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Forked from eduncan911/Octopress\blogml.rb
Last active September 23, 2022 00:12
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Jekyll BlogML.xml importer
# BlogML import script originally sourced from:
# Best post I could find about how to use it was here:
# how to install
# --------------
# mkdir source/_importer
# cp blogml.rb to the source/_importer/ you created above
# cp your BlogML.xml to the same source/_importer/ directory
# make sure to change the "categories" output at the end of this script
# to be the final resting place of your imported posts. i chose to put mine
# all into the /blog/archives/ folder personally. by using categories like
# this, it uses the folder structure for all posts to render in that one
# directory.
# if you, on the other hand, want to retain your categories as categories
# in your new blog, feel free to remove the TAGs portion and copy it to the
# CATEGORIES portion in the final output below. It will render the categories
# per your BlogML.
# how to run
# --------------
# I prefer this method below so you can run the importer multiple times without
# effecting any new and existing posts you may have created. because the import
# cd source/_importer/
# ruby -r './blogml.rb' -e 'Jekyll::BlogML.process()'
# that will execute the script only with that folder
# change Log by eduncan911:
# 2014-04-08
# added "alias: " to output, changed old_url to be an array with the original old_url as well as a lowercased version
# added "date: " to output
# added "tags: " to output to read from categories (since I abused that 10 years ago)
# you can change this to "categories: " easily and have the same array for them
# added "published: " to output
module Jekyll
require 'rexml/document'
require 'time'
require "YAML"
require 'fileutils'
module BlogML
#Reads posts from an BlogML dump.
#It creates a post file for each entry in the dump.
def self.process(source = "BlogML.xml")
FileUtils.rmtree "_posts"
FileUtils.mkdir_p "_posts"
content = ""
open(source, "r") { |f| content << }
FileUtils.touch ".htaccess"".htaccess", "w") do |htaccess|
htaccess.puts "RewriteEngine on"
doc =
posts = 0
doc.elements.each("blog/posts/post") do |item|
link = item.attributes["post-url"]
title = item.elements["title"].text
puts " title: #{title}"
# Use the URL after the last slash as the post's name
name = link.split("/")[-1]
puts "original name: #{name}"
# Lowercase name for uniformity
# Remove extensions (.html, .aspx, etc)
name = $1 if name =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/
puts " parsed name: #{name}"
# # Remove the leading digits and dash that Serendipity adds
# name = $1 if name =~ /\d+\-(.*)/
# puts "name 3: #{name}"
# puts "name: #{name}"
## an important note. my blogml.xml had a few spaces and \r\n before
# the <![CDATA[ markers in the content. this caused the Ruby REXML parser
# to ignore all content within element. i had to remove all of those
# in order for this line to parse.
content = item.elements["content"].text
## i'd like to insert a diclaimer that I have imported these posts.
# note that you'll have to create the file source/_includes/imported_disclaimer.html
# to render. i just put a {% blockquote %} with some verbage in it.
content = "{% include imported_disclaimer.html %}\r\n" + content
## i'd like to cut off old content from showing in the blog roll. since
# it requires <!-- more --> to be inserted, we'll just do it at the
# very top. someone with more time can make it insert after the first
# paragraph or something.
content = "<!-- more -->\r\n" + content
## This section is used to cleanup any content data.
# Replace /image.axd?picture= with /images/
#content.gsub!(/\/image\.axd\?picture\=/, "/images/")
# Replace /file.axd?file= with /files/
#content.gsub!(/\/file\.axd\?file\=/, "/files/")
# Replace encoded /'s with real thing
#content.gsub!(/\%2f/, "/")
content.gsub!(/http:\/\/, "") # remove the domain from my links and images
content.gsub!(/\/blog\/thumbnail\//, "/blog/archives/images/")
# handle my old [PostIcon] mod
content.gsub!(/\[PostIcon((.*;)|(.*"))?\]+/i, "<img alt='#{title}' src='")
content.gsub!(/\[Posticon((.*;)|(.*"))?\]+/i, "<img alt='#{title}' src='") # /i doesn't seem to be working
content.gsub!(/\[posticon((.*;)|(.*"))?\]+/i, "<img alt='#{title}' src='") # /i doesn't seem to be working
# [PostIcon Anchor=&quot;Top&quot;]
content.gsub!(/\[\/PostIcon\]+/i, "'/>")
content.gsub!(/\[\/Posticon\]+/i, "'/>") # /i doesn't seem to be working
content.gsub!(/\[\/posticon\]+/i, "'/>") # /i doesn't seem to be working
## is this published?
published = item.attributes["approved"]
puts "published: #{published}"
timestamp = Time.parse(item.attributes["date-created"])
puts "timestamp: #{timestamp}"
# post_file_name = "#{timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}-#{name}"
#filename = "_posts/#{timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}-#{name}.html"
filename = "_posts/#{timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}-#{name}.markdown"
puts "filename: #{filename}"
## Keep old URL
# old_url = name
# htaccess.puts "RewriteRule ^#{name}$ "
# for GitHub pages, we need to setup an alias
old_url = [ item.attributes["post-url"] ]
# PERMALINK needs 1 choice, so don't add the extra
# if item.attributes["post-url"] != item.attributes["post-url"].downcase
# old_url.push(item.attributes["post-url"].downcase)
# end
puts "old_url: #{old_url}"
# Add URL rewrite to htaccess (broken now that we use old_url as an array)
#htaccess.puts "RewriteRule ^post/#{old_url}$ /#{name}.html [R=301,NC]"
# we are going to add tags
tags =
item.elements.each("tags/tag") do |tag|
puts "tags: #{tags}"
# puts "#{link} -> #{filename}", "w") do |f|
# YAML.dump(
# {
# "layout" => "default",
# # "name" => name,
# "title" => title,
# # "time" => timestamp,
# },
f.puts <<-HEADER
layout: post
title: "#{title}"
date: #{timestamp.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z")}
comments: true
published: #{published}
categories: ["blog", "archives"]
tags: #{tags}
permalink: #{old_url}
# f.puts
# )
# f.puts "---\n#{content}"
f.puts content
posts += 1
puts "Created #{posts} posts!"
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