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Last active December 19, 2019 04:49
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Instructions for getting a Rails Environment setup on macOS

Instructions to setup a Rails Environment on macOS

Supporting Software

Install Xcode. Be sure to open it once an install the additional components.

Install Homebrew.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

If the project is going to use the pg gem install Postgresql.

brew install postgresql

Install Ruby Version Manager. Be sure to follow the instructions the installer provides to insure that rvm is in your PATH.

\curl -sSL | bash -s stable

Setup Ruby, a Gemset, and get Rails ready

Install the Ruby version desired, in this example 2.6.

rvm install 2.6

Create a gemset to use for your Rails project.

rvm gemset create my_awesome_project

Use the newly created gemset.

rvm gemset use my_awesome_project

Change into the root of your Rails project and install the bundle.

bundle install

Run migrations.

rails db:migrate

or for older Rails apps use rake.

rake db:migrate
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