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Last active September 6, 2016 15:48
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DynamoDB Grails Service
package agorapulse.core.dynamo
import grails.plugin.awssdk.AmazonWebService
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import java.lang.reflect.Field
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.text.ParseException
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
abstract class DynamoDBService {
static transactional = false
static final int BATCH_DELETE_LIMIT = 100
static final int DEFAULT_QUERY_LIMIT = 20
static final int DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT = 100
static final String SERIALIZED_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"
static final String SERIALIZED_DATE_TIMEZONE = 'GMT'
static final int WRITE_BATCH_SIZE = 100 // Max number of elements to write at once in DynamoDB (mixed tables)
static protected SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(SERIALIZED_DATE_FORMAT)
// Set as protected to be accessible from Closures
protected AmazonDynamoDBClient client
protected String hashKeyName
protected Class hashKeyClass
protected log = Logger.getLogger(DynamoDBService.class)
protected DynamoDBMapper mapper
protected Class mainClass
protected DynamoDBTable mainTable
protected String rangeKeyName
protected Class rangeKeyClass
protected List<String> secondaryIndexes = new ArrayList<String>()
* Initialize service for a given mapper class
* @param mainClass
* @param amazonWebService
protected void init(Class mainClass,
AmazonWebService amazonWebService) {
if (amazonWebService) { // Ignore when null amazonWebService is passed during Spock tests
assert amazonWebService?.dynamoDBMapper
this.client = amazonWebService.dynamoDB
this.mapper = amazonWebService.dynamoDBMapper
this.mainClass = mainClass
this.mainTable = (DynamoDBTable) mainClass.getAnnotation(DynamoDBTable.class)
dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(SERIALIZED_DATE_TIMEZONE)
if (!mainTable) {
throw new RuntimeException("Missing @DynamoDBTable annotation on class: ${mainClass}")
mainClass.getDeclaredMethods().findAll { Method method ->'get') ||'is')
}.each { Method method ->
// Get hash key
if (method.getAnnotation(DynamoDBHashKey.class)) {
hashKeyName = ReflectionUtils.getFieldNameByGetter(method, true)
hashKeyClass = mainClass.getDeclaredField(hashKeyName).type
// Get range key
if (method.getAnnotation(DynamoDBRangeKey.class)) {
rangeKeyName = ReflectionUtils.getFieldNameByGetter(method, true)
rangeKeyClass = mainClass.getDeclaredField(rangeKeyName).type
// Get secondary indexes
DynamoDBIndexRangeKey indexRangeKeyAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(DynamoDBIndexRangeKey.class)
if (indexRangeKeyAnnotation) {
* Optional settings:
* - consistentRead (default to false)
* - limit (default to DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT)
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyName
* @param rangeKeyValue
* @param operator
* @param settings
* @return
int count(hashKey,
String rangeKeyName,
ComparisonOperator operator = ComparisonOperator.EQ,
Map settings = [:]) {
Map conditions = [(rangeKeyName): buildCondition(rangeKeyName, rangeKeyValue, operator)]
countByConditions(hashKey, conditions, settings)
* Optional settings:
* - consistentRead (default to false)
* - limit (default to DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT)
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyName
* @param rangeKeyDates
* @param settings
* @return
int countByDates(hashKey,
String rangeKeyName,
Map rangeKeyDates,
Map settings = [:]) {
Map conditions = buildDateConditions(rangeKeyName, rangeKeyDates)
countByConditions(hashKey, conditions, settings)
* Optional settings:
* - consistentRead (default to false)
* - limit (default to DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT)
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyConditions
* @param settings
* @return
int countByConditions(hashKey,
Map<String, Condition> rangeKeyConditions,
Map settings = [:]) {
settings.batchGetDisabled = true
if (!settings.limit) {
settings.limit = DEFAULT_COUNT_LIMIT
QueryResultPage resultPage = queryByConditions(hashKey, rangeKeyConditions, settings)
resultPage?.results.size() ?: 0
* Create the DynamoDB table for the given Class.
