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Created December 14, 2011 06:06
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Simple Image Pyramid Demo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Image Pyramid Demo</title>
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,height=device-height,initial-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no">
<script src="pyramiddemo.js"></script>
body {
margin: 0;
#toolbar {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
right: 0;
height: 20px;
z-index: 1;
#displayCanvas {
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// A pyramid represents a single source of tiles. Some information is cached to make the rest
// of the code cleaner, such as the level sizes. Each pyramid can provide tiles - one could
// have different implementations of this that return imagery/videos/etc.
var ImagePyramid = function(width, height, tileSize, tileOverlap, border) { = 'p' + (ImagePyramid.nextId_++);
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.tileSize = tileSize || 256;
this.tileOverlap = tileOverlap || 0;
this.border = border || 0;
// Min and max level ranges - currently the first level that fits on a single tile and the max level
// If rendering from a collection minLevel would be the minLevel of that collection
var levelCount = Math.ceil(Math.log(Math.max(width, height)) / Math.LN2) + 1;
this.minLevel = Math.floor(Math.log(tileSize) / Math.LN2);
this.maxLevel = Math.max(0, levelCount - 1);
this.levels = new Array(levelCount);
for (var n = 0; n < levelCount; n++) {
var pow2 = Math.pow(2, levelCount - n - 1);
var pixelWidth = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(width / pow2));
var pixelHeight = Math.max(1, Math.ceil(height / pow2));
this.levels[n] = {
// Size, in pixels, of the level imagery
pixelWidth: pixelWidth,
pixelHeight: pixelHeight,
// Size, in tiles, of the level imagery
tileWidth: Math.ceil(pixelWidth / tileSize),
tileHeight: Math.ceil(pixelHeight / tileSize)
ImagePyramid.nextId_ = 0;
// Computes a tiles dimensions taking into account tile overlap and border
ImagePyramid.prototype.computeTileDimensions = function(level, x, y) {
var levelInfo = this.levels[level];
var tileWidth = this.tileSize;
if (x == 0) {
tileWidth += this.border;
} else {
tileWidth += this.tileOverlap;
if (x == levelInfo.tileWidth - 1) {
tileWidth += this.border;
} else {
tileWidth += this.tileOverlap;
var tileHeight = this.tileSize;
if (y == 0) {
tileHeight += this.border;
} else {
tileHeight += this.tileOverlap;
if (y == levelInfo.tileHeight - 1) {
tileHeight += this.border;
} else {
tileHeight += this.tileOverlap;
return {
width: tileWidth,
height: tileHeight
ImagePyramid.levelColors_ = [
// Gets a tile with alternating color per level with the LOD stamped on it
ImagePyramid.prototype.getTile = function(level, x, y) {
var tileDimensions = this.computeTileDimensions(level, x, y);
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = tileDimensions.width;
canvas.height = tileDimensions.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = ImagePyramid.levelColors_[level % ImagePyramid.levelColors_.length];
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255,255,255)';
ctx.fillText(level + '@' + x + ',' + y, this.tileOverlap, this.tileOverlap + 8);
return canvas;
// Simple LERP for temporal blending
var OpacityTween = function() {
this.value = 0; = 1;
this.startTimestamp = 0;
OpacityTween.duration = 0.250;
OpacityTween.prototype.update = function(timestamp) {
if (!this.startTimestamp) {
this.startTimestamp = timestamp;
return true;
var t = (timestamp - this.startTimestamp) / 1000;
t = Math.min(OpacityTween.duration, t) / OpacityTween.duration;
this.value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t));
return Math.abs( - this.value) > 0.01;
// A single tile entry in the tile cache
var Tile = function(content) {
this.width = content.width;
this.height = content.height;
this.content = content;
this.opacity = new OpacityTween();
// A very simple tile cache that discards all tiles not used in the last frame
// Also manages requesting new tiles each frame by picking the highest priority one
var TileCache = function() {
this.tiles = {};
this.usedTiles = {};
this.animatingTiles = [];
this.requests = [];
TileCache.maxPerFrame = 2;
TileCache.prototype.beginFrame = function(timestamp) {
// Update all opacity tweens, removing them from the animating list if they have completed
for (var n = 0; n < this.animatingTiles.length; n++) {
var tile = this.animatingTiles[n];
if (!tile.opacity.update(timestamp)) {
tile.opacity.value = 1;
