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Last active July 27, 2016 07:59
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A thin Python wrapper for
from pathlib import Path
import os
import sys
import logging
A thin wrapper of redo.
- Simple declaration of and access to dependencies
with redo.ifchange(file1="path/to/file1",
files2=["path/to/file2a", "path/to/file2b"])
as files:
files['file1]' # opened path/to/file1
files['files2'][0] # openend path/to/file2a
files['files2'][1] # openend path/to/file2b
The keyword arguments might be nested lists, dictionarys and tuples.
The return value is a dictionary with exactly the same structure as
kwargs but with filenames replaced with files.
- Easy access to the temporary output file via
with redo.output() as f:
... dump your data to `f` ...
- It provides the redo command line arguments as ``,
`redo.base` and `redo.temp`.
logger = logging.getLogger("redo")
args = sys.argv[1:]
_running = sys.argv[0][-3:] == '.do'
def running():
""" Check if the process is really running a redo script """
return _running
if running():
global target, base, temp, short_base, snippets, path
target = sys.argv[1]
base = sys.argv[2]
temp = sys.argv[3]
short_base = Path(base).name
snippets = short_base.split('.')
path = Path(target).parent.resolve()
path = Path()
def fake(target_, base_, temp_):
print("Redo: fake")
global _running, target, base, temp, short_base, snippets, path
_running = True
target = target_
base = base_
temp = temp_
short_base = Path(base).name
snippets = short_base.split('.')
path = Path(target).parent.resolve()
def output(mode='w'):
""" Create a file for redo's temporary output file. """
return open(temp, mode)
def ifchange(*args, **kwargs):
"""Run the `redo-ifchange` command on all files in **kwargs. """
return RedoCommand('redo-ifchange', args, kwargs)
def ifchange_binary(*args, **kwargs):
"""Run the `redo-ifchange` command on all files in **kwargs. """
return RedoCommand('redo-ifchange', args, kwargs, mode='rb')
def delegate(*args, **kwargs):
"""Run the `redo-ifchange` command on all files in **kwargs. """
return RedoCommand('redo-delegate', args, kwargs)
class RedoCommand(object):
def __init__(self, command_name, args, kwargs, mode='r'):
self.command_name = command_name
self.mode = mode
assert args or kwargs, "Provide either *args or **kwargs."
if args and kwargs:
self.filenames = (args, kwargs)
elif args:
self.filenames = args
elif kwargs:
self.filenames = kwargs
def f(filename):
return Path(path) / filename
self.filenames = self.map_list_or_dict(self.filenames, f)
def map_list_or_dict(cls, value, f):
"""(Recursively) map the values of a list, dict or tuple., applying
`f` on all values that are not list, dict or tuple. """
if type(value) == list:
return [cls.map_list_or_dict(value0, f)
for value0 in value]
elif type(value) == dict:
return {key: cls.map_list_or_dict(value0, f)
for key, value0 in value.items()}
elif type(value) == tuple:
return tuple(cls.map_list_or_dict(value0, f)
for value0 in value)
return f(value)
def run(self):
all_filenames = []
self.map_list_or_dict(self.filenames, all_filenames.append)
all_filenames_str = ' '.join('"{}"'.format(filename)
for filename in all_filenames)
command = self.command_name + ' ' + all_filenames_str
res = os.system(command)
if res != 0:
print("Redo failed")
def __enter__(self):
def f(filename):
logger.debug("Open %s", filename)
return open(str(filename), self.mode)
self.files = self.map_list_or_dict(self.filenames, f)
if type(self.files) == tuple and len(self.files) == 1:
return self.files[0]
return self.files
def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
self.map_list_or_dict(self.files, lambda f: f.close())
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