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Created January 15, 2016 04:12
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author emoji
benrudolph 100
benrudolph astonished
benrudolph balloon
benrudolph bear
benrudolph bird
benrudolph birthday
benrudolph blowfish
benrudolph boat
benrudolph bomb
benrudolph book
benrudolph boom
benrudolph boot
benrudolph boy
benrudolph briefcase
benrudolph bullettrain_side
benrudolph cake
benrudolph candy
benrudolph christmas_tree
benrudolph clap
benrudolph closed_lock_with_key
benrudolph cloud
benrudolph confetti_ball
benrudolph cry
benrudolph dancer
benrudolph dancers
benrudolph dart
benrudolph disappointed
benrudolph earth_africa
benrudolph earth_americas
benrudolph earth_asia
benrudolph eyes
benrudolph facepunch
benrudolph fire
benrudolph fire_engine
benrudolph fireworks
benrudolph flushed
benrudolph football
benrudolph full_moon
benrudolph full_moon_with_face
benrudolph gem
benrudolph goberserk
benrudolph godmode
benrudolph golf
benrudolph gun
benrudolph haircut
benrudolph hammer
benrudolph hand
benrudolph hash
benrudolph heart
benrudolph heart_decoration
benrudolph heart_eyes
benrudolph heavy_check_mark
benrudolph heavy_minus_sign
benrudolph heavy_plus_sign
benrudolph joy
benrudolph leopard
benrudolph link
benrudolph lips
benrudolph mag
benrudolph man
benrudolph metal
benrudolph moneybag
benrudolph muscle
benrudolph ok_hand
benrudolph phone
benrudolph potable_water
benrudolph princess
benrudolph raised_hands
benrudolph rice
benrudolph runner
benrudolph santa
benrudolph see_no_evil
benrudolph shaved_ice
benrudolph shipit
benrudolph shoe
benrudolph skull
benrudolph smile
benrudolph smiley
benrudolph sob
benrudolph star
benrudolph star2
benrudolph stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye
benrudolph sunglasses
benrudolph sunny
benrudolph sweat_smile
benrudolph tada
benrudolph tanabata_tree
benrudolph train
benrudolph trollface
benrudolph truck
benrudolph us
benrudolph walking
benrudolph wave
benrudolph white_check_mark
benrudolph wink
benrudolph woman
benrudolph zap
biyeun beers
biyeun cake
biyeun crying_cat_face
biyeun heart
biyeun heart_eyes
biyeun heart_eyes_cat
biyeun smiley
biyeun sweet_potato
biyeun tada
calellowitz white_check_mark
ctsims fireworks
czue 100
czue airplane
czue b
czue baby_bottle
czue balloon
czue banana
czue bear
czue honeybee
czue beers
czue birthday
czue black_circle
czue blowfish
czue boat
czue bomb
czue boom
czue boot
czue bow
czue broken_heart
czue bus
czue cake
czue cat
czue cat2
czue christmas_tree
czue clap
czue clock1
czue confetti_ball
czue confounded
czue construction
czue cookie
czue cry
czue crying_cat_face
czue dancer
czue disappointed
czue dizzy_face
czue dog
czue dog2
czue earth_africa
czue earth_americas
czue earth_asia
czue es
czue eyeglasses
czue eyes
czue factory
czue fire
czue fireworks
czue fish_cake
czue floppy_disk
czue fr
czue ghost
czue gift
czue goberserk
czue grin
czue haircut
czue hammer
czue hankey
czue heart
czue heart_eyes
czue heart_eyes_cat
czue heavy_check_mark
czue heavy_minus_sign
czue heavy_plus_sign
czue horse_racing
czue it
czue joy
czue mag
czue muscle
czue neckbeard
czue new
czue no_good
czue older_man
czue open_mouth
czue page_facing_up
czue person_frowning
czue poodle
czue pray
czue racehorse
czue rage
czue rage1
czue rainbow
czue ram
czue rocket
czue runner
czue scream
czue scream_cat
czue shipit
czue skull
czue smile_cat
czue smiling_imp
czue snail
czue snowflake
czue snowman
czue sob
czue star
czue star2
czue stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye
czue sunglasses
czue surfer
czue tada
czue thought_balloon
czue three
czue ticket
czue tired_face
czue tongue
czue tophat
czue trollface
czue trophy
czue unamused
czue walking
czue wave
czue white_check_mark
czue x
czue zap
czue zzz
dannyroberts 100
dannyroberts balloon
dannyroberts bear
dannyroberts birthday
dannyroberts boom
dannyroberts bouquet
dannyroberts bowtie
dannyroberts car
dannyroberts card_index
dannyroberts clap
dannyroberts cow2
dannyroberts cry
dannyroberts dancer
dannyroberts disappointed
dannyroberts eyes
dannyroberts factory
dannyroberts goberserk
dannyroberts grinning
dannyroberts haircut
