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Forked from anonymous/jsbin.uhuWokA.css
Created January 27, 2014 22:03
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html { height: 100% }
body {
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width: 640px;*/
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div id="map-canvas"/>
function initialize() {
var styles = [ {
"featureType" : "",
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"visibility" : "on"
} ]
featureType : "landscape.natural",
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color : "#ffffff"
} ]
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featureType : "administrative",
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featureType : "administrative",
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color : "#ffffff"
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featureType : "",
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weight : 1
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visibility : "on"
}, {
color : "#010100"
} ]
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featureType : "road",
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visibility : "off"
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featureType : "road",
elementType : "geometry.fill",
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weight : 0.7
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color : "#006464"
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featureType : "road",
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visibility : "off"
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elementType : "labels.text.stroke",
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color : "#ffffff"
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featureType : "landscape",
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visibility : "off"
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color : "#007575"
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featureType : "poi",
stylers : [ {
visibility : "off"
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featureType : "administrative.land_parcel",
stylers : [ {
visibility : "off"
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featureType : "poi.park",
stylers : [ {
visibility : "on"
} ]
}, {
featureType : "poi.park",
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stylers : [ {
visibility : "off"
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}, {
featureType : "transit",
stylers : [ {
visibility : "off"
} ]
}, {
featureType : "water",
elementType : "geometry",
stylers : [ {
color : "#007575"
} ]
}, {
featureType : "poi.park",
elementType : "geometry.fill",
stylers : [ {
color : "#eeeeee"
} ]
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featureType : "road",
elementType : "geometry.stroke",
stylers : [ {
visibility : "off"
}, {
color : "#ffffff"
}, {
weight : 3
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featureType : "road",
elementType : "labels.text.stroke",
stylers : [ {
color : "#ffffff"
}, {
weight : 3
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featureType : "transit",
stylers : [ {
weight : 0.5
}, {
color : "#007575"
} ]
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featureType : "road",
elementType : "labels.icon",
stylers : [ {
visibility : "off"
} ]
}, {
featureType : "road.highway",
elementType : "geometry.fill",
stylers : [ {
weight : 2
} ]
}, {
featureType : "road.arterial",
elementType : "geometry.fill",
stylers : [ {
weight : 1.3
} ]
var mapOptions = {
center : new google.maps.LatLng(53.3885847, -1.4747644),
zoom : 11,
styles : styles
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
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