* @param classToCreate Class to create the table for
* @param readCapacityUnits default to 10
* @param writeCapacityUnits default to 5
def createTable(Class classToCreate = null,
Long readCapacityUnits = 10,
Long writeCapacityUnits = 5) {
if (!classToCreate) {
classToCreate = mainClass
DynamoDBTable table = classToCreate.getAnnotation(DynamoDBTable.class)
try {
// Check if the table exists
} catch (ResourceNotFoundException e) {
CreateTableRequest createTableRequest = mapper.generateCreateTableRequest(classToCreate) // new CreateTableRequest().withTableName(table.tableName())
// ProvisionedThroughput
ProvisionedThroughput provisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput()
createTableRequest.setProvisionedThroughput(provisionedThroughput)"Creating DynamoDB table: ${createTableRequest}")
* Decrement a count with an atomic operation
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKey
* @param attributeName
* @param attributeIncrement
* @return
Integer decrement(hashKey,
String attributeName,
int attributeIncrement = 1) {
increment(hashKey, rangeKey, attributeName, -attributeIncrement)
* Delete item by IDs.
* @param hashKey hash key of the item to delete
* @param rangeKey range key of the item to delete
* @param settings settings
void delete(hashKey,
Map settings = [:]) {
delete(mainClass.newInstance((hashKeyName): hashKey, (rangeKeyName): rangeKey), settings)
* Delete item from Java object
* @param item
* @param settings
void delete(item,
Map settings = [:]) {
deleteAll([item], settings)
* Delete a list of items from DynamoDB.
* @param itemsToDelete a list of objects to delete
* @param settings settings
def deleteAll(List itemsToDelete,
Map settings = [:]) {
if (!settings.containsKey('batchEnabled')) {
settings.batchEnabled = true
if (settings.batchEnabled && itemsToDelete.size() > 1) {
itemsToDelete.collate(WRITE_BATCH_SIZE).each { List batchItems ->
log.debug("Deleting items from DynamoDB ${batchItems}")
} else {
itemsToDelete.each {
log.debug("Deleting item from DynamoDB ${it}")
* Delete all items for a given hashKey
* @param hashKey
* @param settings
* @return
int deleteAll(hashKey,
Map settings = [:]) {
* Delete all items f
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyName
* @param rangeKeyValue
* @param operator
* @param settings
* @return
int deleteAll(hashKey,
String rangeKeyName,
ComparisonOperator operator = ComparisonOperator.BEGINS_WITH,
Map settings = [:]) {
Map conditions = [(rangeKeyName): buildCondition(rangeKeyValue, operator)]
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyConditions
* @param settings
* @param indexName
* @return
int deleteAllByConditions(hashKey,
Map<String, Condition> rangeKeyConditions,
Map settings = [:],
String indexName = '') {
if (!settings.containsKey('batchEnabled')) {
settings.batchEnabled = true
if (!settings.limit) {
settings.limit = BATCH_DELETE_LIMIT
DynamoDBQueryExpression query = buildQueryExpression(hashKeyName, hashKey, settings)
query.hashKeyValues = mainClass.newInstance((hashKeyName): hashKey)
if (rangeKeyConditions) {
query.rangeKeyConditions = rangeKeyConditions
if (indexName) {
query.indexName = indexName
QueryResultPage itemsPage = mapper.queryPage(mainClass, query)
int deletedItemsCount = -1
Map lastEvaluatedKey = itemsPage.lastEvaluatedKey
while (lastEvaluatedKey || deletedItemsCount == -1) {
if (deletedItemsCount == -1) {
deletedItemsCount = 0
} else {
query.exclusiveStartKey = lastEvaluatedKey
itemsPage = mapper.queryPage(mainClass, query)
if (itemsPage.results) {
log.debug "Deleting ${itemsPage.results.size()} items, class: ${mainClass}"
deletedItemsCount = deletedItemsCount + itemsPage.results.size()
// Delete all items
deleteAll(itemsPage.results, settings)
lastEvaluatedKey = itemsPage.lastEvaluatedKey
log.debug "Successfully deleted ${deletedItemsCount} items"
* Load an item
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKey
* @return
def get(hashKey,
rangeKey) {
mapper.load(mainClass, hashKey, rangeKey)
* Retrieve batched items corresponding to a list of item IDs, in the same order.
* Example: items = twitterItemDBService.getAll(1, [1, 2]).
