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Created December 9, 2024 02:44
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Quick and very dirty perl script to dump the Bluesky moderation service websocket
# to run this you will need to be on a *nix system (or Windows with Strawberry Perl but no guarantees)
# you will have to install Mojolicious, IO::Socket::SSL and CBOR::XS (cpanm Mojolicious IO::Socket::SSL CBOR::XS)
# run the script and wait. Some of the output may be duplicated because this is just my little test script.
use v5.36;
use feature 'signatures';
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::Util qw/dumper/;
use Mojo::UserAgent qw//;
use CBOR::XS qw//;
use Mojo::File qw/path/;
use Mojo::JSON qw/encode_json/;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $cbor = CBOR::XS->new;
$CBOR::XS::FILTER{42} = sub($tag, $value) {
return 'DAGCBOR CID: ' . $value;
my $did_pds_cache = {};
sub print_label($label) {
print encode_json($label), "\n";
$ua->websocket('wss://' => sub($ua, $tx) {
$tx->on(finish => sub($tx, $code, $reason) {
print "Websocket finished with code $code, reason $reason\n";
$tx->on(binary => sub($tx, $bytes) {
# this is a single websocket message/frame situation; a single frame can contain multiple
# cbor values, it seems. The only one we're interested in has a 'labels' key
while(length($bytes)) {
my ($d, $l) = $cbor->decode_prefix($bytes);
substr($bytes, 0, $l, '');
if(exists($d->{labels})) {
# labels is an arrayref of labeling actions, 'src' is the did of the labeling service that
# provided it which, well, kind of useless since we're tapping
foreach my $label (@{$d->{labels}}) {
$label->{seq} = $d->{seq}; # transport that
# for the sheets and the giggles grab the PDS too
my $did;
if($label->{uri} =~ /^did:plc/) {
$did = $label->{uri};
} elsif($label->{uri} =~ m{at://(.*?)\/.*}) {
$did = $1;
if(defined($did)) {
$label->{did} = $did;
if(defined($did_pds_cache->{$label->{did}})) {
$label->{pds} = $did_pds_cache->{$label->{did}};
} else {
$ua->get('' . $label->{did} => sub($ua, $tx) {
my $res = $tx->result;
foreach my $svc (@{$res->json('/service')}) {
next unless $svc->{id} eq '#atproto_pds';
$label->{pds} = $svc->{serviceEndpoint};
$did_pds_cache->{$label->{did}} = $svc->{serviceEndpoint};
$label->{pds} ||= '--UNKNOWN--';
} else {
$label->{did} = $label->{pds} = '--UNKNOWN--';
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