppController( $scope, $location ) {
// When the location changes, let's just log-out the parts to see how
// the are being affected.
function logLocationChange() {
"Location changed: [%s] [%s] [%s]",
JSON.stringify( $ ),
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I work in conjunction with the ngQueryStringZone directive to define the merge
// algorithm used to integrate the zone-oriented query string params.
angular.module( "Demo" ).directive(
function bnDemoZoneDirective() {
// Return the directive configuration object.
// --
// NOTE: We require the ngQueryStringZone directive controller.
link: link,
require: "ngQueryStringZone",
restrict: "A"
// I bind the JavaScript events to the view-model.
function link( scope, element, attributes, zoneController ) {
// The whole point of this directive is manage the way the zone-based
// query string params are integrated into the existing URL. Just
// like the normal $ method, we can set params to
// [null] in order to remove them URL.
zoneController.merge = function( search, params, originalMerge ) {
// To demonstrate how this differs from the default zone behavior,
// we'll set the values to "default" rather than "null.
search.A = "default";
search.B = "default";
search.C = "default";
// Hand-off to the original merge algorithm.
originalMerge( search, params );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I define a "zone" within the application that will help manage the integration
// of query string parameters into the existing URL for the generation of HREFs.
// If the directive is provided with an array of keys, it will "nullify" those
// keys before it performs the integration.
angular.module( "Demo" ).directive(
function ngQueryStringZoneDirective() {
// Return the directive configuration object.
controller: ZoneController,
link: link,
require: "ngQueryStringZone",
restrict: "A"
// I provide an API that can be overridden by a sibling directive that
// wants to supply a custom merge() method.
function ZoneController() {
merge: null
// I bind the JavaScript events to the view-model.
function link( scope, element, attributes, zoneController ) {
// If we were not provided with an expression to watch, there's no
// way for us to provide a merge algorithm.
if ( ! attributes.ngQueryStringZone ) {
// Watch the collection of keys. If it changes, we need to redefine
// the merge algorithm to use.
function defineCustomMerge( keys ) {
zoneController.merge = function( search, params, originalMerge ) {
// Set all the given keys to null before we pass control
// back to the original merge algorithm. This will prevent
// not-explicitly-provided params from showing up in the
// generated URL.
for ( var i = 0, length = keys.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {
search[ keys[ i ] ] = null;
originalMerge( search, params );
// I observe the given query string subset and generate a full HREF attribute
// that merges the given subset into the existing location.
angular.module( "Demo" ).directive(
function ngQueryStringDirective( $location ) {
// Return the directive configuration object.
link: link,
require: "^?ngQueryStringZone",
restrict: "A"
// I bind the JavaScript events to the view-model.
function link( scope, element, attributes, zoneController ) {
// Whenever the attribute or the location changes, we need to
// recalculate the HREF for this element.
attributes.$observe( "ngQueryString", updateHref );
scope.$on( "$locationChangeStart", updateHref );
// I update the HREF attribute, integrating the current query string
// substring into the existing location.
function updateHref() {
var search = angular.copy( $ );
var params = parseQueryString( attributes.ngQueryString );
// If we have a zoneController, use the merge-override.
if ( zoneController && zoneController.merge ) {
zoneController.merge( search, params, merge );
} else {
merge( search, params );
// Update the element HREF to use the integrated URL.
buildUrl( $location.path(), search, $location.hash() )
// ---
// ---
// I build a valid URL using the given components.
function buildUrl( path, search, hash ) {
var url = ( "#" + path );
var newQueryString = [];
for ( var key in search ) {
// In order to given the "zone" an opportunity to delete query
// params, we're going to skip over any value that is explicitly
// set to [null].
if ( search[ key ] === null ) {
newQueryString.push( key + "=" + search[ key ] );
if ( newQueryString.length ) {
url += ( "?" + newQueryString.join( "&" ) );
if ( hash ) {
url += ( "#" + hash );
return( url );
// I merge the given query params into the given search params.
function merge( search, params ) {
for ( var key in params ) {
search[ key ] = params[ key ];
// I parse the given query string into a set of key-value pairs.
function parseQueryString( queryString ) {
var parsed = {};
var pairs = queryString.split( "&" );
for ( var i = 0, length = pairs.length ; i < length ; i++ ) {
var parts = pairs[ i ].split( "=" );
if ( parts.length === 1 ) {
parts[ 1 ] = true;
parsed[ parts[ 0 ] ] = parts[ 1 ];
return( parsed );
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