* @param hashKey Hash Key of the items to retrieve
* @param rangeKey Range keys of the items to retrieve
* @param settings only used for setting throttle/readCapacityUnit when getting large sets
* @return a list of DynamoDBItem
List getAll(hashKey,
List rangeKeys,
Map settings = [:]) {
Map result = [:]
List objects = rangeKeys.unique().collect { it -> mainClass.newInstance((hashKeyName): hashKey, (rangeKeyName): it) }
if (settings.throttle) {
int resultCursor = 0
long readCapacityUnit = settings.readCapacityUnit
if (!readCapacityUnit) {
DescribeTableResult tableResult = client.describeTable(mainTable.tableName())
readCapacityUnit = tableResult?.getTable()?.provisionedThroughput?.readCapacityUnits ?: 10
objects.collate(20).each { List batchObjects ->
result += mapper.batchLoad(batchObjects)
if (readCapacityUnit && resultCursor >= (readCapacityUnit * 0.8)) {
resultCursor = 0
} else {
result = mapper.batchLoad(objects)
if (result[mainTable.tableName()]) {
List unorderedItems = result[mainTable.tableName()]
List items = []
// Build an item list ordered in the same manner as the list of IDs we've been passed
rangeKeys.each { rangeKey ->
def matchingItem = unorderedItems.find { item ->
item[rangeKeyName] == rangeKey
if (matchingItem) {
// Remove the matching item from the unordered list to reduce the number of loops in the find above
} else {
* Increment a count with an atomic operation
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKey
* @param attributeName
* @param attributeIncrement
* @return
Integer increment(hashKey,
String attributeName,
int attributeIncrement = 1) {
UpdateItemResult result = updateItemAttribute(hashKey, rangeKey, attributeName, attributeIncrement, AttributeAction.ADD)
* Optional settings:
* - batchGetDisabled (only when secondary indexes are used, useful for count when all item attributes are not required)
* - consistentRead (default to false)
* - exclusiveStartKey a map with the rangeKey (ex: [id: 2555]), with optional indexRangeKey when using LSI (ex.: [id: 2555, totalCount: 45])
* - limit
* - returnAll disable paging to return all items, WARNING: can be expensive in terms of throughput (default to false)
* - scanIndexForward (default to false)
* @param hashKey
* @param settings
* @return
QueryResultPage query(hashKey,
Map settings = [:]) {
queryByConditions(hashKey, [:], settings)
* Optional settings:
* - batchGetDisabled (only when secondary indexes are used, useful for count when all item attributes are not required)
* - consistentRead (default to false)
* - exclusiveStartKey a map with the rangeKey (ex: [id: 2555]), with optional indexRangeKey when using LSI (ex.: [id: 2555, totalCount: 45])
* - limit
* - returnAll disable paging to return all items, WARNING: can be expensive in terms of throughput (default to false)
* - scanIndexForward (default to false)
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyName
* @param rangeKeyValue
* @param operator
* @param settings
* @return
QueryResultPage query(hashKey,
String rangeKeyName,
ComparisonOperator operator = ComparisonOperator.EQ,
Map settings = [:]) {
Map conditions = [(rangeKeyName): buildCondition(rangeKeyValue, operator)]
queryByConditions(hashKey, conditions, settings)
* Optional settings:
* - batchGetDisabled (only when secondary indexes are used, useful for count when all item attributes are not required)
* - consistentRead (default to false)
* - exclusiveStartKey a map with the rangeKey (ex: [id: 2555]), with optional indexRangeKey when using LSI (ex.: [id: 2555, totalCount: 45])
* - limit
* - returnAll disable paging to return all items, WARNING: can be expensive in terms of throughput (default to false)
* - scanIndexForward (default to false)
* - throttle insert sleeps during execution to avoid reaching provisioned read throughput (default to false)
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyConditions
* @param settings
* @return
QueryResultPage queryByConditions(hashKey,
Map<String, Condition> rangeKeyConditions,
Map settings = [:],
String indexName = '') {
DynamoDBQueryExpression query = buildQueryExpression(hashKeyName, hashKey, settings)
query.hashKeyValues = mainClass.newInstance((hashKeyName): hashKey)
if (rangeKeyConditions) {
