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Last active January 1, 2016 17:29
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module MonadLaws where
open import Category.Applicative
open import Category.Applicative.Indexed
open import Category.Functor
open import Category.Monad
open import Category.Monad.Indexed
open import Data.Maybe renaming (monad to monadMaybe)
open import Function
open import Level
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P
ext : ∀ {ℓ} → P.Extensionality ℓ ℓ
record PropFunctor {ℓ} (F : Set ℓ → Set ℓ) : Set (suc ℓ) where
rawFunctor : RawFunctor F
open RawFunctor rawFunctor
<$>-id : ∀ {A} (x : F A) → (id <$> x) ≡ x
<$>-comp : ∀ {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) (x : F A)
→ (g ∘′ f) <$> x ≡ (_<$>_ g ∘′ _<$>_ f) x
record PropApplicative {ℓ} (F : Set ℓ → Set ℓ) : Set (suc ℓ) where
rawApplicative : RawApplicative F
open RawApplicative rawApplicative
⊛-id : ∀ {A} (x : F A)
→ pure id ⊛ x ≡ x
⊛-comp : ∀ {A B C} (u : F (B → C)) (v : F (A → B)) (w : F A)
→ pure _∘′_ ⊛ u ⊛ v ⊛ w ≡ u ⊛ (v ⊛ w)
⊛-homo : ∀ {A B} (f : A → B) x
→ pure f ⊛ pure x ≡ pure (f x)
⊛-ichg : ∀ {A B} (u : F (A → B)) y
→ u ⊛ pure y ≡ pure (λ f → f y) ⊛ u
record PropMonad {ℓ} (F : Set ℓ → Set ℓ) : Set (suc ℓ) where
rawMonad : RawMonad F
open RawMonad rawMonad
unitˡ : ∀ {A} (m : F A) → (m >>= return) ≡ m
unitʳ : ∀ {A B x} (f : A → F B) → (return x >>= f) ≡ f x
>>=-assoc : ∀ {A B C} m (f : A → F B) (g : B → F C)
→ ((m >>= f) >>= g) ≡ (m >>= (λ x → f x >>= g))
propMonadMaybe : ∀ {ℓ} → PropMonad {ℓ} Maybe
propMonadMaybe {ℓ} = record
{ rawMonad = monadMaybe
; unitˡ = left-unit
; unitʳ = λ _ → refl
; >>=-assoc = assoc
left-unit : ∀ {A : Set ℓ} (m : Maybe A)
→ maybe (λ x → just x) nothing m ≡ m
left-unit (just x) = refl
left-unit nothing = refl
assoc : {A B C : Set ℓ} (m : Maybe A) (f : A → Maybe B) (g : B → Maybe C)
→ maybe′ g nothing (maybe f nothing m) ≡
maybe′ (λ x → maybe g nothing (f x)) nothing m
assoc (just x) _ _ = refl
assoc nothing _ _ = refl
propMonad→propApplicative : ∀ {ℓ} {F : Set ℓ → Set ℓ}
→ PropMonad {ℓ} F → PropApplicative {ℓ} F
propMonad→propApplicative {ℓ} {F} mon = record
{ rawApplicative = RawIMonad.rawIApplicative (PropMonad.rawMonad mon)
; ⊛-id = app-id
; ⊛-comp = app-comp
; ⊛-homo = app-homo
; ⊛-ichg = app-ichg
open RawMonad (PropMonad.rawMonad mon)
open PropMonad mon
app-id : ∀ {A} (x : F A) → pure id ⊛ x ≡ x
app-id x = unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩ unitˡ _
app-comp : ∀ {A B C} (f : F (B → C)) (g : F (A → B)) (x : F A)
→ pure _∘′_ ⊛ f ⊛ g ⊛ x ≡ f ⊛ (g ⊛ x)
app-comp f g x
= >>=-assoc _ _ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
>>=-assoc _ _ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
>>=-assoc _ _ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
cong (_>>=_ f)
(ext $ λ f′ →
unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
>>=-assoc _ _ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
cong (_>>=_ g)
(ext $ λ g′ →
unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
cong (_>>=_ x) (ext $ λ x′ → sym (unitʳ _)) ⟨ trans ⟩
sym (>>=-assoc _ _ _)) ⟨ trans ⟩
sym (>>=-assoc _ _ _))
app-homo : ∀ {A B} (f : A → B) (x : A)
→ pure f ⊛ pure x ≡ pure (f x)
app-homo f x = unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩ unitʳ _
app-ichg : ∀ {A B} (u : F (A → B)) (y : A)
→ u ⊛ (pure y) ≡ pure (λ f → f y) ⊛ u
app-ichg u y
= cong (_>>=_ u) (ext $ λ u′ → unitʳ (pure ∘′ u′)) ⟨ trans ⟩
sym (unitʳ _)
propMonad→propFunctor : ∀ {ℓ} {F : Set ℓ → Set ℓ}
→ PropMonad F → PropFunctor F
propMonad→propFunctor {ℓ} {F} mon = record
{ rawFunctor = RawIApplicative.rawFunctor
(RawIMonad.rawIApplicative (PropMonad.rawMonad mon))
; <$>-id = op-id
; <$>-comp = op-comp
open RawMonad (PropMonad.rawMonad mon)
open PropMonad mon
op-id : ∀ {A : Set ℓ} (x : F A) → id <$> x ≡ x
op-id _ = unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩ unitˡ _
op-comp : ∀ {A B C : Set ℓ} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) (x : F A)
→ (g ∘′ f) <$> x ≡ (_<$>_ g ∘′ _<$>_ f) x
op-comp f g x
= unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
cong (_>>=_ x) (ext $ λ _ → sym (unitʳ _)) ⟨ trans ⟩
sym (unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
>>=-assoc _ _ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
unitʳ _ ⟨ trans ⟩
>>=-assoc _ _ _)
propApplicative→propFunctor : ∀ {ℓ} {F : Set ℓ → Set ℓ}
→ PropApplicative F → PropFunctor F
propApplicative→propFunctor {ℓ} {F} app = record
{ rawFunctor = RawIApplicative.rawFunctor
(PropApplicative.rawApplicative app)
; <$>-id = op-id
; <$>-comp = op-comp
open RawApplicative (PropApplicative.rawApplicative app)
open PropApplicative app
op-id : ∀ {A} (x : F A) → (id <$> x) ≡ x
op-id = ⊛-id
op-comp : ∀ {A B C} (f : A → B) (g : B → C) (x : F A)
→ (g ∘′ f) <$> x ≡ (_<$>_ g ∘′ _<$>_ f) x
op-comp f g x
= cong (λ u → u ⊛ x)
(sym (⊛-homo (λ z → z f) (_∘′_ g)) ⟨ trans ⟩
cong (_⊛_ (pure (λ f′ → f′ f))) (sym (⊛-homo _∘′_ g)) ⟨ trans ⟩
sym (⊛-ichg _ f)) ⟨ trans ⟩
⊛-comp _ _ x
propApplicativeMaybe : ∀ {ℓ} → PropApplicative {ℓ} Maybe
propApplicativeMaybe = propMonad→propApplicative propMonadMaybe
propFunctorMaybe : ∀ {ℓ} → PropFunctor {ℓ} Maybe
propFunctorMaybe = propApplicative→propFunctor propApplicativeMaybe
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