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Extract citations from Wikipedia dumps

Extract citations from Wikipedia dumps

This script makes a best-effort at resolving inline references and citations. Wikipedia citations are complicated, so this is a quick and dirty hack. It's intented for research in resolving citations and natural language processing.

Similar tools:

Example usage

curl "" | bzcat | python

Output format

One JSON object per line, structured like this:

    "page": "Page Title",
    "paragraphs": [
            "text":"The plaintext paragraph (with mediawiki style tags).",
                { "cite": 0, "offset":0},
                { "cite": 0, "offset":0, ... }
    "reflist": [
            "text citation",
            {"@type":"template_name", ...}

How Wikipedia cites sources

(see also: References can either be structured using templates like `{{cite}}``, or be plain text.

Inline with text, references can have the following forms:

  • <ref> tags
  • {{r}} or {{rp}} templates (TODO)

The {{cite}} templates are typically in a References section or inside the <ref> tag. The <ref> tags generate references lists that are displayed using {{reflist}}. This list can contain {{cite}} templates itself (using refs=). (TODO!)


  • resursive template parsing
  • short ref templates
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# Extract citations from Wikipedia dumps
This script makes a best-effort at resolving inline references and citations.
Wikipedia citations are complicated, so this is a quick and dirty hack.
It's intented for research in resolving citations and natural language processing.
Similar tools:
## Example usage
curl "" | bzcat | python
## Output format
One JSON object per line, structured like this:
"page": "Page Title",
"paragraphs": [
"text":"The plaintext paragraph (with mediawiki style tags).",
{ "cite": 0, "offset":0},
{ "cite": 0, "offset":0, ... }
"reflist": [
"text citation",
{"@type":"template_name", ...}
## How Wikipedia cites sources
(see also:
References can either be structured using templates like `{{cite}}``, or be plain text.
Inline with text, references can have the following forms:
- `<ref>` tags
- `{{r}}` or `{{rp}}` templates (TODO)
The `{{cite}}` templates are typically in a References section or inside the `<ref>` tag.
The `<ref>` tags generate references lists that are displayed using `{{reflist}}`.
This list can contain `{{cite}}` templates itself (using `refs=`). (TODO!)
- resursive template parsing
- short ref templates
from __future__ import print_function
import sys, itertools, re
from collections import OrderedDict
from xml.etree.cElementTree import iterparse
import mwparserfromhell
import HTMLParser
FULL_CITE_TEMPLATES = ['cite', 'citation', 'vcite2', 'vcite', 'vancite', 'wikicite', 'wayback']
SHORT_CITE_TEMPLATES = ['sfn','sfnp','sfnm','harvnb']
# Short citation parsing is hard.
def last_part(x):
x = x.split()
return x[-1] if x else ''
(r'last\d?', None),
(r'surname\d?', None),
(r'author\d?', None),
(r'authors', None),
(r'editor\d?-last', None),
(r'editor\d?-surname', None),
(r'editor\d?', last_part),
(r'editors', None),
(r'date', last_part),
(r'year', None),
(r'publication-date', last_part)
def find_params(p, preprocess, cite, anchor):
for param in cite:
if re.match('%s$' % p, param):
if preprocess:
val = preprocess(cite[param])
val = cite[param]
if val:
def make_citeref_anchor(cite):
anchor = []
for p, preprocess in CITEREF_PARAM_OPTIONS:
find_params(p, preprocess, cite, anchor)
if not anchor:
for p, preprocess in CITEREF_PARAM_OPTIONS_EDITOR:
find_params(p, preprocess, cite, anchor)
for p, preprocess in CITEREF_PARAM_OPTIONS_YEAR:
find_params(p, preprocess, cite, anchor)
return tuple(anchor)
def is_full_cite(i):
for template in FULL_CITE_TEMPLATES:
return True
return False
def is_short_cite(i):
for template in SHORT_CITE_TEMPLATES:
return True
return False
def template_to_dict(template):
cite_type =' ', '_')
cite = OrderedDict([('@type', cite_type)])
for param in template.params:
val = param.value.strip_code().strip()
if val:
cite[] = val
return cite
class References():
def __init__(self, wikipage):
self.wikipage = wikipage
self.citelist = []
# keys are names from <ref name=Foot01/>, values are list of cites
self.cite_notes = {}
# keys are tuples? from {{sfn|Miller|2005}} etc), values are cites
self.citeref = {}
def add_cite(self, template):
cite = template_to_dict(template)
