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Last active April 9, 2024 08:55
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  • Save benoitguigal/d3815316507fc1b489e9687655356424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save benoitguigal/d3815316507fc1b489e9687655356424 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[*] Changed the `BsdType` enum
[+] Added variant `BSPAOH`
[*] Changed the `BsdasriStatus` enum
[-] Removed variant `REFUSED_BY_RECIPIENT`
[*] Changed the `AccessToken` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (applicationId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (userId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `applicationId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `userId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (applicationId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Renamed index `default$default.AccessToken.token._UNIQUE` to `AccessToken_token_key`
[*] Changed the `AnonymousCompany` table
[-] Removed index on columns (vatNumber)
[+] Added unique index on columns (vatNumber)
[*] Renamed index `AnonymousCompany.siret_unique` to `AnonymousCompany_siret_key`
[*] Changed the `AnonymousCompanyRequest` table
[*] Renamed index `AnonymousCompanyRequest.siret_unique` to `AnonymousCompanyRequest_siret_key`
[*] Changed the `Application` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (adminId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (adminId)
[*] Changed the `BrokerReceipt` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Changed the `Bsda` table
[-] Removed index on columns (intermediariesOrgIds)
[-] Removed index on columns (transportersOrgIds)
[-] Removed column `repackagedInId`
[*] Altered column `wastePop` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `packagings` (default changed from `None` to `Some(Value(String("[]")))`)
[*] Altered column `weightValue` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationReceptionWeight` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `workerCertificationCertificationNumber` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `workerCertificationOrganisation` (type changed)
[*] Renamed index `Bsda_forwardingId_unique` to `Bsda_forwardingId_key`
[*] Renamed index `Bsda_rowNumber_ukey` to `Bsda_rowNumber_key`
[*] Changed the `BsdaRevisionRequest` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (authoringCompanyId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (bsdaId)
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `updatedAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `status` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (authoringCompanyId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (bsdaId)
[*] Changed the `BsdaRevisionRequestApproval` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (revisionRequestId)
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `updatedAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `status` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (revisionRequestId)
[*] Changed the `Bsdasri` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (emissionSignatoryId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (operationSignatoryId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (receptionSignatoryId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (transportSignatoryId)
[-] Removed index on columns (groupingEmitterSirets)
[-] Removed index on columns (synthesisEmitterSirets)
[-] Removed index on columns (transporterCompanyVatNumber)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `emitterWastePackagings` (default changed from `None` to `Some(Value(String("[]")))`)
[*] Altered column `emitterWasteWeightValue` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `isEmissionDirectTakenOver` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `isEmissionTakenOverWithSecretCode` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `transporterWasteRefusedWeightValue` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `transporterWastePackagings` (default changed from `None` to `Some(Value(String("[]")))`)
[*] Altered column `transporterWasteWeightValue` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationWastePackagings` (default changed from `None` to `Some(Value(String("[]")))`)
[*] Altered column `destinationReceptionWasteRefusedWeightValue` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationReceptionWasteWeightValue` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationReceptionDate` (type changed)
[+] Added unique index on columns (id)
[*] Renamed the foreign key "Bsdasri_regroupedOnBsdasriId_fkey" to "Bsdasri_groupedInId_fkey"
[+] Added foreign key on columns (emissionSignatoryId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (operationSignatoryId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (receptionSignatoryId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (transportSignatoryId)
[*] Renamed index `Bsdasri_rowNumber_ukey` to `Bsdasri_rowNumber_key`
[*] Changed the `BsddRevisionRequest` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (authoringCompanyId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (bsddId)
[*] Altered column `status` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (authoringCompanyId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (bsddId)
[*] Changed the `BsddRevisionRequestApproval` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (revisionRequestId)
[*] Altered column `status` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (revisionRequestId)
[*] Changed the `BsddTransporter` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (formId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `transporterCompanyVatNumber` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `previousTransporterCompanyOrgId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `formId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (formId)
[*] Renamed index `_BsddTransporterTransporterCompanyVatNumberIdx` to `_BsddTransporterCompanyVatNumberIdx`
[*] Changed the `Bsff` table
[-] Removed index on columns (detenteurCompanySirets)
[-] Removed index on columns (transporterCompanyVatNumber)
[*] Altered column `weightValue` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `transporterRecepisseIsExempted` (default changed from `Some(Value(Boolean(false)))` to `None`)
[*] Renamed index `Bsff_rowNumber_ukey` to `Bsff_rowNumber_key`
[*] Changed the `BsffFicheIntervention` table
[*] Altered column `weight` (type changed)
[*] Changed the `BsffPackaging` table
[*] Altered column `emissionNumero` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `numero` (type changed)
[*] Changed the `Bspaoh` table
[*] Altered column `wastePackagings` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `destinationReceptionWastePackagingsAcceptation` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Renamed index `Bspaoh_rowNumber_ukey` to `Bspaoh_rowNumber_key`
[*] Changed the `Bsvhu` table
[-] Removed index on columns (transporterCompanyVatNumber)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Renamed the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `emitterAgrementNumber` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `emitterCompanySiret` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationPlannedOperationCode` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationAgrementNumber` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationCompanySiret` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationOperationCode` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `destinationOperationNextDestinationCompanySiret` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `wasteCode` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `transporterCompanySiret` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `transporterCompanyVatNumber` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Renamed index `Bsvhu_rowNumber_ukey` to `Bsvhu_rowNumber_key`
[*] Changed the `Company` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (traderReceiptId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (transporterReceiptId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (vhuAgrementBroyeurId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (vhuAgrementDemolisseurId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (workerCertificationId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (brokerReceiptId)
[-] Removed index on columns (companyTypes)
