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Created March 25, 2015 23:44
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Free monad example
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Free
data StackF a
= Push Int a
| Pop (Int -> a)
instance Functor StackF where
fmap f (Push x k) = Push x (f k)
fmap f (Pop k) = Pop (f . k)
type Stack = Free StackF
push :: Int -> Stack ()
push x = liftF (Push x ())
pop :: Stack Int
pop = liftF (Pop id)
runStack :: Stack a -> Maybe a
runStack = go []
go _ (Pure x) = Just x
go stack (Free (Push x k)) = go (x:stack) k
go [] (Free (Pop _)) = Nothing
go (x:stack) (Free (Pop k)) = go stack (k x)
showStack :: Stack a -> [String]
showStack = go []
go _ (Pure _) = []
go stack (Free (Push x k)) = ("Push " ++ show x) : go (x:stack) k
go [] (Free (Pop _)) = ["ERROR"]
go (x:stack) (Free (Pop k)) = ("Pop " ++ show x) : go stack (k x)
test :: Stack Int
test = do
push 1
push 2
push 3
x <- pop
push (if x < 2 then 4 else 5)
fmap (*20) pop
main :: IO ()
main = do
mapM_ putStrLn $ showStack test
print $ runStack test
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