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Last active December 14, 2016 03:52
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Type-safe printf in Agda
{-# OPTIONS --termination-depth=2 #-}
module Printf where
open import Algebra.FunctionProperties using (Associative)
open import Data.Char using (Char) renaming (_≟_ to _≟ᶜ_)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; [_]; length)
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; suc)
open import Data.Nat.Show using (show)
open import Data.Product using (Σ; ∃; _,_; ,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.String using (String) renaming (_++_ to _++ˢ_)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality hiding ([_])
open import Relation.Nullary using (yes; no)
module S = Data.String
-- Because Strings are primitive values we need to lean on the `trustMe'
-- escape hatch. All the asserted properties are quite simple; please verify
-- them.
module TrustedKernel where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.TrustMe
-- Any string which is the empty list under toList, must be the empty
-- string.
toList-nil : {s : String} → S.toList s ≡ [] → s ≡ ""
toList-nil p = trustMe
-- Any string which is a cons pair under toList, must be the string of
-- length 1 containing the head char prepended to the rest of the chars as a
-- string.
toList-cons : {c : Char} {cs : List Char} (s : String)
→ S.toList s ≡ c ∷ cs
→ s ≡ S.fromList [ c ] ++ˢ S.fromList cs
toList-cons s p = trustMe
-- Converting from chars to a string and back doesn't change the chars.
to∘from : (cs : List Char) → S.toList (S.fromList cs) ≡ cs
to∘from cs = trustMe
-- (xs ++ ys) ++ zs ≡ xs ++ (ys ++ zs)
++-assoc : Associative _≡_ _++ˢ_
++-assoc x y z = trustMe
open TrustedKernel
-- Value-level representation of types allowed in format strings.
data Type : Set where nat string : Type
-- Convert value level to type level
⟦_⟧ : Type → Set
⟦ nat ⟧ = ℕ
⟦ string ⟧ = String
-- Convert a list of types to a function type
-- ⟦ nat ∷ string ∷ nat ∷ [] ⟧⁺ ≡ ℕ → (String → (ℕ → String))
⟦_⟧⁺ : List Type → Set
⟦ [] ⟧⁺ = String
⟦ x ∷ xs ⟧⁺ = ⟦ x ⟧ → ⟦ xs ⟧⁺
-- Convert the value-level representation to what matches it in a format
-- string.
⟦_⟧ˢ : Type → String
⟦ nat ⟧ˢ = "n"
⟦ string ⟧ˢ = "s"
isType : (c : Char) → Maybe (Σ Type λ τ → S.fromList [ c ] ≡ ⟦ τ ⟧ˢ)
isType c with c ≟ᶜ 'n' | c ≟ᶜ 's'
isType .'n' | yes refl | yes ()
isType .'n' | yes refl | no ¬p = just (nat , refl)
isType .'s' | no ¬p | yes refl = just (string , refl)
isType c | no ¬p | no ¬p₁ = nothing
-- Strings are a primitive type which can't be pattern matched. This type
-- breaks a primitive String up into a List of Chars while maintaining a link
-- back to the original String in its type index.
data CharList : ℕ → String → Set where
[] : CharList 0 ""
_∷_ : ∀ c {n s} → CharList n s → CharList (suc n) (S.fromList [ c ] ++ˢ s)
-- Conversion to CharList.
toList⁺ : ∀ s → CharList (length (S.toList s)) s
toList⁺ s with S.toList s | inspect S.toList s
toList⁺ s | [] | Reveal_is_.[ eq ] =
subst (CharList _) (sym (toList-nil eq)) []
toList⁺ s | c ∷ cs | Reveal_is_.[ eq ] =
subst (CharList _) (sym (toList-cons _ eq)) (c ∷ (go cs))
go : ∀ xs → CharList (length xs) (S.fromList xs)
go [] = []
go (c ∷ cs) = subst (CharList _) (sym prf) (c ∷ (go cs))
where prf = toList-cons (S.fromList (c ∷ cs)) (to∘from (c ∷ cs))
-- An intermediate type, keeping track of where there are splits between
-- wildcard characters (%) and other chars. The non-wildcards are kept as
-- strings.
data Printf : String → List Type → Set where
[] : Printf "" []
lit : ∀ {τs} s {ss} → Printf ss τs → Printf (s ++ˢ ss) τs
var : ∀ τ {τs s} → Printf s τs → Printf ("%" ++ˢ ⟦ τ ⟧ˢ ++ˢ s) (τ ∷ τs)
-- Convert a String to a Printf value; the Type list is only known in the
-- return value.
prepare : ∀ (s : String) → Σ (List Type) (Printf s)
prepare s = go (toList⁺ s)
go-lit : ∀ {ss τs} s → Printf ss τs → Printf (s ++ˢ ss) τs
go-lit s [] = lit s []
go-lit s (lit ss x) = subst₂ Printf (++-assoc s _ _) refl (lit (s ++ˢ ss) x)
go-lit s (var τ x) = lit s (var τ x)
-- Recurse on the list of chars while maintaining the correct String index.
-- Chars are also primitive so we can't pattern match on them either, have
-- to use the clumsy _≟_ function instead.
go : ∀ {n s} → CharList n s → ∃ (Printf s)
go [] = [] , []
go (c ∷ cs) with c ≟ᶜ '%'
go (._ ∷ []) | yes refl = _ , lit "%" []
go (._ ∷ c ∷ cs) | yes refl with isType c
go (._ ∷ c ∷ cs) | yes refl | just (τ , prf) =
, subst₂ Printf p refl (var τ (proj₂ (go cs)))
where p = cong (S._++_ "%") (cong₂ S._++_ (sym prf) refl)
go (._ ∷ c ∷ cs) | yes refl | nothing = , go-lit "%" (proj₂ (go (c ∷ cs)))
go (c ∷ cs) | no ¬p = , go-lit (S.fromList [ c ]) (proj₂ (go cs))
-- Two tricky little functions that prepend a value to the result of a
-- function which can have any number of arguments.
prepend : ∀ {τs} → String → ⟦ τs ⟧⁺ → ⟦ τs ⟧⁺
prepend { []} s xs = s ++ˢ xs
prepend {_ ∷ _} s f = λ x → prepend s (f x)
prepend-fn : ∀ {τ τs} → (⟦ τ ⟧ → String) → ⟦ τs ⟧⁺ → ⟦ τ ∷ τs ⟧⁺
prepend-fn {_} { []} f s = λ x → f x ++ˢ s
prepend-fn {_} {_ ∷ _} f g = λ x → prepend (f x) g
-- Turn a Printf value into an actual function that can be called with ℕ and
-- String values to fill the wildcards.
execute : ∀ {s} → (x : ∃ (Printf s)) → ⟦ proj₁ x ⟧⁺
execute ([] , []) = ""
execute (_ , lit s xs) = prepend s (execute (_ , xs))
execute (._ ∷ τs , var nat xs) = prepend-fn show (execute (_ , xs))
execute (._ ∷ τs , var string xs) = prepend-fn (λ x → x) (execute (_ , xs))
printf : (s : String) → ⟦ proj₁ (prepare s) ⟧⁺
printf = execute ∘ prepare
-- A quick example.
example : ℕ → String → String
example = printf "foo %n bar %s quux"
example-proof : example 10 "abc" ≡ "foo 10 bar abc quux"
example-proof = refl
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