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Created December 21, 2015 23:31
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Retaining parallel semantics in a free monad
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Data.Semigroup
example :: Validation [String] Int Int
example = do
x <- (+) <$> validation ["not even"] even
<*> validation ["not positive"] (0 <)
y <- validation ["not divisible by four"] (\a -> a `mod` 4 == 0)
return (x + y)
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ (\n -> print (n, runValidation example n)) [12, 0, 1, -1, 10]
-- Free Applicative
data FreeA f a = PureA a | forall x. Ap (f x) (FreeA f (x -> a))
liftFreeA :: f a -> FreeA f a
liftFreeA m = Ap m (PureA id)
instance Functor (FreeA f) where
fmap f (PureA x) = PureA (f x)
fmap f (Ap m k) = Ap m (fmap (f .) k)
instance Applicative (FreeA f) where
pure = PureA
PureA f <*> xm = fmap f xm
fm <*> PureA x = fmap ($ x) fm
Ap xm fk <*> am = Ap xm $ flip <$> fk <*> am
-- Free Monad
data FreeM f a = PureM a | StepM (f (FreeM f a))
instance Functor f => Functor (FreeM f) where
fmap f (PureM x) = PureM (f x)
fmap f (StepM m) = StepM (fmap (fmap f) m)
instance Applicative f => Applicative (FreeM f) where
pure = return
PureM f <*> mx = fmap f mx
StepM mf <*> PureM x = StepM (fmap (fmap ($ x)) mf)
StepM mf <*> StepM mx = StepM ((<*>) <$> mf <*> mx) -- use f as Applicative
instance Applicative f => Monad (FreeM f) where
return = PureM
PureM x >>= k = k x
StepM m >>= k = StepM (fmap (>>= k) m)
liftFreeM :: Functor f => f a -> FreeM f a
liftFreeM m = StepM (fmap PureM m)
-- Validation
data VF e b a = VF e (b -> Bool) (b -> a) deriving Functor
type ValidationA e b = FreeA (VF e b)
validationA :: e -> (a -> Bool) -> ValidationA e a a
validationA e p = liftFreeA (VF e p id)
runValidationA :: Semigroup e => ValidationA e b a -> b -> Either e a
runValidationA (PureA x) _ = Right x
runValidationA (Ap (VF e p k) m) x = case runValidationA m x of
Left e' -> Left (if p x then e' else e <> e')
Right f -> if p x then Right (f $ k x) else Left e
type Validation e b = FreeM (FreeA (VF e b)) -- two layers of frees
validation :: e -> (a -> Bool) -> Validation e a a
validation e p = liftFreeM (liftFreeA (VF e p id))
runValidation :: Semigroup e => Validation e b a -> b -> Either e a
runValidation (PureM x) _ = Right x
runValidation (StepM m) x = runValidationA m x >>= flip runValidation x
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