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Created February 20, 2018 16:47
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class LLNode<Key> {
let val: Key
var next: LLNode?
init(val: Key) {
self.val = val
struct Queue<T> {
private var head: LLNode<T>?
private var tail: LLNode<T>?
var isEmpty: Bool {
return head == nil
mutating func enQueue(_ newElement: T) {
let newNode = LLNode(val: newElement)
guard let tail = tail else {
self.head = newNode
self.tail = newNode
} = newNode
self.tail = newNode
mutating func deQueue() -> T? {
guard let oldHead = head else {
return nil
self.head =
if == nil {
self.tail = nil
return oldHead.val
func peek() -> T? {
return self.head?.val
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