query.rangeKeyConditions = rangeKeyConditions
if (indexName) {
query.indexName = indexName
long readCapacityUnit = 0
int resultCursor = 0
QueryResultPage resultPage = new QueryResultPage()
if (settings.returnAll) {
// Get table read Throughput
if (settings.throttle) {
DescribeTableResult tableResult = client.describeTable(mainTable.tableName())
readCapacityUnit = tableResult?.getTable()?.provisionedThroughput?.readCapacityUnits ?: 0
// Query all
String lastEvaluatedKey = "0"
resultPage.results = []
while (lastEvaluatedKey) {
QueryResultPage currentPage = mapper.queryPage(mainClass, query)
lastEvaluatedKey = currentPage.lastEvaluatedKey
if (settings.throttle) {
if (readCapacityUnit && resultCursor >= (readCapacityUnit * 0.8)) {
resultCursor = 0
} else {
// Query page
resultPage = mapper.queryPage(mainClass, query)
if (resultPage && (rangeKeyConditions || indexName) && !settings.batchGetDisabled) {
// Indexes result only provides hash+range attributes, we need to batch get all items
List rangeKeys = resultPage.results.collect { it[rangeKeyName] }
if (rangeKeys) {
resultPage.results = getAll(hashKey, rangeKeys, settings + [readCapacityUnit: readCapacityUnit])
* Query by dates with 'after' and/or 'before' range value
* 1) After a certain date : [after: new Date()]
* 2) Before a certain date : [before: new Date()]
* 3) Between provided dates : [after: new Date() + 1, before: new Date()]
* Optional settings:
* - batchGetDisabled (only when secondary indexes are used, useful for count when all item attributes are not required)
* - consistentRead (default to false)
* - exclusiveStartKey a map with the rangeKey (ex: [id: 2555]), with optional indexRangeKey when using LSI (ex.: [id: 2555, totalCount: 45])
* - limit
* - scanIndexForward (default to false)
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKeyName
* @param rangeKeyDates
* @param settings
* @return
QueryResultPage queryByDates(hashKey,
String rangeKeyName,
Map rangeKeyDates,
Map settings = [:]) {
Map conditions = buildDateConditions(rangeKeyName, rangeKeyDates)
queryByConditions(hashKey, conditions, settings)
* Save an item.
* @param item the item to save
* @param settings settings
* @return the Item after it's been saved
def save(item,
Map settings = [:]) {
saveAll([item], settings).first()
* Save a list of objects in DynamoDB.
* @param itemsToSave a list of objects to save
* @param settings settings
def saveAll(List itemsToSave,
Map settings = [:]) {
if (!settings.containsKey('batchEnabled')) {
settings.batchEnabled = true
// Nullify empty collection properties
itemsToSave.each { object -> { String prop, val ->
if (object.hasProperty(prop)
&& object[prop] instanceof HashSet
&& object[prop]?.size() == 0) {
// log.debug("Nullifying collection ${prop} before sending to DynamoDB")
object[prop] = null
log.debug "Saving items in DynamoDB ${itemsToSave}"
if (settings.batchEnabled && itemsToSave.size() > 1) {
itemsToSave.collate(WRITE_BATCH_SIZE).each { List batchItems ->
log.debug "Saving batched items in DynamoDB ${batchItems}"
List failedBatchResult = settings.config ? mapper.batchSave(batchItems, settings.config) : mapper.batchSave(batchItems)
if (failedBatchResult) {
failedBatchResult.each { DynamoDBMapper.FailedBatch failedBatch ->
log.error "Failed batch with ${failedBatch.unprocessedItems.size()} unprocessed items"
log.error "Exception: ${failedBatch.exception}"
throw failedBatch.exception
} else {
itemsToSave.each {
log.debug "Saving item in DynamoDB ${it}"
settings.config ?, settings.config as DynamoDBMapperConfig) :
* Update a single item attribute
* @param hashKey
* @param rangeKey
* @param attributeName
* @param attributeValue
* @param action
* @return
UpdateItemResult updateItemAttribute(hashKey,
String attributeName,
AttributeAction action = AttributeAction.PUT) {
UpdateItemRequest request = new UpdateItemRequest(
tableName: mainTable.tableName(),
key: [
(hashKeyName): buildAttributeValue(hashKey),
(rangeKeyName): buildAttributeValue(rangeKey)
returnValues: ReturnValue.UPDATED_NEW
new AttributeValueUpdate(
action: action,
value: buildAttributeValue(attributeValue)
static Date deserializeDate(String date) throws ParseException {
static String serializeDate(Date date) {