this.animatingTiles.splice(n, 1);
return this.animatingTiles.length > 0;
TileCache.prototype.endFrame = function() {
// Swap the maps - effectively drops all unused tiles
this.tiles = this.usedTiles;
this.usedTiles = {};
// Sort and pick the highest priority tile to fetch
var anyRequested = false;
if (this.requests.length) {
this.requests.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.priority - b.priority;
var request = this.requests[0];
var tile = new Tile(request.pyramid.getTile(
request.level, request.x, request.y));
this.tiles[request.key] = tile;
anyRequested = true;
this.requests.length = 0;
return anyRequested;
// Attempt to retrieve a tile from the cache; if not present, queue it
TileCache.prototype.getTile = function(pyramid, level, x, y, priority) {
var key = + '-' + level + '@' + x + ',' + y;
var tile = this.tiles[key];
if (tile) {
this.usedTiles[key] = tile;
return tile;
pyramid: pyramid,
level: level,
x: x,
y: y,
key: key,
priority: priority
return null;
var CanvasRenderer = function(canvas) {
this.canvas = canvas;
this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
CanvasRenderer.prototype.clear = function() {
this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
// Draw a single quad with the given content and opacity at the given bounds with the given source texture coordinates
CanvasRenderer.prototype.drawQuad = function(bounds, content, opacity, texCoords) {
this.ctx.globalAlpha = opacity;
texCoords.x1, texCoords.y1,
texCoords.x2 - texCoords.x1, texCoords.y2 - texCoords.y1,
bounds.x, bounds.y,
bounds.w, bounds.h);
// Magical tile layer stack for emitting vertical slices of the pyramid
var TileStack = function(pyramid, renderer) {
this.pyramid = pyramid;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.layers = new Array(pyramid.levels.length);
for (var n = 0; n < this.layers.length; n++) {
this.layers[n] = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
tile: null,
// Blending opacity (tile opacity and spatial blending)
opacity: 0,
// The size of a tile on the screen
scaledTileSize: 1
// The current index into the layer stack
this.index = -1;
// The first level of detail that has a solid tile
this.firstLevel = 0;
// Pushes a new tile onto the stack
TileStack.prototype.push = function(level, x, y, tile, blendWeight, scaledTileSize) {
this.index = level;
var layer = this.layers[level];
layer.x = x;
layer.y = y;
layer.tile = tile;
layer.opacity = blendWeight * (tile ? tile.opacity.value : 0);
layer.scaledTileSize = scaledTileSize;
if (layer.opacity == 1) {
this.firstLevel = this.index;
// Pops the last tile from the stack
TileStack.prototype.pop = function() {
if (this.firstLevel == this.index) {
// Emits a vertical slice of the pyramid
TileStack.prototype.emit = function(screenBounds) {
var tileSize = this.pyramid.tileSize;
var tileOverlap = this.pyramid.tileOverlap;
var border = this.pyramid.border;
var texCoords = { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 0 };
// Compute the slice region in image space ([0,0]-[1,1])
var topLevel = this.pyramid.levels[this.index];
var topLayer = this.layers[this.index];
var sx = topLayer.x * tileSize / topLevel.pixelWidth;
var sy = topLayer.y * tileSize / topLevel.pixelHeight;
var sw = topLayer.x < topLevel.tileWidth - 1 ? tileSize : topLevel.pixelWidth - (topLayer.x * tileSize);
sw /= topLevel.pixelWidth;
var sh = topLayer.y < topLevel.tileHeight - 1 ? tileSize : topLevel.pixelHeight - (topLayer.y * tileSize);
sh /= topLevel.pixelHeight;
// Compute the slice's position on the screen
var bounds = {
x: screenBounds.x + topLayer.x * topLayer.scaledTileSize,
y: screenBounds.y + topLayer.y * topLayer.scaledTileSize,
w: Math.min(topLayer.scaledTileSize, screenBounds.w - topLayer.x * topLayer.scaledTileSize),
h: Math.min(topLayer.scaledTileSize, screenBounds.h - topLayer.y * topLayer.scaledTileSize)
// Run from the first opaque layer to the current layer
for (var n = this.firstLevel; n <= this.index; n++) {
var levelInfo = this.pyramid.levels[n];
var layer = this.layers[n];
if (!layer.tile) {
// Slice region in level space [0,0]-[level width, level height]
var lx = sx * levelInfo.pixelWidth;
var ly = sy * levelInfo.pixelHeight;
var lw = sw * levelInfo.pixelWidth;
var lh = sh * levelInfo.pixelHeight;
// Texture coordinates in the tile
texCoords.x1 = lx - (layer.x * tileSize);
if (layer.x) {
texCoords.x1 += tileOverlap;
} else {
texCoords.x1 += border;
texCoords.y1 = ly - (layer.y * tileSize);
if (layer.y) {
texCoords.y1 += tileOverlap;
} else {
texCoords.y1 += border;
texCoords.x2 = texCoords.x1 + lw;
texCoords.y2 = texCoords.y1 + lh;
// Draw the quad!
