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Created February 16, 2016 13:16
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Creating Custom DOM And Host Event Bindings In Angular 2 Beta 6
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Creating Custom DOM And Host Event Bindings In Angular 2 Beta 6
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./demo.css"></link>
Creating Custom DOM And Host Event Bindings In Angular 2 Beta 6
Including extra padding / content to make sure that the BODY tag
is easy to reach as a target.
<p style="padding: 50px 0px 50px 0px ; margin-bottom: 50px ;">
(body tag)
<!-- Load demo scripts. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs-2-beta/6/es6-shim.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs-2-beta/6/Rx.umd.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs-2-beta/6/angular2-polyfills.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs-2-beta/6/angular2-all.umd.js"></script>
<!-- AlmondJS - minimal implementation of RequireJS. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../vendor/angularjs-2-beta/6/almond.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Defer bootstrapping until all of the components have been declared.
// --
// NOTE: Not all components have to be required here since they will be
// implicitly required by other components.
[ "AppComponent", "DOMOutsideEventPlugin" ],
function run( AppComponent, DOMOutsideEventPlugin ) {
// All of the DOM events are managed through an Event Manager that
// is, itself, backed by a series of plugins. We can add additional,
// custom DOM events and host bindings by providing plugins. While
// the plugins are registered in one order they are actually consumed
// in reverse order. This means that our custom plugins are actually
// given a higher precedence than the ones provided by Angular 2.
// This is why we have a chance to intercept a "native" DOM binding
// before it gets bound by Angular 2's core DOM plugin.
useClass: DOMOutsideEventPlugin,
multi: true
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I provide a browser plugin for custom "outside" DOM (Document Object Model)
// event bindings. The currently supported events are:
// --
// * clickOutside
// * mousedownOutside
// * mouseupOutside
// * mousemoveOutside
// --
// CAUTION: This plugin makes *** direct references *** to the DOCUMENT and BODY
// nodes because I could not figure out how to access the DOM Adapter or keep the
// DOM reference encapsulated.
function registerDOMOutsideEventPlugin() {
return( DOMOutsideEventPlugin );
// I bind and unbind custom "outside" DOM events.
function DOMOutsideEventPlugin() {
var vm = this;
// Each "outside" event maps to a native event on the document node.
// I map the outside event to the document-level event.
// --
// NOTE: This map is also used to determine event support. Only
// events that are in this map will be flagged as supported.
var documentEventMap = {
"clickOutside": "click",
"mousedownOutside": "mousedown",
"mouseupOutside": "mouseup",
"mousemoveOutside": "mousemove"
// Expose the public methods.
// --
// CAUTION: Generally, I would return a new object with the exposed
// API. However, in this case, I am simply exposing the public methods
// so as to remove ambiguity when referencing the "zone", which would
// not be present on the method call this-binding otherwise (since it
// injected by the Angular 2 framework via "this.manager").
vm.addEventListener = addEventListener;
vm.addGlobalEventListener = addGlobalEventListener;
vm.supports = supports;
// ---
// ---
// I add the given event handler to the given element and return the
// event de-registration method.
function addEventListener( element, eventName, handler ) {
// NOTE: The "manager" is injected by the Angular framework (via
// the Event Manager that aggregates the event plugins).
var zone = vm.manager.getZone();
// Each "outside" event is captured by an "inside" event at the
// document level. Translate the element-local event type to the
// document-local event type.
var documentEvent = documentEventMap[ eventName ];
// Zone.js patches event-target code. As such, when we attach the
// the document-level event handler, we want to do so outside of
// the change-detection zone so that our checkEventTarget()
// doesn't trigger more change-detection than it has to. Once we
// know that we have to parle the document-level event into an
// element-local event, we'll re-enter the Angular zone.
zone.runOutsideAngular( addDocumentEventListener );
return( removeDocumentEventListener );
// I attach the document-local event listener which will determine
// the origin of the bubbled-up events.
function addDocumentEventListener() {
document.addEventListener( documentEvent, checkEventTarget, true );
// I detach the document-local event listener, tearing down the
// "outside" event binding.
