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Created February 3, 2014 16:03
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# Vars is a list of variables, some will be required for the component library, others are specific to the custom tasks.
default_source: drupal
drupal_version: 7
static_root: static
dev_root: dev
bitbucket_user: username
github_user: username
first: first value
second: second value
- first
- second
# These blocks allow you to run ansible style tasks before or after a specific command, e.g. update which is run using
# 'flo update'. These tasks can be declared inline or in an include.
include: update.yml
- name: Ensure Symlinks
action: link src={{ static_root }}/robots.txt dest=robots.txt
- name: Copy settings.php
action: template src=settings.php.j2 dest=sites/default/settings.php mode=0600
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