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Created January 21, 2019 19:28
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Code for our MyListings Page
import wixData from "wix-data";
import { session } from "wix-storage";
$w.onReady(() => {
$w("#priceSlider").max = 5000000;
$w("#priceSlider").value = 250000;
$w("#yearMax").text = "2019";
$w("#priceMax").text = "$250,000";
$w("#squareFootage").text = "20,000";
if (session.getItem("homeSearch")) {
if (session.getItem("homeSearch").length > 0) {
$w("#searchVal").value = session.getItem("homeSearch");
function loadRepeater() {
$w("#dataset3").onReady(() => {
$w("#repeater3").forEachItem(($item, itemData, index) => {
let description = (itemData.marketingRemarks);
let price = numberWithCommas(itemData.listPrice);
if (description.length > 200) {
description = description.slice(0, 200) + "...";
$item('#text38').text = (itemData.marketingRemarks).slice(0, 200);
$item('#text34').text = price;
if (itemData.totalBaths !== null && itemData.totalBaths !== undefined && itemData.totalBaths !== "") {
$item("#text66").text = (itemData.totalBaths).toString();
} else {
$item("#text66").text = "Ø";
if (itemData.totalBedrooms !== null && itemData.totalBedrooms !== undefined && itemData.totalBedrooms !== "") {
$item("#text65").text = (itemData.totalBedrooms).toString();
} else {
$item("#text65").text = "Ø";
$item("#text67").text = numberWithCommas(itemData.lotSquareFootage);
function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
let lastFilterTitle = "";
let debounceTimer;
let onlyAgent = false;
let onlyOffice = false;
let filteringBy = "city";
let minPrice = 0;
let maxPrice = 250000;
let minBeds = 0;
let maxBeds = 7;
let checkBed = false;
let checkBath = false;
let minBaths = 0;
let maxBaths = 7;
let lotDimensionMax = 20000;
let yearMax = 2019;
let sortType = "entryTimestamp";
let ascend = false;
function filter(title) {
let newFilter = wixData.filter();
let newSort = wixData.sort();
if (filteringBy === "district") {
newFilter = newFilter.contains('schoolDistrict', title);
} else if (filteringBy === "city") {
newFilter = newFilter.contains('city', title);
//Setting the value to only display listings within the office or agnecy. Must change big value per site
if (onlyOffice) { newFilter = newFilter.and(newFilter.contains('officeID', "20140618172727307509000000")); }
//Setting the value to only display listings for an individual agent. Must change big value per site
if (onlyAgent) { newFilter = newFilter.and(newFilter.contains('agentID', "20150625160001727563000000")); }
//Giving constraints to the number of beds both [min] and [max]
if (checkBed) { newFilter = newFilter.and(newFilter.between("totalBedrooms", minBeds, maxBeds)); }
//Giving constraints to the number of baths both [min] and [max]
if (checkBath) { newFilter = newFilter.and(newFilter.between("totalBaths", minBaths, maxBaths)); }
//Giving constraints to the price of the listing both [min] and [max]
newFilter = newFilter.and(newFilter.between("listPrice", minPrice, maxPrice));
//Giving constraints to the dimensions of the listing both [0] and [max]
newFilter = newFilter.and(newFilter.between("lotSquareFootage", 0, lotDimensionMax));
//Giving constraints to the year of the listing both [1990] and [max]
newFilter = newFilter.and(newFilter.between("yearBuilt", 1900, yearMax));
if(ascend){newSort = newSort.ascending(sortType);}else{newSort = newSort.descending(sortType);}
//setting the way we are going to sort
//actually setting the filter to the dataset and then re-loading our repeater
$w('#dataset3').setFilter(newFilter).then(() => {
console.log("beds: " + minBeds + " to " + maxBeds);
console.log("baths: " + minBaths + " to " + maxBaths);
console.log("price: " + minPrice + " to " + maxPrice);
console.log("dimensions: " + 0 + " to " + lotDimensionMax);
console.log("year: " + 1900 + " to " + yearMax);*/
lastFilterTitle = title;
export function searchVal_keyPress(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
if (debounceTimer) {
debounceTimer = undefined;
debounceTimer = setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
export function contentID_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
filteringBy = $w('#contentID').value;
export function checkbox1_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
if ($w('#checkbox1').checked) {
onlyAgent = true;
} else {
onlyAgent = false;
export function checkbox2_change(event) {
if ($w('#checkbox2').checked) { onlyOffice = true; } else { onlyOffice = false; }
export function minBeds_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
checkBed = true;
minBeds = parseInt($w("#minBeds").value, 10);
export function maxBeds_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
checkBed = true;
maxBeds = parseInt($w("#maxBeds").value, 10);
export function minBaths_change_1(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
checkBath = true;
minBaths = parseInt($w("#minBaths").value, 10);
export function maxBaths_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
checkBath = true;
maxBaths = parseInt($w("#maxBaths").value, 10);
export function dimensionSlider_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
lotDimensionMax = parseInt($w("#dimensionSlider").value, 10);
$w("#squareFootage").text = numberWithCommas(lotDimensionMax);
export function priceSlider_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
maxPrice = parseInt($w("#priceSlider").value, 10);
$w("#priceMax").text = "$" + numberWithCommas(maxPrice);
export function yearSlider_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
yearMax = parseInt($w("#yearSlider").value, 10);
$w("#yearMax").text = yearMax.toString(10);
export function sortByFeatures_change(event) {
//Add your code for this event here:
let valSort = $w("#sortByFeatures").value;
if (valSort === "dateOld") {
sortType = "entryTimestamp"
ascend = true;
} else if (valSort === "dateNew") {
sortType = "entryTimestamp";
ascend = false;
} else if (valSort === "priceLow") {
sortType = "listPrice";
ascend = true;
} else if (valSort === "priceHigh") {
sortType = "listPrice";
ascend = false;
} else if (valSort === "sqftSmall") {
sortType = "lotSquareFootage";
ascend = true;
} else if (valSort === "sqftLarge") {
sortType = "lotSquareFootage";
ascend = false;
} else if (valSort === "bedsMost") {
sortType = "totalBedrooms";
ascend = false;
} else if (valSort === "bedsLeast") {
sortType = "totalBedrooms"
ascend = true;
} else if (valSort === "bathsMost") {
sortType = "totalBaths"
ascend = false;
} else if (valSort === "bathsLeast") {
sortType = "totalBaths"
ascend = true;
} else if (valSort === "yearOld") {
sortType = "yearBuilt"
ascend = true;
} else if (valSort === "yearNew") {
sortType = "yearBuilt"
ascend = false;
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