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Created November 12, 2012 03:37
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Making web.config appSettings available via JavaScript (ASP.NET MVC)

Making web.config appSettings available via JavaScript (ASP.NET MVC)

You may wish to expose server side configuration via JavaScript. For example, you may have a different base url for your REST api per environment (dev,test,uat,prod) which your JavaScript AJAX calls need to consider.

Typically, you would push the configuration data down via an html5 data- attribute, a hidden input field or via explicit assignment to a JavaScript global. You usually end up doing this for every item you wish to expose. However, using a custom MVC ActionFilterAttribute and a Server-to-JSON serialization technique you can easily expose your web.config appSettings for controller actions.

NOTE: Exposing the entire appSettings configuration section may expose your application to security risks.


To start with read through this technique to serialize the ViewBag into a namespaced JavaScript global - Transferring Server data to JavaScript with initial Page Request.

Make sure you have an appSettings section in your web.config file.

    <add key="foo" value="bar" />

Next, create a custom ActionFilterAttribute to read in the web.config appSettings and attach to the ViewBag.

    /// <summary>
    /// Add web.config app settings into the ViewBag so pages can utilize it for JS etc.
    /// </summary>
    public class AppSettingsAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
        public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
            var viewResult = filterContext.Result as ViewResult;
            if (viewResult == null)

            viewResult.ViewBag.AppSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.AllKeys.ToDictionary(key => key, key => ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key]);


NOTE: The AppSettings is a NameValueCollection which is a List/Array - not a Dictionary. When the NameValueCollection is serialized to JSON it comes out as an array notation - not object notation - see

Next we need to apply this attribute to controllers/actions where you wish the appSettings to be made available via JavaScript:

public class ConfigurationController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

Now you can access the appSettings data from your JavaScript.

  var appSettings = application.viewbag.appSettings;


You'll need to NuGet the Newtonsoft.Json library.


Serialize, ViewModel, Knockout, JavaScript, ViewBag, Model, AJAX, Web.Config, AppSettings

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SandeepApsingekar commented Feb 11, 2017

When I try to do this operation. It always say that the "application" in application.viewbag.appsettings is undefined in angular js.

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