[-] Removed index on columns (vatNumber)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `workerCertificationId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `traderReceiptId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `brokerReceiptId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `transporterReceiptId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `vhuAgrementDemolisseurId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `vhuAgrementBroyeurId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `allowBsdasriTakeOverWithoutSignature` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added unique index on columns (vatNumber)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (brokerReceiptId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (traderReceiptId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (transporterReceiptId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (vhuAgrementBroyeurId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (vhuAgrementDemolisseurId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (workerCertificationId)
[*] Renamed index `default$default.Company.siret._UNIQUE` to `Company_siret_key`
[*] Changed the `CompanyAssociation` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (companyId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (userId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `companyId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `userId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (companyId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Changed the `Declaration` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Changed the `EcoOrganisme` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Renamed index `default$default.EcoOrganisme.siret._UNIQUE` to `EcoOrganisme_siret_key`
[*] Changed the `Event` table
[-] Removed index on columns (actor)
[-] Removed index on columns (streamId)
[*] Altered column `streamId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `type` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `data` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `actor` (type changed)
[*] Changed the `FeatureFlag` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (userId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `name` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `userId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Renamed index `FeatureFlag_name_userId_unique_together` to `FeatureFlag_name_userId_key`
[*] Changed the `FinalOperation` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (formId)
[-] Removed index on columns (formId)
[-] Removed unique index on columns (finalBsdReadableId, formId)
[-] Removed unique index on columns (id)
[-] Removed index on columns (destinationCompanySiret)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (formId)
[*] Renamed index `FinalOperation_pkey_unique_together` to `FinalOperation_formId_finalBsdReadableId_key`
[*] Changed the `Form` table
[-] Removed index on columns (canAccessDraftSirets)
[-] Removed index on columns (emitterCompanyMail)
[-] Removed index on columns (intermediariesSirets)
[-] Removed index on columns (recipientsSirets)
[-] Removed index on columns (transportersSirets)
[-] Removed index on columns (updatedAt)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[-] Removed column `transporterCompanyPhone`
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `emitterIsPrivateIndividual` (changed from Required to Nullable)
[*] Altered column `emitterIsForeignShip` (changed from Required to Nullable)
[*] Altered column `wasteDetailsQuantity` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `wasteDetailsPackagingInfos` (default changed from `None` to `Some(Value(String("[]")))`)
[*] Altered column `wasteDetailsParcelNumbers` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `nextDestinationCompanyVatNumber` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `nextTransporterOrgId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `quantityReceived` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `currentTransporterOrgId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `ownerId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (ownerId)
[*] Renamed index `Form_rowNumber_ukey` to `Form_rowNumber_key`
[*] Renamed index `default$default.Form.readableId._UNIQUE` to `Form_readableId_key`
[*] Changed the `FormGroupement` table
[*] Renamed index `FormGroupement_pkey_unique_together` to `FormGroupement_nextFormId_initialFormId_key`
[*] Changed the `Grant` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (applicationId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (userId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `applicationId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `userId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (applicationId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Renamed index `default$default.Grant.code._UNIQUE` to `Grant_code_key`
[*] Changed the `Installation` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Changed the `IntermediaryBsdaAssociation` table
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `contact` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Changed the `IntermediaryFormAssociation` table
[*] Altered column `contact` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[*] Changed the `MembershipRequest` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (companyId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (userId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `companyId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `userId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (companyId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Changed the `PdfAccessToken` table
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `expiresAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `token` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `bsdType` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `bsdId` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `lastUsed` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `visitedAt` (type changed)
[+] Added index on columns (token)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Renamed index `_PdfAccessTokenTokenIdx` to `PdfAccessToken_token_key`
[*] Changed the `Rubrique` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Changed the `SignatureAutomation` table
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[*] Renamed index `SignatureAutomation_fkey_unique_together` to `SignatureAutomation_fromId_toId_key`
[*] Changed the `StatusLog` table
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (formId)
[-] Removed foreign key on columns (userId)
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `formId` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `userId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (formId)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Changed the `TraderReceipt` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Changed the `TransporterReceipt` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Changed the `User` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `passwordVersion` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `isAdmin` (changed from Required to Nullable)
[*] Altered column `isRegistreNational` (changed from Required to Nullable)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Renamed index `User.email_unique` to `User_email_key`
[*] Changed the `UserAccountHash` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `companySiret` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Renamed index `default$default.UserAccountHash.hash._UNIQUE` to `UserAccountHash_hash_key`
[*] Changed the `UserActivationHash` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `userId` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[+] Added foreign key on columns (userId)
[*] Renamed index `default$default.UserActivationHash.hash._UNIQUE` to `UserActivationHash_hash_key`
[*] Changed the `VhuAgrement` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `agrementNumber` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `department` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
[*] Changed the `WebhookSetting` table
[*] Altered column `createdAt` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `orgId` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Altered column `activated` (changed from Nullable to Required)
[*] Changed the `WorkerCertification` table
[-] Dropped the primary key on columns (id)
[*] Altered column `id` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `hasSubSectionFour` (default changed from `Some(Value(Boolean(false)))` to `None`)
[*] Altered column `hasSubSectionThree` (default changed from `Some(Value(Boolean(false)))` to `None`)
[*] Altered column `certificationNumber` (type changed)
[*] Altered column `organisation` (type changed)
[+] Added primary key on columns (id)
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