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Created October 27, 2021 17:19
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Hacky way to see if the cursor is over a UI element. Useful for detecting whether to do raycasts into the world or not.
static const FString RootName = "SGameLayerManager";
bool IsOverUIElement()
FVector2D CursorPos = FSlateApplication::Get().GetCursorPos();
FWidgetPath WidgetPath = FSlateApplication::Get().LocateWindowUnderMouse( CursorPos, FSlateApplication::Get().GetInteractiveTopLevelWindows() );
if ( WidgetPath.IsValid() )
const FArrangedChildren::FArrangedWidgetArray& AllArrangedWidgets = WidgetPath.Widgets.GetInternalArray();
bool FoundRoot = false;
for ( int32 i = 0; i < WidgetPath.Widgets.Num(); ++i )
FArrangedWidget& ArrangedWidget = WidgetPath.Widgets[ i ];
TSharedRef<SWidget> Widget = ArrangedWidget.Widget;
if ( Widget->GetTypeAsString() == RootName )
// Wait until the next child to return to see if we're over something inside the root
FoundRoot = true;
else if ( FoundRoot )
return true;
return false;
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