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Created September 3, 2010 08:31
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Save benui-dev/563610 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MongoDB, Perl, UTF8: Trying to demonstrate the confusion when using encoding and MongoDB. Not clear what's going on yet.
# I admit I'm not really sure what's going on here
# UTF8 in Perl still confuses the hell out of me
# But i'm not sure what MongoDB is doing or trying to do either
# It seems that it's treating keys and values differently
# Namely, by encoding values and not encoding keys.
# Can anyone suggest what's I *Should* be doing?
# I want to store UTF8 data and get back UTF8 data
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use MongoDB;
use utf8;
my $conn = MongoDB::Connection->new(host => 'unixdeva11', port => 21337);
my $db = $conn->get_database('foo');
my $coll = $db->get_collection('bar');
my $upgrade = "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}";
my $downgrade = "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}";
my $encode = "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}";
my $decode = "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}";
utf8::upgrade( $upgrade ); # convert internal representation from native to utf8
utf8::downgrade( $downgrade ); # convert internal utf8 to octet in native
utf8::encode( $encode ); # ?
utf8::decode( $decode ); # ?
my %insert_data = (
id => 'foo',
upgraded => { $upgrade => $upgrade },
downgraded => { $downgrade => $downgrade },
encoded => { $encode => $encode },
#decoded => { $decode => $decode }, # This causes MongoDB to crash silently
print Dumper(\%insert_data);
# Prints:
# $VAR1 = {
# 'downgraded' => {
# '进口' => '进口'
# },
# 'encoded' => {
# '��' => '��'
# },
# 'upgraded' => {
# "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}" => "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}"
# },
# 'id' => 'foo'
# };
my $result = $coll->update(
{ id => 'foo' },
{ %insert_data },
{ upsert => 1 } # create if non-exist, update if exist
my $data = $coll->find_one(
{ id => 'foo' }
# Look at the mess that comes back :(
print Dumper($data);
# Prints:
#$VAR1 = {
# '_id' => bless( {
# 'value' => '4c80707ce7ed288eb37deabf'
# }, 'MongoDB::OID' ),
# 'downgraded' => {
# '进口' => "\x{8fdb}\x{53e3}"
# },
# 'encoded' => {
# '��' => "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}"
# },
# 'upgraded' => {
# '进口' => "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}"
# },
# 'id' => 'foo'
# };
# So it looks like Upgraded is the one we want?
# The rest are all funged up
foreach my $key ( keys %{ $data->{upgraded} } ) {
my $value = $data->{upgraded}->{$key};
print "$key => $value\n";
print Dumper($key);
print Dumper($value);
# 进口 => 进口
# $VAR1 = '进口';
# $VAR1 = "\x{e8}\x{bf}\x{9b}\x{e5}\x{8f}\x{a3}";
# Have to downgrade the $value so it comes out OK.
# Otherwise it's like double-encoded or something???
utf8::downgrade( $value );
print "$key => $value\n";
print Dumper($key);
print Dumper($value);
# 进口 => 进口
# $VAR1 = '进口';
# $VAR1 = '进口';
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stevan commented Oct 5, 2011

I think you need to add $MongoDB::BSON::utf8_flag_on = 1;

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Wow, how did you come across this year-old Gist? Thanks for the feedback :D
I'll bear it in mind next time I'm in Perl land (this q. was when I was at my previous job).

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stevan commented Oct 5, 2011

Actually I was discussing this issue with Jay Shirley and he linked me here. Actually it seems that won't solve the whole problem, but at least there is a ticket submitted for it.

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amacks commented Apr 8, 2016

Thought you'd be amused to know, this 5 year old discussion on Mongo helped my solve a MySQL issue

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