this.renderer.drawQuad(bounds, layer.tile.content, layer.opacity, texCoords);
// An individual item in the scene that references a pyramid
var Item = function(pyramid) {
this.pyramid = pyramid;
this.blurFactor = 1;
// Position in scene space
this.bounds = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: pyramid.width,
h: pyramid.height
// Setup the item for rendering
Item.prototype.prepare = function(tileCache, renderer) {
this.tileCache = tileCache;
this.renderer = renderer;
this.tileStack = new TileStack(this.pyramid, renderer);
// The viewport screen center x,y and scale
// The desired level of detail
// The next level of detail (may == desiredLevel) for spatial blending
// [0-1] blend weight between desiredLevel and nextLevel
// The visible tile regions in each level of detail
this.visibleRegions = new Array(this.pyramid.levels.length);
for (var n = 0; n < this.visibleRegions.length; n++) {
this.visibleRegions[n] = {
l: 0,
t: 0,
r: 0,
b: 0
// Draw an item to the screen
Item.prototype.draw = function(screenSize, viewport, viewportBounds) {
// Get the scene and screen bounds of the item
var sceneBounds = this.bounds;
var screenBounds = {
x: (sceneBounds.x * viewport.scale) - viewport.x,
y: (sceneBounds.y * viewport.scale) - viewport.y,
w: sceneBounds.w * viewport.scale,
h: sceneBounds.h * viewport.scale
// See if the item is off the screen
var offScreen =
screenBounds.x > screenSize.w ||
screenBounds.x + screenBounds.w < 0
screenBounds.y > screenSize.h ||
screenBounds.y + screenBounds.h < 0;
if (offScreen) {
return false;
this.viewportCenterX = screenSize.w / 2;
this.viewportCenterY = screenSize.h / 2;
this.viewportScale = viewport.scale;
// Compute the level of detail and associated values
var minLevel = this.pyramid.minLevel;
var maxLevel = this.pyramid.maxLevel;
var contentArea = this.pyramid.width * this.pyramid.height;
var screenArea = screenBounds.w * screenBounds.h;
screenArea /= (this.blurFactor * this.blurFactor);
var lod = maxLevel - Math.log(contentArea / screenArea) / Math.log(4);
this.desiredLevel = Math.max(minLevel, Math.min(maxLevel, Math.floor(lod)));
this.nextLevel = Math.max(minLevel, Math.min(maxLevel, Math.ceil(lod)));
this.blendFactor = this.nextLevel > this.desiredLevel ? lod - this.desiredLevel : 1;
// Visible region in image space [0,0]-[1,1]
var clipL = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (viewportBounds.x - sceneBounds.x) / sceneBounds.w));
var clipT = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (viewportBounds.y - sceneBounds.y) / sceneBounds.h));
var clipR = Math.max(clipL, Math.min(1, (viewportBounds.x + viewportBounds.w - sceneBounds.x) / sceneBounds.w));
var clipB = Math.max(clipT, Math.min(1, (viewportBounds.y + viewportBounds.h - sceneBounds.y) / sceneBounds.h));
// Compute the visible region, in tiles, for each level of detail
var tileSize = this.pyramid.tileSize;
for (var n = minLevel; n <= maxLevel; n++) {
var levelInfo = this.pyramid.levels[n];
var visibleRegion = this.visibleRegions[n];
visibleRegion.l = Math.max(0, Math.min(levelInfo.tileWidth - 1,
