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Created July 27, 2017 13:51
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Situation-specific shell config
## Source the functions for situation-specific shell config
## Load the global env
load_env global
## Load the machine-specific env for this machine
load_env machines/$(hostname -s)
## Source these functions in your Bash configuration
## See for more info
load_env() {
local env=${1:?no env set}
# Fuzzy filtering that removes the trailing .env if you do specify it
if [[ ${env} =~ .*.env$ ]]; then
local env="${env%'.env'}"
if [ -r ${HOME}/.env/${env}.env ]; then
. ${HOME}/.env/${env}.env
echo "Loading ENV: ${env}"
export LOAD_ENV="${env} ${LOAD_ENV}"
COMPREPLY=($(cd ${HOME}/.env; compgen -f ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}))
complete -o nospace -F _load_env load_env
get_env() {
echo ${LOAD_ENV:?no env loaded}
unload_credentials() {
local env=${1:?no env set}
# Fuzzy filtering to make sure we're only dealing with credentials
# even if you're not specific about it
if [[ ! ${env} =~ ^credentials/.* ]]; then
local env="credentials/${env}"
# Fuzzy filtering that removes the trailing .env if you do specify it
if [[ ${env} =~ .*.env$ ]]; then
local env="${env%'.env'}"
local envfile="${HOME}/.env/${env}.env"
if [ -r ${envfile} ]; then
echo "Unloading ENV: ${env}"
local envvars=$(awk -F" |=" '/^export/ {printf $2" "}' ${envfile})
for envvar in ${envvars}; do
unset ${envvar}
export LOAD_ENV="${LOAD_ENV//${env}/}"
_unload_credentials() {
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(echo ${LOAD_ENV} | tr ' ' '\n' | egrep ^credentials)" -- ${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}))
complete -o nospace -F _unload_credentials unload_credentials
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