function removeDocumentEventListener() {
document.removeEventListener( documentEvent, checkEventTarget, true );
// I check to see if the given event originated from within the
// host element. If it did, the event is ignored. If it did NOT,
// then the "outside" event binding is invoked with the given event.
function checkEventTarget( event ) {
var current =;
do {
if ( current === element ) {
} while ( current.parentNode && ( current = current.parentNode ) );
// If we made it this far, we didn't bubble past the host
// element. As such, we know that the event was initiated
// from outside the host element. It is therefore an
// "outside" event and needs to be translated into a host-
// local event that integrates with change-detection.
triggerDOMEventInZone( event );
// I invoke the host event handler with the given event.
function triggerDOMEventInZone( event ) {
// Now that we know that the document-local event has to be
// translated into an element-local host binding event, we
// need to re-enter the Angular 2 change-detection zone so
// that view-model changes made within the event handler will
// trigger a new round of change-detection.
function runInZone() {
handler( event );
} // END: addEventListener().
// I register the event on the global target and return the event
// de-registration method.
function addGlobalEventListener( target, eventName, handler ) {
// For the purposes of an "outside" event, it will never be
// possible to actually click / mouse outside of the document
// or the window object. As such, simply ignore these global
// context, providing a no-op binding.
if ( ( target === "document" ) || ( target === "window" ) ) {
return( noop );
// If the target was not "document" or "window", it must be body
// (the only other "global" host binding). While not very likely,
// it is possible to click outside of the body tag (by clicking
// on the HTML tag). As such, let's add the event listener to the
// body tag directly.
return( addEventListener( document.body, eventName, handler ) );
// I check to see if the given event is supported by the plugin.
function supports( eventName ) {
// If the event can be mapped to a native event on the document,
// then we can support the event.
return( documentEventMap.hasOwnProperty( eventName ) );
// ---
// ---
// I perform a no-operation instruction.
function noop() {
// Nothing to see here, folks.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I provide the root App component.
function registerAppComponent() {
var Widget = require( "Widget" );
// Configure the App component definition.
selector: "my-app",
directives: [ Widget ],
// Here, we are going to toggle the Widget into and out of
// existence in order to ensure that the custom events can be
// bound, unbound, and re-bound properly.
<a (click)="toggleWidget()">Toggle widget</a>.
<widget *ngIf="isShowingWidget">
Click, or click not, there is no mouse.
constructor: AppController
return( AppController );
// I control the App component.
function AppController() {
var vm = this;
// I determine if the Widget is being linked in the DOM. The Widget
// is the element that is consuming the custom events.
vm.isShowingWidget = false;
// Expose the public methods.
vm.toggleWidget = toggleWidget;
// ---
// ---
// I toggle the existence of the Widget component.
function toggleWidget( tagName ) {
vm.isShowingWidget = ! vm.isShowingWidget;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// I provide a Widget component that binds to custom DOM host events.
function registerWidget() {
// Configure the Widget component definition.
selector: "widget",
// Notice that we are using a native event - click - alongside
// the custom DOM host event - clickOutside. We can bind the
// clickOutside event at both the local and the global levels.
host: {
"(click)": "handleClick( $ )",
// Provided by custom event plugin.
"(clickOutside)": "handleClickOutside( $ )",
"(body: clickOutside)": "handleClickOutsideBody()",
constructor: WidgetController
return( WidgetController );
// I control the Widget component.
function WidgetController() {
var vm = this;
// Expose the public methods.
vm.handleClick = handleClick;
vm.handleClickOutside = handleClickOutside;
vm.handleClickOutsideBody = handleClickOutsideBody;
// ---
// ---
// I handle the click internally to the bound target.
function handleClick( tagName ) {
console.log( "(click) -> Ouch!", tagName );
// I handle the click externally to the bound target.
function handleClickOutside( tagName ) {
console.log( "(clickOutside) -> Click outside!", tagName );
// I handle the global click externally to the BODY tag. This is here
// to test the global-host bindings.
function handleClickOutsideBody() {
console.log( "(body: clickOutside) -> You clicked outside the BODY tag!" );
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