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Created February 9, 2021 21:43
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self-signed certificate verifying client in nim
import openssl
import ssl_config
from ssl_certs import scanSSLCertificates
import nativesockets
import uri
import os
import strutils
type Socket = ref object
fd: SocketHandle
handle: SslPtr
context: SslCtx
proc addSslContext(socket: Socket) =
socket.context = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_method())
if socket.context.SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(CiphersIntermediate) != 1:
echo "failed to set cipher list"
if socket.context.SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(1) != 1:
echo "failed to set ecdh auto"
# as per documentation, in client mode, SSL_VERIFY_NONE allows certificate to be verified with SSL_get_verify_result
socket.context.SSL_CTX_set_verify(SSL_VERIFY_NONE, nil)
for fn in scanSSLCertificates():
if socket.context.SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(fn, "") == 0:
discard socket.context.SSLCTXSetMode(SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY)
proc newSocket(): Socket =
result = Socket()
result.fd = createNativeSocket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, false)
proc connect(socket: Socket, address: string, port: Port) =
var aiList = getAddrInfo(address, port, AF_INET)
var it = aiList
var success = false
while it != nil:
echo getAddrString(it.ai_addr)
if connect(socket.fd, it.ai_addr, it.ai_addrlen.SockLen) == 0'i32:
success = true
it = it.ai_next
proc sslHandShake(socket: Socket, serverName: string) =
socket.handle = SSL_new(socket.context)
if SSL_set_fd(socket.handle, socket.fd) != 1:
echo "could not set fd"
discard socket.handle.SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(serverName)
if socket.handle.SSL_connect() <= 0:
echo "failed to ssl connect"
proc close(socket: Socket) =
# convert certificate to string to view it
proc X509_print(bp: BIO, x: PX509): cint {.cdecl, dynlib: "", importc.}
proc `$`(certificate: PX509): string =
if certificate.isNil:
return "(nil)"
result = newString(100_000)
var bp = bioNew(bioSMem())
if X509_print(bp, certificate) != 0.cint:
discard BIO_read(bp, result[0].addr, result.len.cint)
discard BIO_free(bp)
# check if certificate is self-signed
# approach 1: duplicate self-certificate checking from libssl
proc X509_check_akid(issuer: PX509, akid: pointer): cint {.cdecl, dynlib: "", importc.}
proc X509_get_ext_d2i(x: PX509, nid: cint, crit: ptr[cint], idx: ptr[cint]): pointer {.cdecl, dynlib: "", importc.}
const NID_authority_key_identifier = 90
proc X509_NAME_cmp(a: PX509_NAME, b: PX509_NAME): cint {.cdecl, dynlib: "", importc.}
proc isSelfSignedOld(x: PX509): bool =
if x.isNil:
return false
if X509_NAME_cmp(X509_get_subject_name(x), X509_get_issuer_name(x)) == 0:
let akid = X509_get_ext_d2i(x, NID_authority_key_identifier, nil, nil)
# missing check that uses flags from x509 structure:
##define ku_reject(x, usage) \
# (((x)->ex_flags & EXFLAG_KUSAGE) && !((x)->ex_kusage & (usage)))
if X509_check_akid(x, akid) == X509_V_OK: # and not ku_reject(x, KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN):
return true
return false
# approach2: use SSL_get_verify_result
# works even when using SSL_VERIFY_PEER
proc isSelfSigned(handle: SslPtr): bool =
let r = handle.SSL_get_verify_result()
# verify validity if SSL_VERIFY_NONE was set
proc verifyCertificate(handle: SslPtr): bool =
return handle.SSL_get_verify_result() == X509_V_OK
let url = parseUri(paramStr(1))
var socket = newSocket()
socket.connect(url.hostname, Port(url.port.parseInt))
let certificate = socket.handle.SSL_get_peer_certificate()
echo $certificate
if socket.handle.verifyCertificate():
echo "certificate verified by CA"
elif socket.handle.isSelfSigned():
echo "self-signed certificate, you will have to use a TOFU list"
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