dannyroberts heart
dannyroberts heart_eyes
dannyroberts heavy_minus_sign
dannyroberts heavy_plus_sign
dannyroberts muscle
dannyroberts poop
dannyroberts pray
dannyroberts racehorse
dannyroberts rocket
dannyroberts scissors
dannyroberts scroll
dannyroberts ship
dannyroberts shipit
dannyroberts smile
dannyroberts smiling_imp
dannyroberts speedboat
dannyroberts star
dannyroberts star2
dannyroberts tada
dannyroberts whale
dannyroberts white_check_mark
dannyroberts x
dannyroberts yellow_heart
emord banana
emord heart
emord white_check_mark
emord x
esoergel 100
esoergel balloon
esoergel banana
esoergel birthday
esoergel boom
esoergel cake
esoergel cry
esoergel dragon_face
esoergel fearful
esoergel fire
esoergel fireworks
esoergel hammer
esoergel heart
esoergel hocho
esoergel imp
esoergel joy_cat
esoergel large_blue_circle
esoergel laughing
esoergel mag
esoergel monkey_face
esoergel princess
esoergel rage4
esoergel scream_cat
esoergel shipit
esoergel smile
esoergel smiling_imp
esoergel star2
esoergel stuck_out_tongue
esoergel sunglasses
esoergel tada
esoergel white_check_mark
gcapalbo white_check_mark
kaapstorm expressionless
kaapstorm flushed
kaapstorm grin
kaapstorm grinning
kaapstorm heart
kaapstorm heavy_minus_sign
kaapstorm heavy_plus_sign
kaapstorm neutral_face
kaapstorm smile
kaapstorm smiley
kaapstorm sparkles
kaapstorm squirrel
kaapstorm suspect
kaapstorm tada
kaapstorm thumbsup
kaapstorm white_check_mark
millerdev bomb
millerdev boom
millerdev disappointed
millerdev heart
millerdev smile
millerdev stuck_out_tongue
millerdev white_check_mark
nickpell confused
nickpell dog2
nickpell fearful
nickpell fireworks
nickpell stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye
nickpell tada
nickpell thumbsup
nickpell us
nickpell white_check_mark
NoahCarnahan heart_eyes
NoahCarnahan white_check_mark
orangejenny blush
orangejenny clap
orangejenny sob
orangejenny tea
proteusvacuum arrow_right
proteusvacuum beetle
proteusvacuum boot
proteusvacuum clap
proteusvacuum cloud
proteusvacuum cookie
proteusvacuum cry
proteusvacuum crying_cat_face
proteusvacuum disappointed
proteusvacuum email
proteusvacuum fearful
proteusvacuum fire
proteusvacuum fireworks
proteusvacuum hamburger
proteusvacuum hammer
proteusvacuum heavy_plus_sign
proteusvacuum imp
proteusvacuum joy_cat
proteusvacuum lock
proteusvacuum love_letter
proteusvacuum man
proteusvacuum nose
proteusvacuum panda_face
proteusvacuum pig_nose
proteusvacuum rabbit
proteusvacuum relieved
proteusvacuum ring
proteusvacuum see_no_evil
proteusvacuum shipit
proteusvacuum skull
proteusvacuum smile_cat
proteusvacuum smiley
proteusvacuum smiley_cat
proteusvacuum smiling_imp
proteusvacuum sparkles
proteusvacuum stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye
proteusvacuum tada
proteusvacuum telescope
proteusvacuum white_check_mark
snopoke bear
snopoke blowfish
snopoke boat
snopoke boom
snopoke boot
snopoke candy
snopoke checkered_flag
snopoke clap
snopoke clock1
snopoke confetti_ball
snopoke construction
snopoke cry
snopoke disappointed
snopoke fireworks
snopoke heavy_check_mark
snopoke imp
snopoke innocent
snopoke joy_cat
snopoke mag
snopoke mans_shoe
snopoke new
snopoke nose
snopoke page_facing_up
snopoke poop
snopoke racehorse
snopoke rocket
snopoke roller_coaster
snopoke scream
snopoke skull
snopoke sleeping
snopoke smile
snopoke smile_cat
snopoke smiley
snopoke smiling_imp
snopoke snail
snopoke speedboat
snopoke star
snopoke star2
snopoke stuck_out_tongue
snopoke stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes
snopoke tada
snopoke trollface
snopoke trophy
snopoke wave
snopoke white_check_mark
sravfeyn 100
sravfeyn star2
sravfeyn trophy
twymer balloon
twymer blue_heart
twymer clap
twymer computer
twymer crying_cat_face
twymer fireworks
twymer green_heart
twymer heart
twymer heart_eyes
twymer purple_heart
twymer revolving_hearts
twymer smile_cat
twymer sparkling_heart
twymer star
twymer tada
twymer two_hearts
twymer woman
twymer yellow_heart
twymer zap
wpride fire
wpride thumbsup
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<h1 style="text-align:center">Type of Emoji Counts</h1>
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