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Last active August 28, 2022 05:17
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Global IMERG daily consecutive wet days data extraction
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Global IMERG daily indices data extraction
Input data for this script will use IMERG daily data generated by
This script can do Consecutive Wet Days (CWD) calculation with threshold 5mm of rainfall as a rainy day
(i) Extract IMERG's daily rainfall with value greater/less than 5mm (threshold for a day categoried as rainy day)
(ii) If Rainfall < 5 = Yes, then assign 1 otherwise 0. This is for dry condition, for wet are the opposite.
(iii) For number of consecutive information, it will accumulate to next data calculation result,
if the value = 1. If not, start from 0 again.
ArcGIS must installed before using this script, as it required arcpy module.
C:\\Program Files\\ArcGIS\\Pro\\bin\\Python\\envs\\arcgispro-py3\\python
This script is designed to work with global IMERG data (Final or Late Run)
If using other data, some adjustment are required: parsing filename, directory, threshold
All IMERG data and products are available at s3://wbgdecinternal-ntl/climate/
Benny Istanto
Climate Geographer
GOST, The World Bank
This script is in the public domain, free from copyrights or restrictions.
import arcpy
from import *
import os, sys, traceback
import re
from datetime import date, timedelta
# To avoid overwriting outputs, change overwriteOutput option to False.
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Check precipitation data in GeoTIFF format
def create_daily_List(_tif_folder):
print("start reading list of daily Rainfall data....")
print("looking for file with naming wld_cli_precips_YYYYMMDD.tif")
for Daily_Data in os.listdir(_tif_folder):
if Daily_Data.endswith(".tif"):
print("found " + Daily_Data+ " in the daily Rainfall folder")
i_imerg = Daily_Data.index('imerg_')
ymd = Daily_Data[i_imerg + 6:i_imerg+6+8]
Daily_Data_Date = ymd
return sorted(Daily_Date_List)
# Check if there is Consecutive WET Days data in output folder
def create_CWD_List(_CWD_folder):
print("start reading existing Consecutive WET Days Dataset....")
print("looking for file with naming wld_cli_cwd_5mm_imerg_YYYYMMDD")
for CWD_Data in os.listdir(_CWD_folder):
if CWD_Data.endswith(".tif"):
print("found " + CWD_Data + " in the Consecutive WET Days folder")
parse_String = CWD_Data.split('_')
CWD_Data_Date = parse_String[5]
return CWD_Date_List
# Execute first Wet condition
def execute_first_CWD(_tiffolder, _CWDFolder, threshold):
# Spatial reference WGS-84
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)
print("looking at the first daily Rainfall data in tif folder...")
daily_list = create_daily_List(_tiffolder)
first_date = min(daily_list)
print("execute first Rainfall data from date "+first_date)
first_data_name = 'wld_cli_precip_1d_imerg_{0}{1}{2}.tif'.format(first_date[0:4], first_date[4:6], first_date[6:8])
first_daily_data = os.path.join(_tiffolder, first_data_name)
daily_Date = date(int(first_date[0:4]), int(first_date[4:6]), int(first_date[6:8]))
wet_date = daily_Date #+ timedelta(days=1)
print("creating wet data "+str(wet_date)+ " from daily Rainfall data from "+str(daily_Date))
CWDyear = str(wet_date.year)
CWDmonth = str(wet_date.month)
CWDday = str(
CWDFilename = 'wld_cli_cwd_5mm_imerg_{0}{1}{2}.tif'.format(CWDyear.zfill(4), CWDmonth.zfill(2), CWDday.zfill(2))
print("Processing "+CWDFilename)
outCon = Con(Raster(first_daily_data) < Float(threshold), Float(0), Float(1)), CWDFilename))
arcpy.DefineProjection_management(os.path.join(_CWDFolder, CWDFilename), sr)
print("file " + CWDFilename + " is created")
# Execute next Consecutive DRY Days data
def execute_CWD(_lastdate, _tiffolder, _CWD_folder, threshold):
# Spatial reference WGS-84
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(4326)
date_formatted = date(int(_lastdate[0:4]), int(_lastdate[4:6]), int(_lastdate[6:8]))
last_wetname = 'wld_cli_cwd_5mm_imerg_{0}'.format(_lastdate)
last_wetfile = os.path.join(_CWD_folder, last_wetname)
next_daily_date = date_formatted + timedelta(days=1)
next_dailyname = 'wld_cli_precip_1d_imerg_{0}.tif'.format(next_daily_date.strftime('%Y%m%d'))
#next_dailyname = 'wld_cli_precip_1d_imerg_{0}{1}{2}.tif'.format(_lastdate[0:4], _lastdate[4:6], _lastdate[6:8])
next_dailydata = os.path.join(_tiffolder, next_dailyname)
if arcpy.Exists(next_dailydata):
print("next daily data is available...")
print("start processing next Consecutive WET Days...")
new_wet_date = date_formatted + timedelta(days=1)
CWDyear1 = str(new_wet_date.year)
CWDmonth1 = str(new_wet_date.month)
CWDday1 = str(
new_wet_name = 'wld_cli_cwd_5mm_imerg_{0}{1}{2}.tif'.format(CWDyear1.zfill(4), CWDmonth1.zfill(2), CWDday1.zfill(2))
print("Processing Consecutive WET Days from "+last_wetfile+" and "+next_dailydata)
outCWDCon = Con(Raster(next_dailydata) < Float(threshold), Float(0), Raster(last_wetfile)+Float(1)), new_wet_name))
arcpy.DefineProjection_management(os.path.join(_CWD_folder, new_wet_name), sr)
print("Consecutive WET Days File "+new_wet_name+" is created")
print("next daily data is not available. Exit...")
# Run the script
def create_CWD(_CWD_folder, _tiffolder, threshold):
CWD_Date_List = create_CWD_List(_CWD_folder)
Daily_list = create_daily_List(_tiffolder)
# if there is no WET data, creating new WET data
if len(CWD_Date_List)==0:
print("No Consecutive WET Days data found...")
print("Creating first Consecutive WET Days data...")
execute_first_CWD(_tiffolder, _CWD_folder, threshold)
CWD_Date_List = create_CWD_List(_CWD_folder)
# if there is Consecutive WET Days data
print("Consecutive WET Days data found. Looking for latest Consecutive WET Days data...")
#Check last Consecutive WET Days available
last_date = max(CWD_Date_List)
#Check last daily data availabke
max_daily_date = max(Daily_list)
last_CWD_date = date(int(last_date[0:4]), int(last_date[4:6]), int(last_date[6:8]))
last_daily_date = date(int(max_daily_date[0:4]), int(max_daily_date[4:6]), int(max_daily_date[6:8]))
# process Consecutive WET Days to every daily data available after last Consecutive WET Days data
while last_daily_date + timedelta(days=1) > last_CWD_date:
#while last_daily_date > last_CWD_date:
execute_CWD(last_date, _tiffolder, _CWD_folder, threshold)
CWDyear2 = str(last_CWD_date.year)
CWDmonth2 = str(last_CWD_date.month)
CWDday2 = str(
last_date='{0}{1}{2}.tif'.format(CWDyear2.zfill(4), CWDmonth2.zfill(2), CWDday2.zfill(2))
print("All Consecutive WET Days data is available")
# Let's go!
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Global Environment settings
with arcpy.EnvManager(scratchWorkspace=r"X:\ArcGIS_TEMP\Scratch.gdb", \
# Run the function (output folder, input folder, threshold)
'X:\\Temp\\imerg\\data\\geotiff\\rainfall_1days', 5)
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