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Last active March 6, 2024 02:19
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Perl6 DBIish wrapper for SQLite queries


As an Ubuntu 18.04 user, I also needed to install some C libraries in order to get DBIish to install using zef. If you encounter this problem too, run the following command and try again:

sudo apt -y install libffi-dev libtommath-dev libatomic-ops-dev libuv-dev


I'm using my MessageRepository here as an example. In my schema, there is a table called "message", so in order to connect to it, I have a repository class for that table with a reference to the $table variable from the abstract, so it knows where the queries should be applied. You may also notice a Service file that simply provides the database connection information. Also that if an exception is caught it is just returned. In my project, I use an entity system to manage errors and data travelling between classes so if you want to see how I did that you can find a working example in my Telegram-Relay-Bot-Perl6 project.



use v6;
need Repository::AbstractRepository;

class MessageRepository does AbstractRepository
    method new ()
        self.bless(table => "message");


need Module::Message::MessageRepository;

class MessageService
    has $!messageRepository =;



This will return the ID of the added row in an array, even if there's only one

  • INSERT INTO message (column) VALUES (0)

    $!messageRepository.insert('column', 0);
    $!messageRepository.insert(%(column => 0));
    $!messageRepository.insert(['column'], [0]);
  • INSERT INTO message (columnA, columnB) VALUES (1, 'string')

    $!messageRepository.insert(%(columnA => 1, columnB => 'string'));
    $!messageRepository.insert(['columnA', 'columnB'], [1, 'string']);

Multiple INSERTs can be done by sending an array of hashes


This will also add the FROM <table name> ('message' in this case)

  • SELECT column

  • SELECT columnA, columnB

    $!'columnA', 'columnB');
    $!['columnA', 'columnB']);


  • WHERE column = 0

    $!messageRepository.where('column', 0);
    $!messageRepository.where('column', '=', 0);
    $!messageRepository.where(%(column => 0));
    $!messageRepository.where(['column' => 0]);
  • WHERE columnA = 1 AND columnB = 2

    $!messageRepository.where(%(columnA => 1, columnB => 2));
    $!messageRepository.where(['columnA', 'columnB'], [1, 2]);
    $!messageRepository.where(['columnA', 'columnB'], ['=', '='], [1, 2]);
  • WHERE (columnA = 1 AND columnB = 2) OR columnC = 3

    $!messageRepository.where([%(columnA => 1, columnB => 2), %(columnC => 3)]);
    $!messageRepository.where(['columnA', 'columnB'], [1, 2]);
        $!messageRepository.orWhere(['columnC'], [3]);
    $!messageRepository.where(['columnA', 'columnB'], ['=', '='], [1, 2]);
        $!messageRepository.orWhere(['columnC'], ['='], [3]);

orWhere performs the same operation where but prefixes the string with 'OR'

use v6;
use DBIish;
need Service::Service;
role AbstractRepository
has $.table is rw;
has $!dbc;
has Str $!dbs;
has $!dbe;
has Str $!whereString;
submethod BUILD (:$!table)
my %config = Service.getConfig();
my Str $database = %config<database>.gist;
$!dbc = DBIish.connect(
database => $database
) // die "Database '$database' not found.";
submethod END ()
multi method insert (@rows where { @rows.first.WHAT === any(Pair, Hash) })
my @ids;
my @id;
for @rows -> %row {
@id = self.insert(%row);
last if !@id;
@ids.push: @id[0];
return @ids;
multi method insert (%row)
my @cols;
my @vals;
for %row.kv -> $col, $val {
next if $val === 'NULL';
@cols.push: "'$col'";
given $val {
when Int {
@vals.push: $val;
default {
@vals.push: "'$val'";
my Str $colString = @cols.join(', ');
my Str $valString = @vals.join(', ');
$!dbs = qq:to/STATEMENT/;
INSERT INTO $!table ($colString)
VALUES ($valString)
try {
$!dbe = $!dbc.prepare($!dbs);
return "$_";
# Get last ID
my $dbs = $!dbc.prepare("SELECT last_insert_rowid()");
my @lastId = $dbs.row();
return @lastId;
multi method insert (@columns, @values where { @columns.elems === @values.elems })
my %row = @columns Z=> @values;
return self.insert(%row);
multi method select (*@cols where { $_.all ~~ Str })
my Str $colString = @cols.join(', ');
$!dbs = qq:to/STATEMENT/;
SELECT $colString
FROM $!table
multi method select (@cols)
multi method select ()
multi method where (@whereCols, @operators, @matches where { @whereCols.elems === @matches.elems })
my Int $index = 0;
my Str $operator;
$!whereString ~= '(';
for @whereCols Z @matches -> [$col, $match] {
$!whereString ~= " AND " if $index = $++;
$operator = @operators[$index] // '=';
$!whereString ~= "$col $operator ";
given $match {
when Int { $!whereString ~= "$match"; }
default { $!whereString ~= "'$match'"; }
$!whereString ~= ')';
multi method where (%matches)
my @keys = %matches.keys;
my @vals = %matches.values;
self.where(@keys, [], @vals);
multi method where (@matches where { @matches.first.WHAT === any(Pair, Hash) })
for @matches -> %matches {
$!whereString ~= " OR " if $++;
multi method where (@whereCols, @matches where { @whereCols.elems === @matches.elems })
self.where(@whereCols, [], @matches);
multi method where ($whereCol, $operator, $match)
self.where([$whereCol], [$operator], [$match]);
multi method where ($whereCol, $match)
self.where([$whereCol], [], [$match]);
multi method orWhere (|sig)
$!whereString ~= ' OR ';
method get ()
$!dbs ~= qq:to/STATEMENT/ if ?$!whereString;
WHERE $!whereString
try {
$!dbe = $!dbc.prepare($!dbs);
return "$_";
method getAll ()
my $error = self.get();
return $error if ?$error;
my @data = $!dbe.allrows(:array-of-hash);
return @data;
method getFirst ()
my $error = self.get();
return $error if ?$error;
my %data = $!dbe.row(:hash);
return %data;
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