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Last active January 16, 2017 21:53
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A simple javascript module for adding a class to an element depending if it is visible or not.
// Use it like this:
// ScrollChange.init('.featured-on', 'featured-on--fixed');
var ScrollChange = {
element: '',
windowHeight: '',
elementTop: '',
lastScrollTop: 0,
delta: 50,
didScroll: false,
* Set up some variables, add a class if necessary, then listen for scrolls on a timer.
* @param {string} selector A selector string, including the . or #
* @param {string} selectorModifier A classname modifying the selector. No period.
* @return undefined undefined
init: function(selector, selectorModifier) {
// Set some variables
this.selector = selector
this.selectorModifier = selectorModifier;
this.element = document.querySelector(this.selector);
this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
this.elementTop = this.element.offsetTop;
this.viewportBottom = document.body.scrollTop + window.innerHeight;
// On init, check if the element needs to be fixed position.
(this.viewportBottom <= this.elementTop) ? this.element.classList.add(this.selectorModifier) : '';
// Start listening for scrolls.
window.addEventListener('scroll', function(e) {
ScrollChange.didScroll = true;
// Throttle the scroll event actions.
setInterval(function() {
if(ScrollChange.didScroll === true) {
ScrollChange.didScroll = false;
}, 250);
* When the scroll event fires, add or remove a class.
* @param {Object} e The scroll event.
* @return undefined undefined
hasScrolled: function(e) {
var self = this;
// scroll position of the document
var st = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
// If the scroll position is not that different from last time,
// don't do anything
if(Math.abs(self.lastScrollTop - st) <= return;
// Get the bottom of the viewport.
self.viewportBottom = st + window.innerHeight;
// If the element is not visibile in the viewport, add a class.
if (self.viewportBottom < self.elementTop) {
} else if ( self.viewportBottom >= self.elementTop && self.element.classList.contains(self.selectorModifier) ){
// If the element would already have been scrolled past, remove a class
// Remember the last scroll position.
self.lastScrollTop = st;
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