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Last active December 31, 2015 05:49
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  • Save benosman/7943878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save benosman/7943878 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example library file for Drupal workflow tool.
# Example component library file.
# Repo is set to drupal by default, so you can use the short form of the projects
# Components are separated into [groups]
# Components should be in form:
# source=version
# Available Sources (set using _source):
# - drupal | projects
# - bower | see or
# - github | or gh - access in form owner/repo
# - bitbucket | or bb - access in form owner/repo
# - composer | composer or
# - wordpress | or wp - access wordpress plugins
# - copy | copies from a folder in the working directory
# - link | links to a folder in the working directory
# - url | plain http /git / svn urls
*drupal=7.24 # The asterisk makes this the default component and squashes the directory structure by 1.
_path=modules/contrib # Where to place components
cdn= # No version is specified so recommended version is used. trailing = is optional
ctools=1.x # Major version specified with wildcard - will pick latest full release e.g 1.3
esi=3.x-dev # Dev version specified, could also use shorthand of dev, 3-dev
panels=3.3 # Pins to specific version.
views=3 # Short hand of 3.x.
_path=modules/patched # Where to place components
_source=drupal # Set repository to drupal
_resolver=git # Use git to retrieve project rather than http.
_patch_dir=patches # Set designated patch directory.
expire=1.0-beta1 patch=expire.patch # Apply patch from designated patches directory
_source=github # Set repository to github
radiantflow/media_youtube= # Repositories are accessed as owner/repo
radiantflow/jplayer=master # Branches or tags can be accessed
bitbucket:radiantflow/features=7.x # You can also specify another repo to use
_working_copy=yes # Signifies that each component will have a full working copy
_source=bitbucket # Set repository to bitbucket
radiantflow/custom_module=7.x-1.x # Access the branch
copy:custom/module1= # Copy a module from the working directory.
link:custom/module2= # Symlink to a module in the working directory.
_source=bower # Use bower to lookup locations of components.
ckeditor=4.3.1/full # Specify tag or branch with /modifier
jplayer=2.5.1 # Exact version
bootstrap=3.x # Wildcard version
gh:/davatron5000/FitVids.js= # Get component directly from github, skipping bower
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