Math.floor(clipL * levelInfo.pixelWidth / tileSize)));
visibleRegion.t = Math.max(0, Math.min(levelInfo.tileHeight - 1,
Math.floor(clipT * levelInfo.pixelHeight / tileSize)));
visibleRegion.r = Math.max(0, Math.min(levelInfo.tileWidth - 1,
Math.floor(clipR * levelInfo.pixelWidth / tileSize)));
visibleRegion.b = Math.max(0, Math.min(levelInfo.tileHeight - 1,
Math.floor(clipB * levelInfo.pixelHeight / tileSize)));
// Recurse down the pyramid
this.recurse(screenBounds, minLevel, 0, 0);
// Process a single tile in the pyramid and either continue walking down or draw it
Item.prototype.recurse = function(screenBounds, level, x, y) {
// Compute the tile priority for foveating - basically level + distance from center
// A lower priority value is a tile that should be fetched earlier
var levelInfo = this.pyramid.levels[level];
var scaledTileSize = Math.min(Math.max(levelInfo.pixelWidth, levelInfo.pixelHeight), this.pyramid.tileSize) *
this.viewportScale * Math.pow(2, this.pyramid.maxLevel - level);
var tileX = screenBounds.x + x * scaledTileSize + scaledTileSize / 2;
var tileY = screenBounds.y + y * scaledTileSize + scaledTileSize / 2;
var distanceToCenter = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(
(tileX - this.viewportCenterX) * (tileX - this.viewportCenterX) +
(tileY - this.viewportCenterY) * (tileY - this.viewportCenterY)));
var priority = level * 4294967296 + Math.min(distanceToCenter, 4294967296);
// Get the tile from the cache (or request it)
var tile = this.tileCache.getTile(this.pyramid, level, x, y, priority);
// Push the tile (if found) onto the tile stack
var blendWeight = (level == this.nextLevel) ? this.blendFactor : 0.99;
this.tileStack.push(level, x, y, tile, blendWeight, scaledTileSize);
// If the tile is present, fully temporally blended, and we aren't at the bottom of the pyramid, keep walking
if (tile && tile.opacity.value == 1 && level < this.nextLevel) {
var nextLevelInfo = this.pyramid.levels[level + 1];
if (nextLevelInfo.tileWidth == 1 && nextLevelInfo.tileHeight == 1) {
// Easy case - single tile level
this.recurse(screenBounds, level + 1, x, y);
} else {
// Recurse down into the 4 child tiles, but only if they are within the visible region
// This is what culls the pyramid as we descend
var visibleRegion = this.visibleRegions[level + 1];
var cx = x * 2;
var cy = y * 2;
if (cx >= visibleRegion.l && cy >= visibleRegion.t &&
cx <= visibleRegion.r && cy <= visibleRegion.b) {
this.recurse(screenBounds, level + 1, cx, cy);
if (cx + 1 >= visibleRegion.l && cy >= visibleRegion.t &&
cx + 1 <= visibleRegion.r && cy <= visibleRegion.b) {
this.recurse(screenBounds, level + 1, cx + 1, cy);
if (cx >= visibleRegion.l && cy + 1 >= visibleRegion.t &&
cx <= visibleRegion.r && cy + 1 <= visibleRegion.b) {
this.recurse(screenBounds, level + 1, cx, cy + 1);
if (cx + 1 >= visibleRegion.l && cy + 1 >= visibleRegion.t &&
cx + 1 <= visibleRegion.r && cy + 1 <= visibleRegion.b) {
this.recurse(screenBounds, level + 1, cx + 1, cy + 1);
} else {
// No coverage in the pyramid? Draw the current stack!
