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Last active August 20, 2019 00:16
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Dice Roller
module Main (main) where
import Control.Applicative (optional)
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (State, runState, state)
import Data.List (sortOn)
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Ord (Down(Down))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Random (RandomGen, getStdGen, randomR, setStdGen)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P
import qualified Text.Parsec.Language as PL
import qualified Text.Parsec.Token as PT
data Perfect = NormalTens | DoubleTens deriving (Eq, Show)
data RollSpec = RollSpec
{ nDice :: Int
, difficulty :: Int
, perfect :: Perfect
} deriving Show
data Categorised = Categorised
{ successes :: [Int]
, fails :: [Int]
, botches :: [Int]
, extras :: Int
} deriving Show
data Result
= Success Int
| Failure
| Botch Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
parser :: P.Parsec String () RollSpec
parser = do
let l = PT.makeTokenParser PL.haskellDef
n <- fromIntegral <$> PT.decimal l P.<?> "n-dice (number)"
PT.whiteSpace l
diff <- fromIntegral <$> PT.decimal l P.<?> "difficulty (number)"
PT.whiteSpace l
perf <- optional (PT.reserved l "r") P.<?> "r (10s count twice)"
pure (RollSpec n diff (if isJust perf then DoubleTens else NormalTens))
categorise :: RollSpec -> [Int] -> Categorised
categorise (RollSpec _n diff perf) =
foldr go (Categorised [] [] [] 0) . sortOn Down
go i c@(Categorised s f b e)
| i == 10 && perf == DoubleTens = c{ successes = i:s, extras = e+1 }
| i >= diff = c{ successes = i:s }
| i == 1 = c{ botches = i:b }
| otherwise = c{ fails = i:f }
displayCategorised :: Categorised -> String
displayCategorised (Categorised s f b _e) =
printf "%s | %s | %s"
(if null s then "-" else unwords (map show s))
(if null f then "-" else unwords (map show f))
(if null b then "-" else unwords (map show b))
makeRolls :: RandomGen g => RollSpec -> State g (Result, Categorised)
makeRolls spec = do
rolls <- replicateM (nDice spec) (state (randomR (1,10)))
let cat@(Categorised s _f b e) = categorise spec rolls
let result = case (s, b) of
([], []) -> Failure
([], _) -> Botch (length b)
( _, _) | length b < length s ->
Success ((length s + e - length b) `max` 0)
| otherwise ->
return (result, cat)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- unwords <$> getArgs
case P.parse parser "" args of
Left err -> do
putStrLn "Usage: <N> <DIFF> [r]"
print err
Right spec -> do
printf "Roll %d dice at difficulty %d%s.\n"
(nDice spec) (difficulty spec)
(if perfect spec == DoubleTens
then ", with tens counting as two successes" else "")
rand <- getStdGen
let ((total, cat), rand') = runState (makeRolls spec) rand
setStdGen rand'
putStrLn (show total ++ ": " ++ displayCategorised cat)
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