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Created October 25, 2014 22:55
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Clientside pagination in not many lines of code
// If you really need to do pagination clientside (ie. you have
// everything you want to paginate already in the page), then
// with a little jQuery and Underscore it needn't be a big deal.
// Assuming you have a couple of ULs with a bunch of LIs in them
// that you wish to paginate over, let's say one called `users`
// and one called `orders`, then this will do the trick:
(function paginate() {
_.each($("ul.users, ul.orders"), function(ul) {
var $ul = $(ul),
$children = $ul.children("li"),
offset = 0,
perPage = 5;
if ($children.length < perPage) return;
var refresh = function() {
var range = _.range(++offset * perPage, $children.length);
return _.chain($children).map(function(child, i) {
var hide = _.contains(range, i);
$(child)[hide ? "hide" : "show"]();
return hide;
var $more = $("<div>Show more</div>").addClass("more")
.on("click", function() {
!refresh() && $more.hide();
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