var DemoApp = function() {
var self = this;
this.tileCache = new TileCache();
this.canvas = document.getElementById('displayCanvas');
this.renderer = new CanvasRenderer(this.canvas);
this.items = [];
this.viewport = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
scale: 1
this.dirty = true;
this.requestId = null;
this.boundUpdate = function(timestamp) {
self.requestId = null;
self.update(timestamp ||;
var mouseDown = false;
var lastMouseX = 0;
var lastMouseY = 0;
var startingScale = 1;
function addMultiEventListeners(target, names, callback) {
for (var n = 0; n < names.length; n++) {
target.addEventListener(names[n], callback, false);
addMultiEventListeners(this.canvas, ['mousedown', 'touchstart'], function(e) {
mouseDown = true;
lastMouseX = e.pageX;
lastMouseY = e.pageY;
startingScale = self.viewport.scale; = 'pointer';
addMultiEventListeners(this.canvas, ['mouseup', 'mouseout', 'touchend', 'touchcancel'], function(e) {
mouseDown = false; = '';
addMultiEventListeners(this.canvas, ['mousemove', 'touchmove'], function(e) {
if (mouseDown) {
var dx = e.pageX - lastMouseX;
var dy = e.pageY - lastMouseY;
lastMouseX = e.pageX;
lastMouseY = e.pageY;
if (e.touches && e.touches.length > 1) {
var newScale = e.scale * startingScale;
self.zoomAroundPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY, newScale);
} else {
self.viewport.x -= dx;
self.viewport.y -= dy;
addMultiEventListeners(this.canvas, ['mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll'], function(e) {
var z = 0;
if (e.wheelDelta !== undefined) {
z = e.wheelDelta / 120;
} else if (e.detail !== undefined) {
z = -e.detail / 3;
var newScale = self.viewport.scale;
if (z > 0) {
newScale *= 1.5;
} else {
newScale /= 1.5;
self.zoomAroundPoint(e.pageX, e.pageY, newScale);
function resize() {
self.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
self.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
window.addEventListener('resize', resize, false);
window.addEventListener('orientationchange', resize, false);
DemoApp.prototype.addItem = function(item) {
item.prepare(this.tileCache, this.renderer);
DemoApp.prototype.update = function(timestamp) {
var updating = this.dirty;
this.dirty = false;
updating = this.tileCache.beginFrame(timestamp) || updating;
var screenSize = {
w: this.canvas.width,
h: this.canvas.height
var viewportBounds = {
x: this.viewport.x / this.viewport.scale,
y: this.viewport.y / this.viewport.scale,
w: screenSize.w / this.viewport.scale,
h: screenSize.h / this.viewport.scale
for (var n = 0; n < this.items.length; n++) {
var item = this.items[n];
updating = item.draw(screenSize, this.viewport, viewportBounds) || updating;
updating = this.tileCache.endFrame() || updating;
if (updating) {
DemoApp.prototype.requestAnimationFrame = function(dirty) {
if (dirty) {
this.dirty = true;
if (this.requestId !== null) {
if (window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame) {
this.requestId = window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(this.boundUpdate, this.canvas);
} else if (window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) {
this.requestId = window.mozRequestAnimationFrame(this.boundUpdate);
} else {
this.requestId = window.setTimeout(this.boundUpdate, 16);
DemoApp.prototype.zoomAroundPoint = function(x, y, scale) {
var ox = (this.viewport.x + x) / this.viewport.scale;
var oy = (this.viewport.y + y) / this.viewport.scale;
var nx = (this.viewport.x + x) / scale;
var ny = (this.viewport.y + y) / scale;
this.viewport.x -= (nx - ox) * scale;
this.viewport.y -= (ny - oy) * scale;
this.viewport.scale = scale;
var demo;
function initDemo() {
demo = new DemoApp();
//var pyramid = new ImagePyramid(128 * 1024 * 1024, 128 * 1024 * 1024, 254, 1, 0);
//var pyramid = new ImagePyramid(16 * 1024, 16 * 1024, 510, 1, 0);
var pyramid = new ImagePyramid(2147483648, 2147483648, 256, 0, 0);
//var pyramid = new ImagePyramid(16 * 1024, 16 * 1024, 256, 0, 0);
var item = new Item(pyramid);
demo.viewport.scale = demo.canvas.width < demo.canvas.height ?
demo.canvas.width / item.bounds.w :
demo.canvas.height / item.bounds.h;
function bias(value) {
for (var n = 0; n < demo.items.length; n++) {
demo.items[n].blurFactor = value;
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