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Created May 22, 2022 16:02
nvim mappings cheatsheet

🔭 Telescope Mappings

Mapping Action
<C-n>/<Down> Next item
<C-p>/<Up> Previous item
j/k Next/previous (in normal mode)
H/M/L Select High/Middle/Low (in normal mode)
'gg/G' Select the first/last item (in normal mode)
<CR> Confirm selection
<C-x> Go to file selection as a split
<C-v> Go to file selection as a vsplit
<C-t> Go to a file in a new tab
<C-u> Scroll up in preview window
<C-d> Scroll down in preview window
<C-/> Show mappings for picker actions (insert mode)
? Show mappings for picker actions (normal mode)
<C-c> Close telescope
<Esc> Close telescope (in normal mode)
<Tab> Toggle selection and move to next selection
<S-Tab> Toggle selection and move to prev selection
<C-q> Send all items not filtered to quickfixlist (qflist)
<M-q> Send all selected items to qflist

✏️ Insert Mode Mappings

Mapping Action
<C-h> delete the character before the cursor during insert mode
<C-w> delete word before the cursor during insert mode
<C-j> begin new line during insert mode
<C-t> indent (move right) line one shiftwidth during insert mode
<C-d> de-indent (move left) line one shiftwidth during insert mode
<C-n> insert (auto-complete) next match before the cursor during insert mode
<C-p> insert (auto-complete) previous match before the cursor during insert mode
<C-rx> insert the contents of register x
<C-ox> Temporarily enter normal mode to issue one normal-mode command x.

🛰️ Command Mode

Mapping Action
q: (normal mode) Edit command history
<C-f> Edit command history
<C-c> Exit command history
<C-b>/<C-e> Cursor to beginning/end of cmd-line
<C-w> Delete word before cursor
<C-u> Delete all until cursor
<S-left>/<S-right> Back/Forward one word
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