cite_index = len(self.citelist)
# See if it's in citeref
key = make_citeref_anchor(cite)
if key:
if key in self.citeref:
cite_index = self.citeref[key]
return cite_index, {}
self.citeref[key] = cite_index
# Append to cite list
return cite_index, {}
def add_text_cite(self, text):
cite_index = len(self.citelist)
return cite_index, {}
def add_link_cite(self, title, url):
cite_index = len(self.citelist)
('@type', 'link'),
('title', unicode(title)),
('url', unicode(url))
return cite_index, {}
def short_cite(self, cite_node):
"""Resolve short cite references"""
key = tuple(unicode(p.value) for p in cite_node.params if not p.showkey)
if key in self.citeref:
cite_index = self.citeref[key]
cite_index = len(self.citelist)
self.citeref[key] = cite_index
params = {unicode( unicode(p.value)
for p in cite_node.params if p.showkey}
return cite_index, params
def cites_from_ref_tag(self, ref_node):
"""Resolve references, return reflist index"""
if ref_node.has('name'):
name = unicode(ref_node.get('name').value)
name = name.strip().encode('utf8')
if name not in self.cite_notes:
# Add emtpy reference if not present
self.cite_notes[name] = []
cites = self.cite_notes[name]
if ref_node.self_closing:
return cites
cites = []
# Let's assume that nobody's crazy enough to use templates in footnotes
if ref_node.contents:
# Find cite templates in ref
for i in ref_node.contents.ifilter_templates(recursive=False):
if is_full_cite(i):
cites.append( self.add_cite(i) )
elif is_short_cite(i):
cites.append( self.short_cite(i) )
# Find text in ref
text = ref_node.contents.strip_code().strip()
text = ' '.join(s for s in text.split() if s != ';')
if text:
cites.append( self.add_text_cite(text) )
# Find links in ref
for i in ref_node.contents.ifilter_external_links(recursive=False):
cites.append( self.add_link_cite(i.title, i.url) )
if not cites:
print(self.wikipage, ': no cites in:\n\t', unicode(ref_node), file=sys.stderr)
return cites
def parse_code(self, wikicode):
"""Run through some wikicode, yield text chunk and ref_index"""
text_chunk = ''
for i in wikicode.ifilter(recursive=False):
if type(i) == mwparserfromhell.nodes.Tag and i.tag == 'ref':
# Add reference
yield text_chunk, self.cites_from_ref_tag(i)
text_chunk = ''
elif type(i) == mwparserfromhell.nodes.Template:
# Find citations in templates
if is_full_cite(i):
yield text_chunk, [ self.add_cite(i) ]
elif is_short_cite(i):
yield text_chunk, [ self.short_cite(i) ]
# TODO: recursive template parsing
# TODO: {{r}} template parsing
elif type(i) == mwparserfromhell.nodes.Wikilink:
# Add the text of normal (non-image etc) wikilinks
if not re.match('^[A-Z][a-z]+:', unicode(i.title)):
if i.text:
text_chunk += unicode(i.text)
text_chunk += unicode(i.title)
elif type(i) == mwparserfromhell.nodes.Text:
i = unicode(i)
# Split into paragraphs
if '\n\n' in i:
end = i.index('\n\n')
text_chunk += i[:end]
yield text_chunk, None
text_chunk = i[end:]
text_chunk += i
def parse_paragraphs(self, wikicode):
"""Get references in text"""
text, refs = '', []
for text_chunk, cites in self.parse_code(wikicode):
# Add references
if not text:
text_chunk = text_chunk.lstrip()
text += re.sub('\s+', ' ', text_chunk)
if cites == None:
# Split into paragraphs
yield text.rstrip(), refs
text, refs = '', []
if cites:
for index, params in cites:
cite = OrderedDict([
('offset', len(text)),
('cite', index)
yield text, refs
if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
source = sys.stdin
# Mediawiki XML dump parsing
elems = (elem for _, elem in iterparse(source, events=("end",)))
elem = next(elems)
namespace = re.match("^{(.*?)}", elem.tag).group(1)
ns_mapping = {"ns": namespace}
page_tag = "{%(ns)s}page" % ns_mapping
text_path = "./{%(ns)s}revision/{%(ns)s}text" % ns_mapping
title_path = "./{%(ns)s}title" % ns_mapping
# Mediawiki Markup parsing
for elem in elems:
if elem.tag.endswith('page'):
title = elem.find(title_path).text.replace(' ','_')
text = elem.find(text_path).text
refs = References(title)
paragraphs = []
wikicode = mwparserfromhell.parse(text, skip_style_tags=True)
for paragraph, cites in refs.parse_paragraphs(wikicode):
if paragraph and cites:
paragraphs.append({'text': paragraph, 'refs':cites})
if refs.citelist:
('page', title),
('paragraphs', paragraphs),
('references', refs.citelist),
for k,v in refs.citeref.items():
v = refs.citelist[v]
if not v:
print(title,': missing:\n\t', k, file=sys.stderr)
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