* @param key
* @return
static protected AttributeValue buildAttributeValue(Object key) {
if (key.toString().isNumber()) {
new AttributeValue().withN(key.toString())
} else if (key instanceof Boolean) {
new AttributeValue().withN(key ? "1" : "0")
} else if (key instanceof Date) {
new AttributeValue().withS(dateFormatter.format(key))
} else {
new AttributeValue().withS(key.toString())
* @param rangeKeyValue
* @param operator
* @return
static protected Condition buildCondition(rangeKeyValue,
ComparisonOperator operator = ComparisonOperator.EQ) {
new Condition()
* @param rangeKeyName
* @param rangeKeyDates
* @return
static protected Map buildDateConditions(String rangeKeyName,
Map rangeKeyDates) {
assert rangeKeyDates.keySet().any { it in ['after', 'before'] }
ComparisonOperator operator
List attributeValueList = []
if (rangeKeyDates.containsKey('after')) {
operator = ComparisonOperator.GE
attributeValueList << new AttributeValue().withS(serializeDate(rangeKeyDates['after']))
if (rangeKeyDates.containsKey('before')) {
operator = ComparisonOperator.LE
attributeValueList << new AttributeValue().withS(serializeDate(rangeKeyDates['before']))
if (rangeKeyDates.containsKey('after') && rangeKeyDates.containsKey('before')) {
operator = ComparisonOperator.BETWEEN
(rangeKeyName): new Condition()
* @param hashKeyName
* @param hashKey
* @param settings
* @return
static protected DynamoDBQueryExpression buildQueryExpression(hashKeyName,
Map settings = [:]) {
DynamoDBQueryExpression query = new DynamoDBQueryExpression()
if (settings.containsKey('consistentRead')) {
query.consistentRead = settings.consistentRead
if (settings.exclusiveStartKey) {
assert settings.exclusiveStartKey instanceof Map
query.exclusiveStartKey = buildStartKey(settings.exclusiveStartKey + [(hashKeyName): hashKey])
if (settings.limit) {
assert settings.limit.toString().isNumber()
query.limit = settings.limit
} else {
if (settings.containsKey('scanIndexForward')) {
query.scanIndexForward = settings.scanIndexForward
} else {
query.scanIndexForward = false
static protected Map buildStartKey(Map map) {
map.inject([:]) { startKey, it ->
startKey[it.key] = buildAttributeValue(it.value)
* Returns the DynamoDB type for a given Field.
* Currently handled types :
* 1) Primitive numbers : short, int, long, float, double
* 2) String
* Any other type will result in an exception.
* @param field Field to determine the type for
* @return the DynamoDB type associated to the given field
static protected String getDynamoType(Field field) {
if ( in ['short', 'int', 'long', 'float', 'double']) {
return 'N'
} else if ( == 'java.lang.String') {
return 'S'
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("DynamoDB Invalid property type: ${}, property: ${}")
* Sample user based on DynamoDB java mapper
package agorapulse.core.sample;
public class SampleUser {
private long hashKey; // Hash key
private long rangeKey; // Range key
private String name = "";
public long getHashKey() {
return hashKey;
public void setHashKey(long hashKey) {
this.hashKey = hashKey;
public long getRangeKey() {
return rangeKey;
public void setRangeKey(long rangeKey) {
this.rangeKey = rangeKey;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public String toString() {
return "SampleUser{" +
"hashKey=" + hashKey +
", rangeKey=" + rangeKey +
* DynamoDB DAO
* Usage example:
* // Get user
* SampleUser user = sampleUserDBService.get(1, 1) as SampleUser
* if (!user) {
* user = new SampleUser(
* hashKey: 1,
* rangeKey: 1,
* name: 'foo'
* )
* // Save user
* // Update user name
* sampleUserDBService.updateItemAttribute(1, 1, 'name', 'bar')
* // List users by hash key
* sampleUserDBService.query(1)
* // Delete user
* sampleUserDBService.delete(user) // or sampleUserDBService.delete(1, 1)
package agorapulse.core.sample
import agorapulse.core.dynamo.DynamoDBService
import grails.plugin.awssdk.AmazonWebService
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct
class SampleUserDBService extends DynamoDBService {
static transactional = false
AmazonWebService amazonWebService
def init() {
// Provide the AWS beans to the parent class
super.init(SampleUser.class, amazonWebService)
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