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Created June 17, 2014 01:47
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Unfolds and hylo
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Unfold where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List
data Fold a b = forall x . Fold (x -> a -> x) x (x -> b)
data Pair a b = Pair !a !b
instance Functor (Fold a) where
fmap f (Fold step begin done) =
Fold step begin (f . done)
instance Applicative (Fold a) where
pure x = Fold const x id
Fold stepA beginA doneA <*> Fold stepB beginB doneB =
(\(Pair x y) a -> (Pair (stepA x a) (stepB y a)))
(Pair beginA beginB)
(\(Pair x y) -> doneA x (doneB y))
sumF :: Num a => Fold a a
sumF = Fold (flip (+)) 0 id
fold :: Fold a b -> [a] -> b
fold (Fold step begin done) = done . foldl' step begin
data Unfold a b = forall x. Unfold (x -> Maybe (Pair b x)) (a -> x)
instance Functor (Unfold a) where
fmap f (Unfold step begin) =
Unfold (fmap (\(Pair x y) -> Pair (f x) y) . step) begin
instance Applicative (Unfold a) where
pure x = Unfold (Just . Pair x) (const ())
Unfold stepA beginA <*> Unfold stepB beginB =
(\(Pair x y) -> do
(Pair f x') <- stepA x
(Pair a y') <- stepB y
return (Pair (f a) (Pair x' y')))
(\a -> Pair (beginA a) (beginB a))
unfold :: Unfold a b -> a -> [b]
unfold (Unfold step begin) =
unfoldr (fmap (\(Pair x y) -> (x,y)) . step) . begin
downFrom :: Unfold Int Int
downFrom = Unfold (\n -> if n < 0 then Nothing else Just (Pair n (pred n))) id
hylo :: Unfold a b -> Fold b c -> a -> c
hylo (Unfold stepU beginU) (Fold stepF beginF doneF) = flip go beginF . beginU
go x y = maybe (doneF y) (\(Pair b x') -> go x' (stepF y b)) (stepU x)
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
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