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Last active December 14, 2016 14:01
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Converts a StaSh (see command to an URL executing the command using the pythonista URL scheme.
"""encodes a StaSh command to a pythonista3 URL-scheme."""
# If you dont know what StaSh is, check it out:
# This script requires a feature which will soon be included in a pull-request
# (and hopefully be accepted)
import urllib
import clipboard
def cmd2url(cmd):
"""encodes a cmd to an url"""
shquoted = '"' + cmd.replace('"', "'") + '"'
args = urllib.quote(shquoted, safe="")
url = "pythonista3://{a}".format(
return url
def main():
"""the main function"""
cmd = raw_input("Please enter the StaSh command you want the url for:\n$")
url = cmd2url(cmd)
print "URL:", url
if raw_input("Copy to clipboard (y/n): ").lower() == "y":
print "Copied."
print "Not copied."
if __name__ == "__main__":
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