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Last active April 17, 2024 09:30
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  • Save benoitguigal/da9deb5e3aa02b4c898eb90f76fa5d07 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import { prisma } from "@td/prisma";
import { getStream } from "../../activity-events";
import { AuthType } from "../../auth";
import Decimal from "decimal.js";
import { getBsdaRepository } from "../../bsda/repository";
const miseEnProdeDate = new Date("2024-04-09T18:00:00Z");
(async () => {
const user = await prisma.user.findUniqueOrThrow({
where: { email: "" }
const { update: updateBsda } = getBsdaRepository({
auth: AuthType.Bearer
// ~5400 bordereaux au total
// 1249 bordereaux affectés par le bug
const bsdas = await prisma.bsda.findMany({
where: {
// On ratisse large pour être certain de ne pas en oublier
updatedAt: { gte: miseEnProdeDate },
weightValue: { not: null },
destinationReceptionWeight: { equals: prisma.bsda.fields.weightValue }
select: { id: true, weightValue: true, destinationReceptionWeight: true }
for (const bsda of bsdas) {
// les événements soit classés par ordre chronologique
const events = await getStream(;
// Récupère toutes les valeurs de destinationReceptionWeight qui sont
// différentes de la valeurs enregistrée
const destinationReceptionWeights = events
.map(event => event?.data?.destinationReceptionWeight)
(destinationReceptionWeight: number) =>
!bsda.weightValue!.equals(new Decimal(destinationReceptionWeight))
if (destinationReceptionWeights.length > 0) {
// prend le dernier update s'il y en a eu plusieurs
const lastDestinationReceptionWeight =
await updateBsda(
{ id: },
destinationReceptionWeight: new Decimal(
lastDestinationReceptionWeight as number
})().then(() => process.exit());
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