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Last active July 4, 2018 04:20
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EOS TEST CAVE - v1.0.8 test on Ubuntu
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/01_wallet ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Create default wallet [OK]
Create wallet with name [OK]
Create and import EOS Key [OK]
Create EOS Key and import to wallet [OK]
Wallet open default wallet [OK]
Wallet open wallet name [OK]
Wallet lock all wallets [OK]
Wallet list for locked wallets [OK]
Are keys list disabled for locked wallets [OK]
Wallet unlock default wallet [OK]
Wallet unlock wallet name [OK]
Wallet list for unlocked wallets [OK]
Check keys list in unlocked wallets (wallet keys) [OK]
Wallet create_key K1 in default wallet [OK]
Wallet create_key K1 in wallet [OK]
Wallet create_key R1 in default wallet [OK]
Wallet create_key R1 in wallet [OK]
Wallet remove_key K1 from default wallet [OK]
Wallet remove_key K1 from wallet [OK]
Wallet remove_key R1 from default wallet [OK]
Wallet remove_key R1 from wallet [OK]
Wallet lock default wallet [OK]
Wallet lock wallet [OK]
Wallet unlock default wallet [OK]
Wallet unlock wallet name [OK]
Wallet private_key check in default wallet [OK]
Wallet private_key check in wallet [OK]
Import eosio key to wallet [OK]
Tests: tests/01_wallet
Time: 1.497944073 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 28/0/28
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/02_contracts ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Deploy eosio.bios contract [OK]
Setprods on eosio [OK]
Create B1 account [OK]
Create system accounts [OK]
Set priv msig [OK]
Deploy eosio.msig contract [OK]
Deploy eosio.token contract [OK]
Create tokens [OK]
Issue tokens [OK]
Deploy eosio.system contract [OK]
Tests: tests/02_contracts
Time: 1.242576914 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 10/0/10
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/03_account ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Get account info [OK]
Create genesisblock account and transfer liquid tokens to it [OK]
Get ABP account info [OK]
Get system accounts info [OK]
Create test account with non-eosio account and transfer liquid tokens [OK]
Create test producer accounts [OK]
Get test producer accounts info [OK]
Resign eosio [OK]
Tests: tests/03_account
Time: 2.601540200 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 8/0/8
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/04_system ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Register producers [OK]
Vote producers [OK]
Change votes and schedule [OK]
Unregister producer A [OK]
List bandwidth [OK]
Sell RAM [OK]
Buy RAM [OK]
Delegate bandwidth [OK]
Un-delegate bandwidth [OK]
Tests: tests/04_system
Time: 10.199591775 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 9/0/9
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/05_transfers ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Distribute tokens [OK]
Tests: tests/05_transfers
Time: 1.834775611 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 1/0/1
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/06_proxy_and_vote ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Register a proxy [OK]
Vote producers (again) [OK]
Approve producer (vote) [OK]
Unapprove producer (vote) [OK]
Vote proxy [OK]
Unregister proxy [OK]
Tests: tests/06_proxy_and_vote
Time: 1.633232626 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 6/0/6
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/07_name_bids ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Bid name [OK]
Bid name 2 [OK]
Bid more on jae name [OK]
Tests: tests/07_name_bids
Time: .417696632 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 3/0/3
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/08_permissions ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Change active key [OK]
Change owner key [OK]
Set custom permission [OK]
Set action permission for transfer [OK]
Use custom permission [OK]
Tests: tests/08_permissions
Time: .342219593 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 5/0/5
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/09_msig ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Create msig account for multisig test [OK]
Import msig account private key in wallet [OK]
Set Multisig Active Permission [OK]
Set Multisig Owner Permission [OK]
Simple Transfer Multi Signature Propose [OK]
Multisig Propose Review [OK]
Multisig Propose Approve sign [OK]
Multisig Propose unapprove sign [OK]
Execute Approved Multisign Transation [OK]
Generate set contract update json data [OK]
Generate contract update propose json [OK]
Contract update propose review (bug - ref_issue [FAILED]
Contract update multisig approve [OK]
Execute Approved Contract Update msig TRX [OK]
Tests: tests/09_msig
Time: 14.693873063 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 13/1/14
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/11_get_requests ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Get block [OK]
Get actions [OK]
Tests: tests/11_get_requests
Time: .094843405 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 2/0/2
╔════════════════════╣ Tests tests/10_claimrewards ╠═══════════════════════════════╗
Claim rewards [FAILED]
Tests: tests/10_claimrewards
Time: 1.821419595 sec
Group Total OK/Failed/Total tests: 0/1/1
β–’ Time: 162.521995943 sec
β–’ Total OK/Failed/Total for all tests: 85/2/87
Contract update propose review (bug - ref_issue:4395) - Failed
Claim rewards - Failed
Balance was not updated
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